Ch. 20

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Some of you might be wondering about the Professor, and what was with that memory Blossom had a chapter or two ago....


So don't worry!  :)

Thank you lily123455834

and blue_couples


Her red hair was pulled over one shoulder, a simple apron around her waist, and a determined look in her eyes as she focused on her task of making pancakes. Her mouth was set in a half-smile, but she didn't seem to even realize she was smiling a little.

But he did. Leaning against the doorway, he had no doubt she didn't even hear him come in the kitchen.

Brick didn't even try to fight the smile that appeared on his face as he watched her bounce around to prepare everything for breakfast.

''You know we have cooks, you were the maid last I checked-'' he started, making her jump in surprise. Luckily she caught the bowl of batter right before it hit the ground.

''Sorry,'' he apologized, coming closer to where she stood- watching him like a hawk.

''Well, if I'm helping you find my sisters- I don't see the need to clean up your house too,'' she huffed, stepping back from him slightly.

He smirked at her,''You want to be fired?"

She fixed him with her own smirk,''I can just disappear where you can't ever find me again.''

His eyes narrowed instantly, all teasing gone from his face. ''It's not funny when you're the one looking for answers of why the other person is dead and gone. It's not a funny joke when I've lived it for years already, Rose.''

He stepped around her, taking the bowl of pancake batter and scooping it onto the grill. Leaving her frozen, just inches away.

''It's Blossom,'' she whispered, so low he wasn't sure what she'd said.

''What?" He glanced at her over his shoulder.

She clenched her fists, her eyes daring him to contradict her,''My name is Blossom Utonium- and don't you dare act like I didn't sacrifice anything when I faked my own death!''

He dropped the bowl, batter splaying on the ground as he stared at her,''You didn't fake any death, you just disappeared- no one knew if you were dead.''

Her pink eyes widened as she stared at his red ones, flickering with different emotions. Realization, worry, guilt.

''What else is there Blossom?" He demanded, ignoring the mess on the ground.

''I thought you would've wanted us out of the way, you wanted to destroy us when we were younger anyways,'' she said, but he didn't fall for it. He knew when she was trying to distract him.

''Blossom,'' he growled.

She sighed, eyeing him warily like he might snap at any moment,''We did fake our deaths- it just wasn't released to the public. I don't know why though, before you ask.''

''Who all thought that you were dead then?" He frowned.

''The Professor, the Mayor, anyone close to us- they wouldn't have stopped looking for us otherwise. And that way only the three of us were in the most danger-'' she clamped her mouth shut, and spun around quickly- trying to clean the mess.

She revealed something she didn't mean too, Brick realized as he watched her.

He wanted to be angry, to shout and throw things, to put a laser through the wall and demand to know the rest. But one look at her and he crumbled. He couldn't be angry at her, anyone else- but not her.

Sighing, he crouched down in front of her. ''Blossom.''

She continued cleaning.


Her hands faltered for a moment. Just a moment, but it was enough.

He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her. ''Just don't disappear again. Even the worst villains aren't untouchable,'' he whispered in her ear.

Tears welled in her eyes, and she tried to furiously blink them away- but they just burned all the more. Burrowing her face in his neck, she finally let herself cry. Cry like she hadn't let herself in years.

But what made her cry more was the realization of how much she'd missed her red haired counterpart, without even knowing it. His smirk, his stubbornness that matched her own, his red eyes that were usually filled with teasing or mischievousness. And somehow the understanding that he'd missed her too, and searched for her and her sisters- without even knowing if she was still alive.

He had really grown up too.

I guess the Girls weren't the only ones that grew up, she thought to herself.


I know this chapter was shorter, but I was really wanting a shipping moment.

And Blossick was the only one I could do at the moment.

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