Ch. 36

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I don't know why I added that old lady in the last chapter, but I'm not changing it now lol.

Here ya go! Hope you enjoy!


''It was the poem," Bubbles insisted, knowing she sounded like a crazy person. But it was Boomer. If anyone would listen, it had to be him.

''What poem- Bubbles you're not any making sense!" Boomer groaned, running his hands through his hair. They'd been at this for several minutes already, and seemed to be getting no where. It was like she'd completely forgotten how to explain things to other human beings.

Bubbles let out a growl, fisted her hands in his hair and yanked him down to eye-level. His face less than an inch from her own. ''You're not listening!"

''Then make me listen!"

''That doesn't make any sense!"

''It never does with you!"

''We're acting like Buttercup and Butch!" Bubbles fought sudden urge to giggle once she realized the words she'd just said were very, very true. She could tell Boomer was fighting a small smile too. It hit her like a ton of bricks, she had to tell him.

She couldn't look at him and play games again, not like she did when she saw him a few weeks ago...she wanted him to see her and for him to know.

Grabbing him by the arm she dragged him to a side street and did a perimeter check- no one was there but them.

Boomer leaned against a wall across from her, watching her with hooded eyes. She was going to say something, he knew it- he didn't know if he'd like it or not. Just that she was going to explode like Bubbles sometimes did.

'' to leave messages, the people that took Buttercup,'' Bubbles tried to think of a way to explain things without breaking the rules. But he stayed quiet for a moment.

Boomer searched her eyes, before quietly asking,''Was the poem a message? You seemed scared when you brought it up.''

She hesitated. ''Yes, it was.''

He inhaled, readying himself,''What'd it say Bubbles?"

She stayed silent. She wasn't going to tell him that- she wasn't even planning to tell her sisters about it.

His expression darkened,''Is this a game where I have to ask the right questions and you only answer those?"

She thought for a moment, before nodding mutely. It was one way to make sure he didn't find out too much, the rules would only be slightly bent that way.

''If they are with Buttercup, they can't be here at the same time- you're in a different continent.'' Boomer shook his head.

''Think of them like leeches- once they taste you, they fight and chase after you to suck you dry,'' Bubbles said darkly. ''Believe me, they can be everywhere at once.''


Buttercup hissed at the pain on her face- the gashes would leave a wicked scar but weren't deep enough to make her lose a lot of blood. Thankfully.

But no doubt  it'd be worse before the day was over- or maybe it was night?

Either way she knew two things: Her sisters were still alive and coming, because if she was being held as hostage- that meant they wanted something from the other sisters. For them to witness her death. And the second thing, that she had to escape within the next 24 hours otherwise it'd be too late.

They'd sent her the warnings and messages- to threaten and scare her.

She had been the first on their list.

And she was going to show them what a mistake it was to try and take her out of the game- especially if her sisters were still playing.

''I made Blossom a deal,'' Buttercup whispered to herself, clenching her hand into a fist, despite the pain that flared up her arm at the action. She was in rough shape, but she'd been in rougher before- and so had her sisters.

They'd get through this together- even if they were apart.

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