Ch. 12

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I have a Disney Descendants fanfiction out now, it's called Descending. Feel free to check it out!!

This chapter is dedicated to 22AngieRomero

and alexaphillinebasamot


While the Blues were....discussing things, Liana was searching the house for stuff to snoop through. She wanted to find some dirt on the boys, after all Blackmail had saved her skin a lot throughout the years on her own.

It seemed to be like that with all three sisters, they'd each learned a new habit or turned to the opposite of their personality to overcome the years on their own. Would we still be the same if we had stuck together? Liana mused to herself.

''You look distracted,'' a voice commented, making her spin around with a accusing look on her face.

''Why would I be distracted?" She demanded, getting a little offended that Butch decided to sneak up on her.

He was leaning against the doorway of the upstairs living room, with his arms crossed and a slight smile on his face. He titled his head at her, and she blinked in surprise. When had music started to play in the room? Had he turned on the music, and she didn't even register it? She had been distracted by her thoughts longer than she thought if that was the case...

She just rolled her eyes at him,''Is Panic at the Disco supposed to scare me out of cleaning up here?"

He scoffed,''I doubt you'd be scared- unless Justin Beiber started playing of course.''

''You'd be the first to run out screaming no doubt,'' she smiled slyly at him, imagining him doing just that with the most terrified look on his face. She wanted to giggle at the image in her head, but refrained from doing so.

''Well, would the mighty Liana care to dance with me, if she's so fearless?"

She blinked, was this his way of flirting? She didn't fact two could play at that game, she thought. She stomped up to him, until she was an inch away and snatched his hands- forcing him to start dancing with her.

He didn't look surprised, but what she didn't notice was the corners of his lips lifting into a smile as he watched her in amusement. She was more focused on not making a fool of herself. ''What can't dance?" Was her snarky statement,''I think you have two left feet.''

''At least I don't have two right ones,'' he replied with just as much jest, making her snort.

But she could feel her cheeks warming, as he hugged her closer as  the music played. As long as he didn't see, she was good- if he noticed, she was doomed.

Heh, I didn't think I would miss Butch much...guess I was wrong, she thought as she observed him. He had certainly changed, he seemed more worn out and uncaring than he had when they were younger and fought all the time.

''Is this the only kind of dancing you know? Ballroom dancing?"

She focused her gaze behind him, at the window,''My dad taught me how to dance, and this was the only type of dancing he'd taught me and my...s-sister.'' She stuttered, almost forgetting that they'd said Lily was a friend and not their sister.

''So the bad girl has a family, besides the responsible red-headed sister?'' Butch said, he was desperately trying to get inside her head. She made him feel insane- just like Buttercup did. He'd forgotten how much he'd enjoyed that feeling, he actually missed it now...

But his words seemed to have the opposite effect.

''What would you know about my sister or me?" the dark haired girl snapped, no longer dancing,''She used to be responsible- now she's more scared than anything else. Why are you so interested anyways?!"

She jerked away from him, unable to keep the fury out of her voice. He and his brothers had no idea just how much the girls had changed.

But the flaming fury in her eyes, Butch instantly recognized. And he knew without a doubt, the Girls had come home- but they were all grown up now. And clearly they weren't much for 'Heroics' anymore.

The Ruff only snapped out of his thoughts after Liana had already left the room. ''Good to see you too, Buttercup,'' he murmured absently.


I finally updated!!!


I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to the Here Comes Trouble Butchercup story,


Here was a Butchercup chapter! Yay!

I'll update again, as soon as I can!!

Hope you enjoyed~~ :)

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