Ch. 38

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Bear with me while I blow up your notifications with updates.

Sorry I didn't respond to comments sooner, it's been a bit of adjustment for me still getting back on here and getting the chapters ready and finished.

While you guys read and enjoy, I've got some comments and messages to respond too!

Hope you enjoy <3

I missed you guys so much and can't thank you enough for all your kindness and standing by me while I tried to pick my pieces back up.

This is all thanks to you guys 



Dracy spoke with a mostly blank face, only cracking once to glance at her ex-friend. ''I met Scarlet on the streets when I was on a business trip and she was on the run.'' She gave a theatrical sigh, studying her nails, ''Long story short, we became friends and she stayed with my group for almost a year.''

She paused to blow a bubble from her gum, making Brick's eye twitch again.

'' two were like partners in crime?" He asked in disbelief, glancing back and forth between the two.

Blossom opened her mouth but then closed it.

 Dracy's eyes cut to her in a sharp glance before responding, ''In a way, I guess. But Scarlet- or whatever you want to call her- has a strong moral code she doesn't like to break.''

She popped another bubble before adding, ''Until she shot me that is.''

Blossom exhaled sharply, ''Brick, Dracy was a friend that helped me out and I helped out a few times as well, and by helping I mean that I did sometimes have to help with... illegal matters. And the getting shot part was unintentional.''

''Still a bullet wound, Scarlet!"

''Oh, would you just let it go already! You were fine-- it was barely a scratch!!"

''How would you like a little scratch right now?!"

''Bring it!''

Brick looked back and forth between the two in disbelief, just what the hell was happening here?

''Ladies!!'' He interrupted before the cat fight could start, which he knew without a doubt his feral redhead would win. No contest.

If there was one thing he knew about this new grown up Blossom he was getting used too, it was that she wouldn't go down without fighting and getting dirty if she had to. She might blame herself and think herself a coward, but he'd never seen someone stronger than the Puffs as they were now.

Having gone through hell without each other, but for each other still, they were stronger than they'd ever been as the supposed untouchable child superheroes in his eyes.

''We have a tight schedule, could we get this going now?" Brick crossed his arms, ''Buttercup can't hold on forever.''

Blossom flinched at her sister's name, but turned away at the last second.

Dracy titled her head at him, ''I don't care who this 'Buttercup' is, but I do know that Scarlet wouldn't have come back here if there was no other option.'' She gave Blossom a pointed look.

Blossom rubbed her temples as if agitated, ''I know that it doesn't make sense right now, but it's... a large puzzle and some pieces can't fit until others are seen. Okay?"

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