Ch. 26

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To update you guys:

- my novel is going very well- I'm still writing and revising it (those who don't know I'm planning on selfpublishing a scifi novel sometime this year or early 2019).

- my poetry collection is getting ready for selfpublishing (I'm going back over the grammar etc.)

- and The Girls Are All Grown Up and The Fastest Girl will be the fanfictions I focus on right now (sorry, Linh Vacker fans). Once they are done I can get to my other fanfics...

Thank you MeanEmeraldGreen

As thanks, here's a chapter with mostly Butchercup ;)


''You're just gonna hide some more? That's your plan?" Butch asked incredulously.

''And what's your plan? To stalk me some more?" Buttercup retorted, crossing her arms as she scowled at him.

''Well it sounds better than your idea.''

''What would you know, Butch?" She snapped.

''That you're itching for a fight, a fight you've been waiting years for,'' Butch came closer to her, leaning closer to her face.

''We both know I could kick your butt any day,'' she said, but she didn't move away.

''I didn't say you couldn't.''

She could feel her cheeks heating up, and she really hoped it was to dark for him to notice. ''Then what are you saying?"

''Just let me help for once woman!'' He groaned, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

''Where would the fun be in that?" Buttercup muttered to herself as she watched him.

''Well it would be considerably more fun than wasting away and trying to hide,'' he said, glancing at her.

She could feel her eye twitch, right before she launched herself at him- her fist ready to hit his face. But he easily dodged.

And they went back and forth, attacking and dodging.

Butch laid face down on the ground, groaning from where Buttercup had kicked him in the head. Though she herself had no remorse, standing right next to him and nudging him with her foot.

''Told you I could beat your butt any day,'' she said smugly, crossing her arms in triumph.

''How do your powers even still work after not using them for years?" Butch asked, sitting up slowly and rubbing his face with one of his hands.

She faltered for a moment,''Uh....''

He smirked, snapping his fingers in front of her face a few times to get her attention,''Butter?"

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