Ch. 30

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Thank you MizukiClearwater

and CrazyAnimeGurlXD

You guys are awesome!!

On side note: I've been seeing a lot of things about WattCon, and it's safe to say I'm not going.

No way am I going all the way to New York (do you know how expensive it is there and back- not to mention money for a hotel and food when you're there!) for a day or two.


It wasn't hard for Boomer to get a hold of Blossom's phone. It wasn't hard to hack it. It was hard to decode the strange email she received, but he hoped it be worth it. It was also hard not telling his brothers about what he was doing. 

But it was the only way. While the girls did each care for each other, they weren't going to seek each other out to put each other in harms way of whatever they were all running from. Butch was focused on Buttercup, and Brick was focused on Blossom. His brothers had their girls- for the most part. But Bubbles was gone- and there was no progress being made on helping her.

Blossom had left early enough that Boomer knew she hadn't seen the email yet, so he could easily delete it as well.

But now he had an idea of where to look for Bubbles. He wouldn't let her get away this time, not after he'd looked for her so long. Not after he'd gone years without being able to laugh or talk to her like he used to- when their siblings were fighting and they were the only ones who didn't want too.

Bubbles Utonium might have grown up quite a bit, but he knew the giggling girl that cared with everything she was was still there. He'd seen it in her eyes sometimes when she thought no one was looking as she watched her sisters.

And he was sure that was why she left only a few weeks ago, and all those years before too.

For her sisters.


Half the wall crumbled away under Butch's fist when he punched it. But he didn't care. He'd had her back, for a short time at least. She'd stayed in the city, and they had met up at a cafe a few times to eat and talk. He let her pick when and where.

He'd noticed she hadn't contacted in awhile, he'd noticed several odd things but brushed them off over the past few days. But here he was taking his anger out on a old building that had done nothing wrong- besides the words that had been spray painted on it. 

Words that Blossom had screamed at when she saw, and were right above where Buttercup's backpack was laying on the ground. In a small puddle of her blood.

Brick and Blossom had long since scoured within a five mile radius but found nothing that showed where Buttercup was. They'd left Butch to stare at the spot that Buttercup had last been. Maybe even where she took her last breath.

His fist was bleeding, but he just clenched his hand and swung it again. She'd been scared since she came back to the city, so scared she wanted to stay away from her sisters if it meant they'd be safer. If it meant whoever it was got to her first.

He hadn't considered someone was chasing them down like this, but the evidence was there. Along with other notes and threats in Buttercup's backpack- like the one he'd seen Blossom have not too long ago.

She used to pretend fear wasn't real, Butch thought, his grip loosening. Of course that'd been because her sisters were easily scared when they were younger.

He was ten years old again, staring up at a green eyed girl smirking at her sisters as she proved she could take monsters on- and so could they. They could take anything on- as long as they were together.

The dark haired boy closed his eyes tight against the tears streaming down his face. He'd outgrown being a villain when the girl he liked and had always wanted to impress went missing. And now he couldn't even be a hero for her when she'd needed it.


Brick watched his brother for along silent moment, clenching his own fist when he saw Butch's expression. He imagined if they're roles were reversed. If it was Blossom in Buttercup's place now.

The red head approached his brother silently and put a hand on his shoulder.

Green eyes glared at sad red eyes.

''There's not enough blood to mean she died here,'' Brick forced every emotion aside except anger and determination. He wouldn't let this happen to Blossom if he could help it, and someone had hurt someone very close to his brother. ''She's most likely being held somewhere or running and hiding as best she can.''

Butch's jaw tightened,''Someone's trying to kill them-''

Brick didn't let his brother finish,''So we make them pay for messing with the PowerPuff Girls- we show them that the RowdyRuffs don't play nice either.''

Butch stared at him, his voice was hard and cold- but his eyes could've been on fire they were so intense. He gave a harsh smile,''Agreed.''

''Let's show 'em hell.''


Hope you enjoyed!!


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