Ch. 35

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How'd you like those last two chapters?

Here you guys go! Enjoy ;)


''Butch my boy, I wonder when you won't be such a push over,'' the Professor sighed dramatically.

The RowdyRufff Boy's head jerked up from the card game they were playing,''Me? A pushover?" He laughed it off.

The older man raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a look that Buttercup had given him many times in the past two weeks. ''Towards Buttercup? Yes, you are. You roll over like a dog for her to scratch your belly.''

The ruff was silent for a long moment, staring at the man across from him. The Professor laid down his cards with a triumphant grin,''I win again!''

''What you said earlier...that was for Blossom's benefit wasn't it?"

The older man just counted his winnings from their game of poker, not acknowledging what Butch had said.

''How long have you known?" That they were alive? That they were there? How had he known? Butch wanted to ask him all of the questions, but the Professor would probably only answer one- he was picky like his daughters with the information he gave.

He put his head in his hands, Buttercup would've wanted to tell her father herself.

''Bubbles came to visit me, or I suppose Lily is the name she prefers at the moment,'' the Professor finally answered, sitting back in his chair- ready for another round of Poker. Even though Butch was already broke from their four previous games.

Why is his poker face so good? Butch cursed in his head. ''Bubbles visited you?"

''Each of the girls has something the other doesn't have- and for Bubbles when her sisters don't see the things she does... well, she takes things into her own hands,'' the Professor said, putting his bet down.

''You mean before she ran off-'' Butch started.

''She set some things in motion, no doubt for Blossom and Buttercup's sakes,'' the Professor finished for him, almost impatiently. ''Are you going to bet or not, boy?''

How many times am I going to be in debt because of a poker game with this geezer? Butch shook his head at his thoughts.


''George, do you see that blonde couple over there?'' A woman leaned over to her husband and whispered. They were outside eating at their favorite restaurant, when the couple caught her attention. They looked rather ragged, like they'd been running all over town.

''The ones shouting in each other's faces? She looks ready to tear his hair out,'' her husband, George, commented.

''He looks ready to kiss her to get her to be quiet,'' she chuckled, sharing a knowing look with him.

''What a lively couple,'' another older woman said behind them, she looked to be in her late 70s.

''We were just commenting on them ourselves,'' the first woman said, turning to look at her. ''They've been yelling at each other for well over twenty minutes now.''

''Mark my words it'll end rather nicely later tonight,'' the old woman said,  returning to her food.

''What makes you say that?" George asked glancing from the blondes still shouting to the woman.

She raised an eyebrow,''I've lived a long enough time to know that, but apparently you haven't yet.''


''Blossom, what have you dragged me into?" Brick muttered with a scowl.

''Something very necessary,'' she responded before changing the subject. ''I wonder how Boomer is handling Bubbles at the moment.''

''No better than I'm handling you,'' was the red eyed Ruff's grumble.


Okay I got another short one in!!

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