Ch. 49

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''So did the mind-controlling-shadow-monster-people ever come back?" 

''Well... no, they didn't.'' the school teacher answered, looking over the group of children she'd taken on a field trip to the heart of the City of Townsville. She'd wanted them to see the statue put up in honor of the bravest people the city had ever seen. And the fight that changed the structure of the City once again. ''They were totally vanquished once the PowerPuff Girls' father joined the fight with an army of wild inventions ranging from a toaster that would shoot lasers at someone's face to robots that talked.''

''What about after?" Another kid asked, ''What happened to the heroes after that?"

Ms. Keene smiled, ''The RowdyRuff Boys still had control over the City, but everyone had realized over the years that they weren't actually horrible villains. They didn't really cause problems for citizens...but whenever they did, it was really just to get their wives to come after them for 'fun'. And the PowerPuff Girls... well... they took up different hobbies I hear.''


''Mom! Mom! You won't guess what our teacher said today on our field trip!!''

A tall, red-haired woman with large pink eyes looked up and smiled brightly at her son as he zoomed around the corner of the living room. ''What'd your teacher tell you today, Blaze?"

Blaze super-sped to his mother's lap, and as she hugged him to her, he recounted the story he'd heard about the last time the Puffs were seen in the City of Townsville six years ago.

When he'd finished telling her, she had to laugh. 

''Is it true mom?"

''Well... everything up to us winning that last battle, yes. But your aunts and I have side jobs that only your grandpa and dad really know about. We didn't want to step back in as heroes after we'd become so jaded for so long, and well... I had an old partner in crime that needed a bit of help sometimes.''

''Mom, you don't need to be a superhero to the city, because you're my biggest hero!"

Blossom smiled gently down at her son with tears in her eyes, Blaze would never know how much that meant to her. Or how much he meant to her.

It was the same with Buttercup for her and Butch's children, and Bubbles for her and Boomer's children.

''She's my hero too,'' Brick's voice said from the doorway, making Blossom jerk her head up to look at him. He leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed, a smirk on his face, and love in his eyes. ''And always will be.''

She laughed as Blaze launched himself at his father for a hug, ''DAD!!"

She wasn't a hero anymore to the City, but she and her sisters had found something worth so much more.

And it was rather funny how the tables had turned... the Ruffs would have to chase after the Puffs sometimes when they went off on their ''hobby-sprees'' that got too much attention for a priceless necklace missing, or someone's computer system completely crashing down out of nowhere.

They had to keep the boys on their toes somehow though.

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