Ch. 2

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Yay, onto chapter 2!! Instead of updating just on the weekends, I'll be trying to update on the weekdays as well. Mostly because I have so many stories to update.

This chapter is dedicated to Levy563

Thank you for all your support!! :)


''Did Rose seem familiar to you guys?" Boomer questioned, once the brothers were left alone again. 

The red-haired maid refused to leave any of their thoughts, but only because they had a nagging feeling in the back of their heads.

''Well, she had pink eyes- she probably just reminded us of...'' Butch trailed off, knowing better than to say her name.

It was like that with all three of them: Butch refused to hear the ravenette's name, Brick wouldn't let anyone say the red haired's name without a punch to the face, and Boomer hated to hear the blonde's name.

Their greatest rivals, the PowerPuff Girls. The girls that they had fought and tried to defeat since they were kids- and captivated their every thought. Even when they were long gone, and most likely dead.

The boys didn't exactly mourn, but to say they weren't affected would be a lie. They had become more dangerous, with no one to stand in their way. And just a little lonely, the only people who could understand them evenly partially were gone.

''Whatever the reason, we'll find out,'' Brick muttered, taking a sip of his soda and staring blankly out the window from his chair. ''She'll be working for us, so might as well find out what we can.''

Boomer shrugged,''It'll be easier now that we control a large portion of the world, so many things at our disposal.''

''Him and Mojo won't get in our way either, considering they're still so proud of their boys,'' Butch said the last part in a fake motherly tone, that they had heard from both parents for years.

Boomer rolled his eyes,''Everyone knows better than to get in the RowdyRuff Boys way.''


Rose sighed, setting the phone back on the wall. Contacting her sisters was not something that was easy, considering they'd each gone their separate ways only too long ago. But they did still have ways to get in touch.

The PowerPuff Girls had watched over the past years, as villains conquered the world and slowly forgot their existence. Yet they still stayed under the radar.

''Buttercup and Bubbles aren't the only ones who need to be careful,'' the red haired girl murmured to herself,''I'm working for some of the worst villains now.''

She thought back to the mansion she had left only earlier that day, her mind was stuck on the RowdyRuff Boys behavior. They had always been mean and jerks, but never as cold and uncaring as they now were.

Blossom found her thoughts trained on Brick. He just sat in his chair like it was a throne, and looked at her calculatingly or stared out the window like he was anywhere but there at that moment. His hair had gotten longer and was still in a ponytail with his red hat, his red eyes hadn't changed except for their expressions. But what disturbed her most, was that she had found him attractive.

Shaking her head from those thoughts, Rose sat on her kitchen counter that was only a few feet in front of the fridge and started tossing play darts with sticky ends on them at the fridge.

The PowerPuff Girls are dead, she thought without any feeling of regret, only sadness and fear.


I'm so sorry it took so long to update, I've been a bit busy. Also sorry it's kinda short :(

I hope you like it so far! Please:



Tell me what you think!!

:)Have a lovely day!!~ LanonaWalker

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