Ch. 1

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I'm so excited for this new story!! Here's the first chapter!! But first a few things:

1. In this story the girls and boys are eighteen to nineteen, and live on their own (just to let you know)

2. This chapter is dedicated to SoldierSilverIvy

3. I'll be updating on the weekends- though there may be times when I'll be late to update!


The second the alarm decided to go off, was the last second it lived- two red lasers shot out from under the blanket and destroyed the alarm clock with no mercy.

''Aw, man- that clock was two weeks' paycheck!'' The bundle of blankets cried, realizing what she had done.

After a moment of struggling to untangle herself from the blanket, a tall red-haired girl appeared- with a rats nest of hair sticking out in all directions. Her pink eyes settled on the pile of ashes that had previously been her alarm clock.

With a deep sigh, she decided to ignore it for now and focus on other things. Such as her hair, for instance.

''There,'' she said, setting the brush down on the bathroom counter,''Blossom Utonium looks good as new!''

Though she knew she was perfectly alone in her apartment, she still glanced over her shoulder in worry before she saying her real name. She only ever said it when she was alone- never anywhere else. Or with anyone else.

Grabbing her hat and coat, she stepped out the door and locked it behind her. It was a small apartment, but it was what she could afford. There wasn't a whole lot she could afford anyways, but alarms clocks were always needed and never lasted.

As she walked to the other side of the city for work, she thought about her new employers. Working as a maid of a specific mansion wasn't hard, but when the owners sold the house- she worked for the new owners instead. She went with the mansion.

Today she would meet her new employers, and she would see if working for them would still be possible. Not everyone wanted a nineteen year old girl to be in charge of keeping their house in check or even clean for that matter...

The red-haired girl thought to herself as she crossed a busy road- narrowly avoiding being hit by a car, As far as anyone's concerned, Blossom is dead- and know one can know different.


Knocking on the front door, she waited several minutes until it opened. Showing John, the butler who had helped her get her job only four years ago. He looked very stressed and about ready to fall over, but when he saw her he looked relieved.

''Miss Rose!'' He exclaimed,''you're here! The new 'masters' are three brothers, and-''

''Butler!" A demanding voice hollered,''Who's at the door?"

''Miss Rose, sir!" John said loudly,''she's the head maid, and one of the only workers who stay with the house when it goes to new owners.''

''Really? Bring her in,'' another voice snorted loudly, coming from upstairs,''We'll see if we wanna fire her.''

''This way Miss Rose,'' John said gravely, leading her into the house.

It had four stories, and a attic and balcony that served as a guest suite. In total there were eight bedrooms, and five bathrooms. The lower story held the living room and dining room and kitchen. Above that was studies, bedrooms, offices, and a small room for the butler.

As she reached the second floor, the red-haired girl glanced at John to see his reaction. He seemed unhappy, but calm. He must have already seen things like this.

The house was a mess, everything was littering the ground and in desperate need of being cleaned. She was sure she was somethings moving in the piles.

''Sirs, miss Rose,'' John introduced said, stepping into one of the extra living rooms, the door hid her from view so she still couldn't see them- but their voices sounded very familiar...

''Alright Butler, let her in,'' one said in a commanding and obnoxious tone.

As John stepped out, she took a deep breath and stepped in to meet them.

There were three chairs and two couches set up in the center of the room as a separate sitting area, but it was probably the one room not trashed. Sprawled out in the chairs, like they were kings, were three nineteen year olds that were all too familiar to the girl.

They had gotten older, and seemed more...rough and uncaring than before.

Brick still had his stupid red hat, but clearly wasn't in a joking mood- or anything remotely close. Since when is he mr. grouch? She wondered.

Butch and Boomer had the same expressions, though one was more angry and the other more annoyed. 

''What's your name again?"

Blossom looked up at Brick, pink meeting red, praying that they didn't recognize her.

''Rose,'' she said simply.

He was silent, but continued to watch her. All three of them did, but she could see they didn't recognize her- though they did find her familiar.

''You're the....''

''Head Maid, sir,'' she said.

''Ah,'' Brick nodded his head, looking puzzled.

''But, you're like what? Eighteen?" Boomer asked, frowning.

''I'm nineteen,'' she said shortly, before adding,''sir.''

''What would we do with a maid? We don't need things cleaned up,'' Butch grumbled, picking up a soda bottle and taking a swig of it.

''Maybe not you, but the house does,'' she said firmly,''this is an old, and respectable mansion that needs to be taken care of- otherwise you couldn't even live here.''

She wasn't sure why she was arguing to stay, but she couldn't take back the words now.

''Fine, keep your job- but stay out of our way,'' Brick said, making a shooing motion.

Rose banged her head against the wall in the hallway, as soon as she got out. Why did it have to be the RowdyRuff Boys of all villains?

She needed to warn Bubbles and Buttercup....


I hope you guys enjoyed it so far, Please:



let me know what you think!!

:) Have a lovely day!!~ LanonaWalker

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