Ch. 15

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To recap:

- The RRB know that the Rose (Blossom), Lily (Bubbles), and Liana (Buttercup) are the PPG- but Girls do not know that they know!

- The girls got 'warnings' and are scared and ready to the crap away

- The Boys have now decided to spy on the girls

- We're discovering more about how the Girls have been living/ do live on their own and how they deal with separation from each other.

This chapter is dedicated to vampiregirl1470

and kittensunflowerkitty

Thank y'all for all your support!!!



The mirror didn't lie about her appearance, but it didn't tell you a thing about how the blonde felt staring at her reflection. Her blonde hair with a single blue stripe running down one side of it, her baby blue eyes wide as ever- but not revealing any emotion like they once did. And her leather jacket that she had spray painted purple a long time ago for reasons she didn't dwell on anymore.

She'd abandoned the hotel she'd previously been at- she imagined her sisters had probably done the same by now too. Now, she was in a large fancy hotel on the other side of the city. She'd hacked into their computers so they thought she had already paid for a few months already  and didn't question her. She'd even taken the fake name: Petunia Violet, as a precaution.

Of course no one but the hotel attendants would know her by that name, it prevented the RowdyRuffs from finding her and her sisters or anyone else. She'd double checked to make sure there was no other 'Petunia' in the hotel too.

Like the last hotel she stayed at though, she now had all her electronics laid out on every visible surface. Only one of her computers was missing, as she'd taken a sledge hammer to it. It had had a message on it's screen one night, impossible to miss- or get rid of.

You should know better by know

~ B

So of course, sledge hammer it was.

Buttercup had managed to call her, she'd had a warning too. No doubt that Blossom had one as well. Someone had found all three PowerPuff Girls and managed to send them messages. That was more concerning than the RowdyRuffs' meddling right now.

Brushing Blossom's hair used to calm her down when she was younger, now at eighteen she messed with her own hair in attempt to distract herself. Sometimes it worked, but not as often as she would've liked. She walked back into the bathroom to look at the blue hair dye she'd set by the sink. A couple hours later, the bottom half of her hair was blue and the top stayed it's original blonde color.

The RowdyRuff Boys weren't exactly a problem before, they were just something that needed to be kept an eye- to make sure it didn't turn into one. But they were a problem now. For her, and for what was left of her family.

Standing in front of the mirror again, Bubbles took in every detail on her face. She tried to hide it, but she could still see if herself. Could anyone else still see it? That little girl had never gone away, she was still there- just underneath the surface. She'd just grown up a little bit more with every day, until she was the only one who could recognize that she hadn't really changed as much as she acted.

Well, mostly. She had had to deal with a lot of things and steal to eat sometimes. The younger her would've refused to do such a thing, but older her saw it as her life now.

She shook her head, she had missed Boomer more than she wanted to admit but warnings were something she wouldn't ignore. Especially if she didn't know if the person giving them was the enemy or a ally. She knew what she would do about it, but her sisters would have to make their own choices- same as before.

It's why when she was in Japan and they'd caught up with her, she didn't call her sisters. She could've. And they would've come. But the deal was made for them to be safer- and they were safer apart than together.

It had to stay that way.

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