Ch. 14

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I know, I know that I haven't been updating a lot- and you probably hate me for it.

But remember, I promised to finish my fanfictions and I will- and I have a few more that will come out once this one is finished.

It's just hard finding time, when I'm not writing my novel or my anthology of poems.

This chapter is dedicated to -Ivehitsuma

and Emalaya00

Thank you everyone for all your support!! <3


The dark haired girl stretched out on the tiny mattress, groaning as she blearily opened her eyes to look at the tiny space around her.  She'd had to move out of her apartment a couple days ago, paranoid one of the people she owed money to would find her. Of course there was always that fear in the back of her mind that she'd be recognized too. Even though it'd been years, and no one knew what adult Buttercup would look like now.

Sitting on the stone floor, she looked around at the colorless and blank room. She hated it, there was one tiny window on the stone walls- but she couldn't complain too much about it. She had slept on the streets multiple times over the past few years, she was used to the worst areas and not caring about much. It was best if her sisters were away- where they would be safer.

That's what she'd thought since the day they'd all made that deal. It was why she'd made the deal.

Liana had moved one town over from where her sisters and the RowdyRuff Boys were. She hated admitting she was afraid or needed something, which was partly why she'd never really gone far from the City of Townsville.

But she wasn't so proud, she wouldn't run when she got a warning. A piece of paper had been left for her at her apartment when she'd gone back a couple nights ago- with only a few words on it.

Trouble's found you

- B

She burned it with her eye lasers, and within two hours she had left her apartment and was headed as far as she would allow herself to go. So here she was now, in a old room that smelled like feet with a single small suitcase and a motorcycle parked outside with only a tarp to cover it from the rain.

Picking up the small flip phone she'd bought only a night ago, she typed in a phone number she'd memorized two nights ago.

''Knock knock,'' a voice said through the phone.

''Who's there?" Liana played along.

''You pick,'' the voice said softly,''Blue or Black?"

''Baby Blue sounds good to me,'' Liana said, transferring the phone to her other ear as she shoved her arms through her black leather jacket.

''Pink or Green?'' the voice asked after a pause of silence.

''Green,'' the dark haired girl replied as if she'd done this a million times.

It was code to the girls, specifically to Bubbles. So she knew who it was, and they knew it was her. Liana had actually only used it once though- and she'd told herself she would never do it again either.

''BC, this is the second time you've called me in a month. The first to get me down to Townsville to see the RowdyRuffs, and now this? How did you even get this number? I get a new one every two weeks!"

''I memorized it two nights ago, it was important,'' Liana sighed in frustration,''I'm out of there, got a warning.''

''You too huh?" Lily asked after a moment, her voice less angry.

''Yup,'' she popped the P, ''Thing is, the RRB have had that room with things about us for years- at least. There's no way they were apart of this new issue. The boys weren't a problem before-''

''That may be Buttercup,'' her sister interrupted,''But they're a problem now.''

''Geez, and you're the soft one,'' Buttercup muttered to herself.

''I don't like this anymore than you do!'' Bubbles snapped,''They haven't actually caused us too many problems, and I still like Boomer more than I should. You tell me what other options we have- and remember we never even had many to begin with.''

''Have you talked to Blossom at all the past few days?" the dark haired sister changed the subject, chewing on her nail as she listened for a response.

''Not really, I get a warning- I erase things and am gone,'' she sighed over the phone,''Bloss....she's been here the entire time for the past years. She still feels it's her duty to be trapped here. And we only talked to each other because we wanted to keep an eye out for the RRB situation. If it turned out bigger, we wanted to stop it...''

''And now they're the least of our problems,'' Buttercup finished for her.

She took one long look around her room,''I'm not leaving til I know both of you guys are listening to the warnings. It's the least I can do.''

She paused,''And Bubs?''

''Still here.''

''I know you haven't left yet either,'' Buttercup's lips turned into a small soft smile- for no one before she hung up.


Ahh! Another update!

I'm finally getting farther into the story/plot!!!!

Please vote and comment, let me know what you think!!

~LanonaWalker <3

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