Ch. 34

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I'm so glad you guys liked the last chapter, but I'm even more happy I was finally able to do longer chapters instead of short ones!

Here you go!


''Bubbles, why in the world am I hiding in a large dumpster? Not behind it, in it!'' The blonde man hissed as quietly as he could.

''Whoever looks in the trashcan? It's extremely cliche to hide behind it,'' was the blonde with blue streaks response.

He couldn't argue with her logic. The smart, cute, little devious thing- he didn't remember her being quite so devious, but then again he'd had his own changes over the years.

''Now what are you doing here?" she demanded, her eyes slightly glowing red to hint that her laser vision was present. She was threatening him.

Boomer searched what he could see of her face in the dark confined space- which was filled with a lot of garbage. What way could he word it that she would take it best? But then... maybe she just needed complete honesty and not sugar coating. This girl next to him had been thrown out onto streets for years at a young age, without her sisters. She didn't need him to protect her, just for him to help by telling her what to expect. He had no doubt she could handle anything at that moment.

He took a deep breath,''I hacked Blossom's phone to find you, and Buttercup is hopefully still alive where ever she is being held. She went missing, and then we found some of her things at a spot with a lot of blood and a message.''

She covered his mouth with her hand to make him stop talking.

He tensed, thinking she heard something- but when he glimpsed how close her face was to his he relaxed. Tears were welling and spilling over onto her pale cheeks.

''Are you okay?" He asked, moving her hand but still holding onto it.

A weak sound escaped her mouth,''No one or anything is ever Okay, Boomer.'' She fixed him with a level look, speaking softer, ''But I always will be- for my sisters and my father.''

''That's the Bubbles I know.'' She wouldn't meet his eyes, but he could at least see her face.

''Speaking of, Lily is not a name that suits you,'' he said lightly.

She raised an eyebrow, looking somewhere above his chin,''Why not? They're pretty flowers.''

''Because your real name is a name that means happiness- and did you know you can't say ''Bubbles'' angrily?" He leaned closer to see her reaction better.

She snorted, but he could see the blush in her cheeks. ''Lilies are my favorite flowers, you know that.''

''I've tried a lot of times to say it angrily, but-'' the RowdyRuff dramatically sighed.

''I'm sure lots of girls like to hear that you say their names angrily and then laugh when it doesn't work,'' she muttered.

He played with her hand a little,''Bubbles- you've seen my house and how I occupy my time. You really think there were ever any other girls?"

It was silent for a long time, neither willing to address what Boomer had just opened up. But it was true, the only girl who'd ever lived in his thoughts was her.

''Blossom had another email.''


''She hadn't even seen it yet, from-''

''Don't say that name,'' Bubbles shivered.

''We need you to come back Bubbles, for your sisters.''

She finally looked up at him, he was still holding her hand and was struck by how close they were. And the distance seemed to be getting smaller by the second. When she finally spoke up, her lips brushed his as she did so.

''Please- just don't say more about it.''

He froze, realization creeping in as he pulled back and dropped her wrist.

She didn't want him to say more about it, because she already knew.


Boomubbles is killing me right now! We almost had them kiss y'all! Almost!

Who's taking bets on which couple will kiss first?

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