Ch. 11

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I can't believe it took me so long to update this! I'M SO SORRYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hides in fear of my life* Have mercy on me please!!

*pokes head out from under my bed* Do you still love me?

This chapter is dedicated to theoneandonlykami

and CoralineSplash

Enjoy the chapter!!


''I can't believe I fell for this,'' Liana grumbled,''Rose found a job for us! Whoopee!'' She complained sarcastically.

''They're not gonna give us uniforms...right?" Lily glanced at Rose as she asked.

The red head just shook her head,''No, you're allowed to wear just regular clothes- but be prepared to get dirty as we have to clean and cook all day.''

Liana snorted,''If they make us wear a maid uniform, I'd just walk around in my leather jacket and combat boots all day-''

''You do that anyways,'' Lily mumbled.

Liana shot her a dirty look, but decided not to continue but to ask a question that had been bugging her instead, ''We all know Bubbles, a.k.a Lily, has basically been running for her life all over the world for the past few years. I've been-''

''Running from the cops and doing whatever you wanted?" Rose interrupted with a teasing smile.

Liana just huffed in annoyance at her,''Yeah well, what have you been doing is my question? It's not like Bubbles was the only one with people after her.''

All three of the sisters stopped, Lily and Liana watching Rose with curious expressions. But she refused to look at them.

''This is not something we are going to discuss here,'' she said quietly,''perhaps we should wait for Bubbles to give another 'secretive' email.''

Lily let out a groan,''It was totally secretive and necessary!'' She protested,''And it was clear someone had to make the move, otherwise we never would've talked. We don't exactly reach out to each other anymore.''

Liana just grunted, but it could've been either in agreement or disagreement- it was too hard to tell. ''Let's just get to work quickly, before we're fired by the idiots.''

No one argued.


While Rose was upstairs cleaning the bedrooms, and Liana was cleaning another part of the large mansion, Lily was cooking in the kitchen. Her blonde hair pulled into one ponytail and her jacket wrapped around her waist. As she was shorter than her sisters by a at least a few inches, she unconsciously stood on her tip toes as she stirred the pasta on the stove.

''Whatcha doin' there shorty?" A voice asked from the doorway.

Lily dropped the spoon she'd been holding a faced the person with the deadliest glare she could muster. Considering the step Boomer took back and his surprised expression, it worked.

''Cooking,'' she said shortly, turning back around to face the food.

''Huh,'' Boomer said,walking quietly over to her,''And here I thought you were the bubbly sister.'' He eyed her discreetly, looking for any type of reaction at all. But Lily had been through stuff like this for years before, she had learned to control her facial expressions perfectly. There was no way she was going to give away who she used to be.

''Really? Well, I don't have any sisters remember?'' Lily glanced at him through the corner of her eye,''Liana and Rose are sisters, I'm their best friend- we met in first grade.'' She said it so convincingly, but Boomer still wasn't sure what to believe and he had a nagging feeling in the back of his head that she was lying.

''Oh well, my mistake. Carry on.'' He stepped away, and watched her continue to cook.

It was like that for a few minutes, until he had an idea. Smirking, he quietly stood behind her and ever so slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he glanced up at her face- she was completely frozen.

He knew exactly what he would have to do if he wanted to find out if she was Bubbles or not. He'd have to be open and honest, the Bubbles he knew wouldn't be able to get it out of her head- if the person was speaking the truth.

''Y'know I used to know a girl that you remind me of, she's dead. And I refuse to believe anything different,'' Boomer said, ''And what's sad, is that I loved her. Bubbles, was the highlight of my day- and sometimes I would steal something just so she'd catch me or I'd start a fight just to see her. You remind me of her- but you're not her.''

He left her in the kitchen without another word, nothing else needed to be said.


P.S. Thank you mishel_ortega

You're so sweet!!! <3

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