Ch. 29

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Thank you Shaqueque52

and MelodyQueen28

ALRIGHT PEOPLES, LISTEN UP!! The ending of this story might not be *happy*, but I will do my best to make it satisfying.

ALSO: Crap is getting real in this story, so you've probably noticed by now (At least I hope so) that this is not my normal happy fanfics.


Blossom didn't even bother to wipe away the tears that streaked down her cheeks. She hated the tears that wouldn't stop coming. She hated Brick for caring about her when she'd made everyone believe she was dead and nothing for years. She hated Brick for wanting to save her and look more into what happened to her.

But she didn't really. She hated herself for not hiding the truth better- for making him want to find out more. But she knew very well what would happen to him if he continued- if he went looking for things better left alone.

But it was Brick.

She couldn't leave things the way they were, so she'd planned to talk to him again. But instead she caught him sneaking back into the house a couple hours later- no doubt after trying to find more hints and clues.

''You don't have to find out everything that happened to the Powerpuffs, Brick- just leave it as it is,'' she tried to sound calm, but even she could hear the begging in her voice.

He startled, facing her with a look that spoke multiple emotions at once.

It was silent for a moment, before he finally replied quietly,''It's not the same when it's you, Bloss.''

She looked up at the ceiling in frustration,''You know enough- enough to keep you alive and safe right now. Sometimes you just need to settle for enough, Brick.''

''Your enough, isn't my enough.''

''Are you really gonna try and argue with me on this?'' She glared at him, hard,''I'm the one who beat your thieving butt once a week when we were younger, and I'm the one who made the calls to protect the whole city and my sisters! Don't you dare. Argue with me.''

Pink eyes turned red with lasers that didn't shoot out- yet. She had control over them better than Buttercup or Bubbles. But the threat and anger were still there.

Brick laughed, he couldn't help it.

She huffed, her cheeks puffing out in annoyance. Her anger and frustration was amusing to him? How amusing would it be when she-

''I'm...sorry!'' Brick gasped between laughs,''But it's good to see you haven't completely grown up.''

Her mouth dropped, that might've been meant as a compliment- but it sure didn't sound like one at the moment. ''Did you just call me immature?''

Brick froze, his eyes showing his growing panic. Blossom Utonium had changed- but in some ways she was still the same. He tried to explain that was what he'd meant, but the lasers were already shooting.


Bubbles remembered more than she wanted to sometimes. The Professor's face when he found the false remains of his daughters- the same ones that the girls had planted so he wouldn't keep looking for them. They'd taken turns watching him on and off for three days afterwards- right before they came to the decision to run away and not look back.

But that was exactly what they'd been doing for five years- running and looking over their shoulders every two steps.

She should've realized sooner that they could never get far enough away. After all, she couldn't even escape her nightmares about her last night as a PowerPuff Girl.

The phone call had made sure she couldn't sleep at night, had made sure she immediately left and went as far as she could. And even made her send an email to her sisters.

They'd once thought it was for the better that they were apart with nothing linking the other...but Bubbles remembered all the times that she only her sisters with her in fights against villains. They'd worked like three parts of a whole- together.

That night had made sure none of them would heal- but maybe they needed each other to heal. Just maybe it wasn't already too late.


The blondes' feet stalled as she glanced down at the new phone in her hands. A text message- with just two pictures.

An image of Blossom, five years ago- covered in blood. Taken from that awful night, her eyes wide with tears and fear.

Bubbles shut her eyes, she remembered the rest. Blossom's face all throughout and after, Buttercup's too.

''Roses are stained with blood,'' she murmured, taking a shaky breath before looking at the last picture.

Buttercup, from a few days ago, with three dark red gashes running on the left side of her face from the cheekbone to her chin.

The phone fell through her fingers, shattering on the ground.

But she was already running.

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