Ch. 16

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Thank you RejectsRule

and LucyMerida3

Thank you EVERYONE for all your votes, sweet comments, and support!!



''Gah!'' The young woman jerked her head backwards, dodging the attack. But she retaliated quickly, swinging her fist at her opponent with inhuman strength- too quick to dodge or block.

''He pissed her off,'' The dark haired RowdyRuff mumbled to his brothers from their spots in the back. ''I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to do that, besides Mojo.''

''Mojo's a special case,'' the red haired brother agreed,''But it's not like anyone's going to recognize her as a PowerPuff Girl. Especially not in a place like this.''

''Everyone thinks they're dead,'' the blonde brother said in a blank tone, his eyes and face void of emotion as he faced the fight.

''Can you be anymore of a human icicle?" Butch grit his teeth, not taking his eyes from the raven haired woman beating the crap out of her opponent without even breaking a sweat.

''Can you be anymore obvious that you're still letting your heart hang out there when it comes to Buttercup?" Boomer made a sound between a snort and a scoff. But his point still got across.

''What's obvious to me is that you blame everyone and everything for Bubbles and her sisters pretending to be dead, Boomsie,'' Brick fixed his brother with a look that was just as blank and challenging.

''Neither of you can ignore the fact that something's changed with them,'' Boomer growled, his eyes showing just how angry he was,''We shouldn't have cornered them-''

''Oh, we realize that,'' Butch said darkly,''Why do you think we're here? To have a bloody tea party?"

''We cornered them, they ran.'' Brick crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall to close his eyes,''We hinted we knew who they were, and look where one of them is at now. Not so far away, is she?"

Boomer frowned, looking at Liana to see her hold out a hand to her opponent and helping him up. She wasn't as far as they though she'd be... She was in practicing her fighting skills in a gym, not far from the City of Townsville.

''Something else tipped them off, they didn't run from us,'' Boomer thought out loud, gaining his brothers' attention.

Brick's eyes shot open,''What do you mean?"

It was no secret that Brick was blaming himself the most for losing the girls all over again, especially Blossom. Butch just followed Buttercup everywhere, claiming he was making sure she was okay- or maybe he just wanted to keep checking that she was actually real. And Boomer went back to hating everything, expect for his memories of a specific blonde.

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