Ch. 37

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Butch felt comfortable with the Professor, playing poker at a table in a white room with glass walls that only showed their reflections and a white ceiling and floor to match. Or at least he did feel comfortable until the lights flickered and went out a little too quickly.

He wouldn't have thought much of it, but he could see from the light under the door that the other lights were on in the hallway. It was only their room that was out.

The Ruff stood up slowly, not even glancing at the Professor. ''Someone's decided to pay us a visit.''

Under the door, he could see the shadow of someone's feet.

And then the sounds started.

Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat.

A low hissing, that left chills on the back of his neck.

One was coming from behind him, the other from whatever waited behind the door. He couldn't see anything in the room it was so dark, but he could hear the door knob's creak as it moved- and just as it opened the lights shut out in the hallway too.

But whoever it was- was already inside the room.


Brick thought his trip with Blossom couldn't get any weirder after she took him to a abandoned Daycare center that apparently housed a place for people with gambling addictions to get their fill.

But it did- it got so much weirder.

He would be happy once they were out of there and- he was away from whoever was in the stupid over-sized bunny costume that wouldn't leave them alone. The person had been trying to hug him to death for the last ten minutes and Brick was very ready to laser them to the face- but Blossom had warned him not to show any powers before they even went in.

And that definitely wasn't even the worst.

Currently, Brick was standing a couple feet behind Blossom with his arms crossed as he tried to ignore the idiot bunny practically breathing down his neck. If he just moved his arm quick enough, maybe nobody would notice the stuffed animal flying into a wall...

His pink eyed companion was getting aggravated about something as she spoke to the person manning the drinks. He noticed her hands forming fists and the man in front of her taking a step back- no doubt looking at her eyes that were filling up with lasers. Brick moved to her side, throwing an arm around her shoulders to get her attention.

''Bunny bear, what's the hold up?" He cooed at her.

Her eye twitched.

But then she relaxed, which was just as scary to Brick.

She replied in a high gushy tone that almost made him cringe,''Nothing, Smoochums! This man was just going to take us to see someone!''

''I told you, there's no way I'm giving her a reason to murder me- old acquaintance of her's or not,'' the stranger growled at the female redhead. ''She's never in a good mood as it is.''

Blossom started seething at him,''Give her the message or I'll be the one you're worried about-''

Brick glanced between the two, enjoying himself quite a bit for the first time that night.

''Jax, what's the commotion out here?" someone demanded from behind them.

Brick glanced at the woman who'd spoken- dressed in all black with a blank look permanently etched into her face. She looked a little older than Blossom, especially with all the piercings on her face. It was clear they knew each other too.

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