Ch. 6

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Alright so that last chapter was kinda short, and I apologize for that- but there is going to be a lot of chapters this week so please don't be mad!!

Ready for some Butchercup?!?!

I can't wait to see how many of you just screamed at that sentence above, lol.

This chapter is dedicated to Acs1234

and Bookworm_Martinez

Thanks for all your support!! <3<3


~The Boys' POV~

The RowdyRuff Boys were walking all around the outdoor party, ignoring people and looking for Rose.

Boomer was still in denial, but was warming up to the idea that the PowerPuffs could still be alive. Brick just wanted to confront Rose, but he was having doubts of whether she actually was Blossom. Butch was just praying that Betty, Rose's sister, was Buttercup- he wasn't sure what he would do if she wasn't.

The boys were stopped after a little bit, by Mojo Jojo who wouldn't stop telling them how proud he was that they were taking over a good portion of the world. Brick glanced behind him and froze, nudging his brothers to look as well.

Boomer stopped breathing and Butch spit out his drink- all over Mojo, who shrieked and stuttered.

On the other side of the party, Rose stood with her arms crossed talking to two other women- one blonde and one a ravenette.

Rose wore a black leather skirt that reached just above her knees with a red blouse that flared out around the waist and black strapped heels. Her hair was curled, but pulled back in a ponytail.

The ravenette, that they recognized as Betty, had leather boots that went up to her knees, black ripped jeans, and a green halter shirt that's back was open. Her hair was unstyled, but flared out around her face perfectly.

The blonde had a blue dress that hugged her upper body but flared out around her knees, a simple pair of sandals, and a dark blue leather jacket. Her hair was down and had a single blue streak.

The girls all three turned and stared at the RowdyRuff Boys, with no expression. Butch gulped, and shoved his brothers forwards.

~The Girls' POV~

''So let me get this straight,'' Betty said, crossing her arms,''Bubbles- I mean, Lily, got caught by you-know-who, and we can't do anything but hide her now, because they're already after all three of us. Right? Did I miss anything?"

''They caught up to me, but they're already after all three of us. Nothing we can really do about that...'' Lily said, frowning at her thoughts. She was the youngest PowerPuff sister, but all three of them had grown up and were in just as much danger now. Her baby blue eyes still sparkled, even though she was a lot more tougher than she had been years ago. She knew how to take care of herself now.

''We're at the RowdyRuff party right now, that means we stay on alert,'' Rose said sternly,''This can't really be discussed safely anywhere- but especially not here.''

''You're not the leader anymore, we all gave that stuff up a long time ago,'' Betty said, shooting her sister a sharp look.

Rose just sighed,''I know, it wasn't an order- it was merely a suggestion. We were supposed to stay out of each others lives, if I recall correctly.''

Betty shrugged,''I didn't know we worked at the same place, I thought you were in New York or something honestly.''

Lily stifled a laugh,''I'm just surprised Betty got a job, I know I was on the other side of the world and all...but you having a job was shocking.''

Betty huffed, before tilting her head a certain angle, making all the girls immediately sober up. It was easy for the three of them to tell that Betty was trying to tell them someone was coming.

All three of the sisters turned to see the RowdyRuff Boys watching them, with strange expressions. It didn't take long for them to appear next to the girls either.

''Rose, I see you brought your sister Betty,'' Brick said, eyeing all three of them suspiciously. Butch stood next to Betty, looking at her like a lost puppy.

''What's with your brother? He's staring at me like I'm food,'' Betty huffed, sending him a glare.

''You just remind me so much of an old rival...'' Butch said, choosing his words carefully.

All three girls turned their heads to look at him, at the exact same time- though their facial expressions gave nothing away.

''And who's this?'' Brick asked, gesturing to Lily.

''This is Lily, our best friend,'' Rose jumped in, it would've been quite a coincidence if all three girls were sisters. Betty and Lily seemed to agree, watching the boys reactions.

''Ah,'' Boomer said,''Well miss Lily, where are you from again?"

''Oh! All over, I love to travel- how about you?" She said excitedly, dragging him away into a conversation.

Betty and Rose glanced at each other as they took sips of their drinks, Bubbles a.k.a Lily, hated to lie- so she always told the truth with her stories. But she was so careful and joyful it was impossible to believe anything but what she said.

She'd learned how to survive on her own, same as her sisters, without each other.

''Rose would you mind if I borrowed your sister, I would hate to have to fire you,'' Butch said, not even bothering to ask Betty herself to dance.

''Be my guest,'' Rose smiled evilly,''she loves to kick!"

With that, he swept the ravenette away, leaving Brick to talk with her.

As they danced, he asked her all about where she lived and did for a living, to which she bluntly told him to shut it before she kicked him somewhere he wouldn't want her to.

''Y'know I never got to ask you what you thought about that room you and your sister went through and trashed,'' he said, glancing at her though the corner of his eye.

''The superhero-stalking room?" She snickered.

''What do you think about the PowerPuff Girls' disappearance then? That they were just another group of superheros that quit?" He glared at the wall behind her.

Betty hesitated, biting her lip,''I think they died, or at least are as good as dead now. It's been years anyways, shouldn't their villains have forgotten all about them by now?"

''The RowdyRuff Boys will never forget them, even if the whole world does.''


Please tell me your reactions to the Butchercup!!

and YAY!! We finally got to see Bubbles!!!

Hope you guys liked it!! :)




Let me know what you think!!

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