Ch. 31

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Thank you Duh_ItsCassie07

And BritanyJojo


Blossom stared at the device in her hand.

Boomer tried to delete the email Bubbles had sent while she and his brothers were gone, but Blossom knew technology better than him. A deleted email wasn't hard to recover for her.

Footsteps let her know that Brick was there.

''Are you sure you didn't get anything from Buttercup before whatever happened to her?" He asked. She didn't even have to look up to know he was watching her.

She looked up anyways, his eyes looked like flames.

''I didn't get anything from her.''

He let a breath out, running a hand through his hair. ''I gotta find Boomer and update him, he's gonna be paranoid about Bubbles.''

Blossom closed her phone and tossed it to him,''No, he's doing exactly what he needs to do already.''

Brick raised an eyebrow,''And that would be?"

''Dealing with a blonde with lots of issues,'' she said as she walked past him.

His eyes followed her,''And you?"

''What about me?" Her eyes narrowed, even though her back was to him.

Brick Jojo crossed his arms,''Lets see- one of your sisters has been taken and is possibly dead, while your other sister is going on a rampage. What is my red-head with 'lots of issues' going to do?"

A small smile graced her lips at his tease, but only a small one.

''It's time to pay dear old dad a visit,'' she murmured sadly.

''He's alive, me and the boys visit him frequently,'' Brick assured her.

She stayed silent, but finally looked at him again. Her eyes showing the tears she couldn't let escape.

''Is he...okay?" She choked out, swallowing thickly.

''He' a mental institute Bloss, I don't think it gets much better right now...''

Red eyes stared into pink ones.

''Did you mean what you said to Butch? About avenging the PowerPuff Girls?" she searched his eyes like they held everything she ever wanted to know.

''I never lie when it comes to you Blossom, much less lie to your face.''


Sorry it's a short chapter again! This was the best I could do right now! Crazy schedule right now :(

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