Ch. 21

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Thank you nathaliecol05

and ThatFan0

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''OH BOYS!!!!!'' A excited voice called just outside the RowdyRuff Boys' front door.

Brick jerked in response, knocking his head against Blossom's. That idiot lobster, he thought angrily.

''Is that...HIM?" Blossom whispered, raising an eyebrow at him. Her voice only cracked a little as evidence that she'd been crying.

''He must've stopped by for a surprise visit,'' he grumbled darkly.

''I've worked for you for awhile now, and I don't remember-'' she began, her forehead creased in confusion.

''Yeah well, we tend to not have much association with other villains anymore- but Mojo and Him once in awhile contact. It's usually pretty easy to avoid because it's phone calls though,'' Brick cut her off.

''Well...I'm gonna go that way,'' Blossom pointed to the doorway. ''You can finish breakfast while you're at it.''

She was gone before he could blink.

''Boys! I know you're in there!'' The annoying villain called from outside.

Boomer and Butch zoomed down the stairs with terrified expressions,''Is that who I think it is?"

''Don't look out the window- he'll see!'' Brick hissed at the idiots.

''What do we do about pinky?'' Butch asked, crouching down behind the counter next to his red haired brother. Boomer joined shortly after.

''Maybe it's just a quick visit,'' Boomer suggested, though his tone suggested not even he believed it.

''I think Bloss will know to stay out of the way,'' Brick said, mostly to himself. ''There's not much that will keep the lobster out anyways.''

''At least it's just HIM,'' Boomer shrugged.

''What are you doing! I should've been here first! Boys, open it for me and not this idiot! It is I, Mojo Jojo!'' A voice said shouted.

Butch facepalmed, and Brick sent his blond brother a death look. Boomer slumped lower onto the ground, maybe he should just stop talking...



Her knuckles were bleeding, making it smear along the punching bag. She barely felt the stinging at this point, it'd been going on for hours now as she fought the stinging in her eyes. Her black hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, where you could clearly see her green eyes full of emotion.

The gym was empty except for her, it was late so no one would be there anyways. But she couldn't even think of stopping. Of making it seem even more real.

But with every hit she delivered to the bag, harder and harder, she saw something flash before her eyes. Fast enough to make her chase it with her fist, hitting the bag faster than should be humanly possible. But she didn't care about hiding her powers at the moment.

She couldn't close her eyes anymore.

Waking up to Bubbles screaming for Blossom that night.


Blossom's limp body hitting the ground.


Bubbles' tears and cries.


Blossom's eyes staring back at them from the ground, as she laid unmoving.

Kick. Kick.

The Professor, their father, running.

Hit. Hit.

Blood and Darkness.

Hit. Kick. Hit.

The three of them standing in front of their burning home.

Kick. Kick. Kick.

''Children can't save a city, when they can't even save themselves,'' her sister whispered.

Punch. Punch. Punch.

Her first night alone in the city, cold and lost in the streets- and knowing her sisters were suffering the same.

Kick. Hit. Kick.

The fire in her small room that had woken her up in the middle of the night only two days ago. The fire that someone had started while she slept.

Gasping for air, she slumped against the bag. Or what was left of it, she'd really done a number on it. It'd served it's purpose of keeping her distracted for as long as possible, but she couldn't even close her eyes anymore without the memories popping back up.

And she knew why.

She knew.

But the toughest fighter of the PowerPuff Girls was too much of a coward to tell her sisters.

To tell them what the warnings really meant.

That someone wanted all three sisters back in Townsville.

That someone knew Bubbles was gone.

And they were ready to kill the next sister in line to get what they wanted. 


Well then....

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