Ch. 25

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I'm so sorry, I meant to get more chapter out sooner :(

Man, I keep getting busy these days.

Thank you Loveyourself105

and lumpyboomer


Butch was both cheering and groaning in his head when he realized Blossom had left him and her sister to talk things out. He suddenly wouldn't mind her being a future sister-in-law. He'd have to talk to Brick about it later.

Buttercup surprisingly didn't run off, she stayed and stared him down with her arms crossed.


''Well what?" He asked before he could think better of it.

She raised an eyebrow,''Blossom isn't particularly subtle, Butch. She seemed to think there was something you had to say to me. The question is, is it worth my time?''

On the outside he just rolled his eyes and smirked at her, on the inside however he was cursing. She was good, she always had been at getting him to admit things or switching the spotlight to him instead of on her.

He leaned against the streetlight in front of her, his arms crossed.

Correction, he tried to. He misjudged the distance, and ended up hitting his head on the metal that he'd thought was farther away. He fought to keep his expression blank, though on the inside he winced.

''You tell me, if your worth my time?" Butch said before she could say something else.

She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously,''What do you mean?"

''Well, I'm just saying you seem to have the plan of...wandering around aimlessly. If that is so important to you, then you might not be worth my time- you're time will only be worth...sleeping behind that dumpster,'' he titled his head to gesture towards the closest one he could see.

Her mouth opened and closed, her eyes had a hint of murder in them.

He could practically see the steam coming from Buttercup's ears,  he was always good at getting a rise out of her. Good to know he still had it.

''At least I don't waste years trying to find a dead person,'' the words whooshed out of her mouth in her anger. And she immediately felt guilty and regretted it. Especially when she saw his face.

Pain and hurt were clear in his eyes, though he kept his face under control. ''It wasn't a waste to me, or to Brick, or to Boomer- in fact it was all that we had. What did you do for 5 years Buttercup? Search for anyone you cared about?''

She didn't dare say a word. She was at her limit for tears, for hugs, and for pity.

With a deep breath she tried to start over,''What was it you wanted to say, Butch? I have a dumpster to sleep behind.''

They both cracked a small smile at that. And Buttercup could feel her cheeks warming up, though she would never admit why.

''I want answers Butter.''

He didn't have to even look at her to know she was glaring at him.

''2 + 2 is 4,'' she said sarcastically.

He reached for her arm, and before she had a chance to protest they were both in the air- when he let go he flew away to dodge any punches she decided to throw.

She floated in the air in front of him, her eyes surprised and angry.

''So your powers still work,'' he muttered to himself as he watched her,''But I think I might be stronger now...''

Her eyes widened right at the second he took off at full speed- making her chase after him. No way was she going to let him think he was faster or stronger just cause she was out of practice.

He looked back to smirk at her.

She smirked right back, ready to show him what she was made of.


Brick watched his brother and Buttercup race after each other, showing off in the sky. It was still night time so no one would see them flying, or him standing on the roof of their mansion. He hadn't followed anyone, though he was sure the Greens had no idea how far they'd flown from where ever they had been.

He knew she was behind him, and that she hadn't been there long. But he said nothing, pretending not to notice. She would go inside and pretend to be asleep until morning, and then maybe tell him where she'd gone. Maybe not.

But she walked up to stand beside him. Neither looked at or talked to the other for a few moments. They just watched Buttercup and Butch mess with each other.

''We were still kids, we still had a father, we still had a bedtime, we still liked a nightlight and stuffed animals when we slept,'' Blossom began quietly,''It still doesn't feel real, what happened that was a like a real life nightmare.''

Brick was silent for a moment,''You blamed yourself, but I know for a fact that Blossom Utonium wouldn't purposefully put anyone- least of all her family- in danger.''

''You're wrong again,'' she finally looked at him,''I was the one that made the decision and I forced the girls into it. To end the PowerPuff Girls, to fake our deaths, and to have nothing to do with each other. At the time it was the safest option, the only thing I could think of.''

He finally looked at her,''You bite the inside of your left cheek before you lie, Bloss. You didn't make the decision because you thought it was safer- at least not completely. You did it so you wouldn't have to look at your sisters after that night- whatever happened- and you did it because you thought they were better without you.''

''I stayed here, the entire time I was still in the city.''

''Yeah, I figured that out,'' he told her.

She smiled,''I won't force my sisters to do anything again-''

''You gave Buttercup the option, and she said no?'' he guessed,''Did Butch follow you?"

''Not the entire time, but Buttercup did agree to stay in contact for the most part.'' A cold breeze had made her shiver in her jacket.

Brick nodded his head, wrapping an arm around her. ''Did she know anything about Bubbles?"

She was quiet for a moment, soaking in the warmth,''She got on a plane to go somewhere, but we both agreed she would be hard to draw out.''

''Nothing Boomer can't manage?" He asked, trying to hide his grin. It drew a laugh from the pink eyed red head, though she fell silent shortly after.

''I'll tell you, but you can't tell Boomer or Butch,'' she whispered so quietly he almost didn't hear her.

He frowned,''Why?''

''Because Bubbles will want to tell Boomer, and the same for Buttercup and Butch,'' Blossom explained.

''No, why do you want to tell me?" Brick clarified, moving back so he could see her face.

Blossom had a soft smile on her face,''Because I know there's no getting anything past you at this point- and it'll be better if you know what you've gotten yourself into.''

''Alright,'' he nodded his head,''let's go back inside though- you've been out here too long.''

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