Ch. 10

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(I wanted to write some more of this story, before getting into the Blossick book.)


And by 'party'....

you guys should know I mean being alone in a dark corner reading fanfiction.....

Have fun reading!!! <3

Thank you PrincessisabellaEwek

and MissBossy333

P.S.      With A Smile  is the short Boomubbles story, it has been published on my profile.

After it, will be Blossick and then....



''Maybe we should hire her sister and friend?" Boomer mumbled, staring at the ceiling as his brothers played chess on the other couch.

''Considering that we all made it obvious that we suspect them as the PowerPuffs, I wouldn't be surprised if Rose quit working for us...'' Butch responded.

''You guys really think she would quit, when she is able to keep an eye on us? Working for us, gives her- and the other two- a ton of opportunities and options,'' Brick said, not even bothering to look up from the chess board.

His brothers blinked at him, they hadn't quite thought of that...

''Figures you of all people would know how her brain works,'' Boomer muttered, eyeing the red head.

Brick looked up sharply,''If I knew how her thoughts worked- we would know why they disappeared, same as you guys with the other two.''

Butch grumbled looking away,''I don't even wanna know how Buttercup's thoughts work-'' he shuddered,''she probably has thought of every single way to kill me...''

Boomer snickered,''Case of tough love?"

Butch scowled, before promptly sending lasers at his brother- hitting the soda can in his hands, and turning it to dust.

''Great, now we gotta vacuum that- or get Brick's girlfriend to do it.'' Boomer held up his hands in surrender when Brick snapped his head in his direction, with his eyes glowing- ready to laser through him. ''Or not...''

''We need a way to find out for sure, if they are the PPG,'' Brick mused, standing up to walk over to their wall of newspaper clippings of anything to do with the PowerPuff Girls.

''You mean if they were the PowerPuffs,'' Butch said,''I don't think that they still see themselves as superheroes anymore...''

''Butch is right,'' Boomer agreed,''they seem to have left that part of their lives completely behind.''

''No,'' Brick snapped, spinning around to face his brothers,''Blossom would never just leave the city to stop being a hero- and neither would Buttercup or Bubbles. You guys know this! They would never just stop being heroes, we're talking about the three goody-two-shoes that would never do anything wrong.''

Boomer nodded his head thinking about it, it was true he couldn't picture Bubbles as Lily. The innocent bubbly girl as a conniving, annoying, and independent chick? Yeah, no. But he just couldn't get the idea out of his head, no matter how hard he tried.

Butch on the other hand, was just ready to beg Betty- or Liana, as she had informed him was her real name, to be Buttercup. He liked her too much for his own good, that was for sure.

Brick glared at the two, but before he could say a word his phone rang.

It was silent for a moment, until Boomer broke it,''Isn't that Rose's ring tone?"

''SHUT UP!!!" Brick roared, before quickly answering the phone,''Hello?" He spoke much nicer to her than his brothers, almost in a cooing voice.

''Bri- I mean, sir... I um, my friend and sister need jobs... and I was.... er,'' she paused, taking a breath,''wondering if you had any job options open for them...?"

''YES!!" He said a little too excitedly, before coughing to cover it up quickly,''I mean, yes- we have some options open for both of them."

He did hand signals to his brothers, hoping they'd catch on.... but they seemed to think it was a game of charades.

''FISH!!" Boomer shouted.

Butch shoved him,''No way, idiot- IT'S A PLANE!!!"

This went on for a couple more seconds, before Brick politely hung up on Rose and yelled at them to shut up.

''We're getting Liana and Lily as employees too,'' Brick informed them, glancing at their PowerPuff things around the room.

''Should we... y'know hide this stuff? So we're not like...stalkers?" Boomer asked nervously.

Butch snorted,''Of course not! Rose and Liana already know about it- they just didn't see all of it. And it's exactly what they're looking for, isn't it?"

''Assuming we're right about them, yes.'' Brick answered, without looking up from the picture of a younger him and Blossom fighting in the city.

''What do we have to loose?" Boomer rolled his eyes.

''Nothing,'' Brick said,''But they might.''

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