Ch. 33

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Hey guys! I know it's been crazy long since I updated normally for you guys, and I am sorry!

But thank you for all your support, votes, and comments!


The blonde slammed into the stranger full force- knocking them both to the ground and wasting time she really didn't have. The stranger was groaning in pain, but she knew first hand worse injuries were about to happen if she didn't keep moving. She'd learned that enough times by now, at least she hoped so.

Of course, every warning left her head when she got a good look at the other person's face. Boomer, she swallowed thickly. What was he doing here? It was a pointless question, but she really didn't want to believe he'd followed her there. And she was also rather pressed for time.

Glancing behind her, she made a quick decision. Snatching her old rival's hand, she yanked him off the ground and began dragging him with her as she hastily ran.

''Bubb- Lily, what-'' Boomer struggled to ask as she lead him through alleys, side streets, and all over- as if the devil himself was chasing them.

And to think, he'd only just arrived thirty minutes ago.


Blossom stared at her father through the glass wall. He couldn't see her, but her eyes took in every gray hair on his head and dark ring around his eyes that she had helped cause. Brick and Butch were leaving the room, but she stayed still- not even her eyes moving.

Her thoughts kept circling back to her sisters and her father in front of her. Bubbles had mentioned how they almost caught her several times, what if they had caught her now? Blossom had no way of knowing, and she couldn't go look for her- not without risking Buttercup's life even more.

She'd wondered if Boomer cared enough about Bubbles to break down and search through her things for any kind of hint to where her blonde sister was.

And he did, he did exactly what Blossom needed him to do. Find her terrified little sister- and bring her back.

Everything was out of hand, she had to lay her cards down now and hope that the timing was right. There was no other option now- she'd spent the past years avoiding any risks but now she had to risk it all in hopes everything could turn out okay.

The monsters the PowerPuff Girls had been running from were out, and they had Buttercup and a proposition for Blossom. They wanted all three sisters back in the City of Townsville, and soon.

But why?

Brick and Butch stood next to her for a quiet moment, not willing to snap her out of it yet. That was okay, she could do that herself. She was the one who'd called her sisters back in the first place, over the threat of what could happen if the RowdyRuffs found out they were alive. And she'd ruined that too.

But her sisters were right, it was time to undo her past decisions- very bad decisions- even if they had been for everyone's safety. Perhaps things could've been different had she chose differently... but they had been kids still, and unstoppable so no one would've thought they needed help.

Brick knew most of it now, and she wasn't sure just how much Buttercup had told Butch- but she was sure he knew at least enough for now. And then Bubbles should have enough time to tell Boomer the rest that Blossom had decided to not inform him of.

''We need to go somewhere, but it should just be me and Brick,'' the red haired girl said in a low voice, not taking her eyes from the reflection looking back at her.

''What am I supposed to do?" Butch asked in a sharp tone.

Blossom put a hand on Brick's arm to stop him from saying something that would get them nowhere. She glanced up and down the hallway, noting the emptiness.

''Every one of us are breathing with targets on our backs, do you really think my father should be left in a forsaken mental institute alone? The people who took Buttercup know how to kill off people when everyone's looking.''

He wasn't happy, but Blossom needed him there with the Professor. ''We'll be gone a few hours tops,'' she reasoned.

The dark haired ruff grunted an agreement, and went back inside the glass room to sit with the older mad.

''This isn't going to be some kind of social call, is it?" Brick asked her, his eyes following his brother.

''By the end of it, you'll prefer if it was,'' she promised.


''You want all of us? Come get us,'' she snarled,''The PowerPuff Girls love to fight.'' She spat out more blood on the ground with her threat.

Her dark hair was thankfully short enough to not be a problem with all the blood streaming down her face, but she'd also had worse than this before. She'd be just fine.

''But wait, you want all of us right?'' Buttercup's mouth twisted into a vicious smile. ''My sisters won't come back for a corpse- you want to wait to kill me. Don't you?"

She was talking to the darkness around her, but she knew they were listening. They always were. Now her sisters just had to not do anything too stupid until she escaped.


I've already started the next couple chapters, so they'll be out soon!!

Thanks for reading!!


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