Ch. 42

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Gotta admit, I didn't expect the last chapter to take that turn.

Even I'm surprised when I write sometimes, because stuff will happen and all I can think is ''wow, I'm way more dark and twisty than I give myself credit for''.

I hope my mother never reads this even if I am an adult.


Buttercup didn't move at all, staying so still it was eerie as she watched Butch come closer. And closer.

Gritting his teeth, the Ruff paused just ten feet away.

''Butters?'' He called out quietly, his voice echoing around them. ''I know you're there, and I know you've fought like hell, but you can't stop just yet.''

She did nothing still, watching him with those empty, soulless eyes.

He felt like someone was twisting a knife under his ribs just at the sight of her like this.

If he could just help her snap out of it, whatever it was... He knew Buttercup wouldn't have gone down without a fight, she wouldn't have stopped fighting whoever did this to her.

Butch began to plead with her out loud, just begging for her to hear his voice wherever she was in there. ''You're the strongest fighter I know! You can snap out of this!! I know you-- you've lived through hell, but you don't give up and you don't stop fighting to protect. Not now and not ever. Just look at me and say something, Buttercup! Look at me, and see me!''

In the blink of an eye, Buttercup had Butch slamming so hard against a wall he broke it and went right through.

Butch stumbled out of the wreckage and crouched down as he looked at her, breathing hard through his mouth. He glared up at Buttercup. ''Snap out of it, Buttercup.''

 Her head was turned though, she wasn't looking at Butch, but at the Professor. 

Her jaw was clenched as she spoke in a voice that was hers but not, ''Welcome back to the game.''

Butch took that moment to launch himself at her and pin her to the other wall across from them. He hooked both of her legs with his and held her arms down with one hand as he pressed his forehead against her's. ''Look at me, Buttercup. Fight. This. I've got you--''

Her leg slid lower behind his knee and struck, jerking his leg out from under him.

She descended on him like when they'd been younger, when the Puffs had beat the Ruffs in a battle for the City. She socked him across the face and kicked him back down every time he tried to get back up.

Butch was vaguely aware of the Professor shouting and trying to get Buttercup's attention but it wasn't quite working.

She finally grabbed Butch by the hair to lift him up just enough for her to do an uppercut punch to his stomach that left him gasping for air on the ground.

''Buttercup, you have to stop!!" The Professor shouted.

She was on top of Butch now as she tried to slam her fist into his face repeatedly. He did his best at blocking the punches but she got several good ones that made him see stars for a few seconds.


Buttercup froze for a second, her head swiveling to her father.

It was enough of a distraction for Butch to kick her legs out and pin her to the ground. He tried to make a joke that his Buttercup would've swatted him for, ''Fitting that we'd go down fighting, huh Buttercup?"

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