Ch. 9

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Who's ready for anotha chapter?!

(I hope someone is, otherwise this is gonna be awkward....)

This chapter is dedicated to Sparkling_Jhiyo

and _weirdly_awesome_

Thank y'all for your support, sweet comments, votes, and help!!! <3

Enjoy!! :)


''Where have you been?" Rose asked, her voice on the phone gave away her suspicious mood.

Lily, a.k.a Bubbles, sighed and adjusted the phone to her ear,''I moved on, same as you guys- the rest doesn't matter. Or do you need a convincing story for your bosses?"

She couldn't deny that she was very annoyed to come back and find her red haired sister working for the RowdyRuffs, and then she had to attend a party with them too! Not that she didn't like seeing Boomer...but her sisters knew first hand how dangerous the situation was.

''Blossom,'' Lily hissed, trying to get her point across to her sister,''The PPG are dead- and they need to stay that way.''

''You think I don't know that?" Rose snapped,''We may have all gone our separate ways, but believe me I have gone through just as much as you.'' With that, a beeping sound showed that the phone call had ended.

The blonde rubbed her temples in frustration, it was very dangerous for the sisters to all be in contact again- but for whom was still unclear.

Looking around her hotel room, she debated what to do next. She'd only rented the room for the weekend, then she was gonna go somewhere else. She knew better than to stay in one place too long by now.

Every surface in the room- besides the bed- was covered in computers, laptops, phones, and any technology that she had taught herself how to hack or use. She didn't steal them...well, not all of them anyway. She'd tweaked with all of them, to where they were untrackable- no one could find her unless she wanted them to. Except her sisters.

She walked over to her favorite computer screen and typed out an email to her sisters:

From: Baby Blue

      We need to talk. 12pm. Where it began.

With that she turned of all the gadgets, and got ready for another family reunion. Probably a unwanted reunion, but necessary none the less. And unavoidable.


Betty stood in the alley, hiding in the shadows and watching. She was directly across from where Bubbles- or Lily- had emailed them to meet. She was about to have a family reunion she had wanted to avoid so badly...

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