Ch. 32

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Oh geez, it's bad when I see that it was three weeks ago when I last updated.... Sorry guys :(

Thank you kaxncj

And LoveTheKiwiBirds


Professor Utonium was used to the RowdyRuff Boys visiting him in his...current living area. They always were welcome guests for him- they were the only ones that would talk about what he wanted with him. His daughters.

Butch sat quietly across from him, looking like he hadn't slept in at least twenty-four hours. Boomer wasn't there for some reason, but Brick was leaning against the wall next to where Butch sat. Neither looked directly at him, the older man noticed, they just stared at the ground as if it might tell them something.

''Boys? Is Boomer coming later?" The Professor asked calmly, he enjoyed the three villains company. He took note of how the two present exchanged glances, as if nervous about speaking.

''No,'' Butch finally said,''He's trying to...visit someone?''

''Hmm,'' the older man hummed in response his eyes giving away none of his thoughts.

This is getting no where, Brick thought in agitation as he glanced to the door where Blossom waited outside the room.

''Professor, we need to ask you something- and for you to be completely honest,'' Brick crouched down in front of him- making him look right into eyes the color of blood.

The man that had been a genius smiled, a smile that bordered crazy and denial all at once,''What else do I have to loose? Go ahead and ask.''

Brick took a deep breath, but Butch spoke before he could even think a word.

''What do you remember of the girls the last time you saw them?'' He caught Brick mouthing the word Coward at him, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't sure how to ask what they really wanted to right then, so he bought them some more time.

The man frowned,''Haven't I told you this before?''

''We want you to answer that, before we ask you the important question,'' Brick said, shooting his brother a look.

While the Professor recounted how he'd put his daughters to bed, when he next woke up to everything destroyed and how everything had seemed as if the PowerPuff Girls had never even been there at all. No remains- nothing but ashes and blood.

It was a haunting story that the RowdyRuff Boys typically hated, but now that they knew it wasn't all true...somehow made it better.

''Now what's that important question of yours?"

Butch came over to the other guest chair by the Professor, pulling something out of his pocket and clenching his fist around it. He met the eyes of the man that had been locked up and called crazy- simply because he wouldn't believe his daughters fake deaths. Because he'd been the family member that woke up at dawn in the scene of where he thought his little girls died.

''What if they were about to die?" Butch whispered, searching the pained eyes of a father. ''From whatever had started all this to begin with? What if they left to protect you from it- and it caught up with them?"

Old eyes glared into dark green ones,''It's not even a question of which side I'm on in that scenario. The question is, what are the RowdyRuff Boys going to do this time?"

Butch placed something in the Professor's hands before walking out of the room. Brick followed, but paused with his hand on the doorknob.

''You understand that if they're alive, this means they've gone years on their own- maybe even doing crimes to survive on the streets. Maybe blaming themselves the entire time, and maybe even refusing to contact each other or use their powers because it runs so deep.''

The Professor lifted his head,''I understand that my girls can survive anything, but that doesn't mean they're invincible.''

It was silent until one last question was asked,''What would they be like now- in your scenario?"

''All grown up,'' Brick answered absentmindedly.


Brick took a deep breath, but the corners of his mouth turned up anyways. The Professor got his answer. Brick Jojo was still in love with his daughter, and would no doubt do anything for her.

And he wasn't wrong at all.


Thanks for reading!!!

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