Ch. 17

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Alright, who can guess who's POV is gonna be in this chapter??

Q and A of the day:

Question: Do you plan the funny stuff (or anything) in your stories??

Me: Yes and no. My novels have very vague outlines that I follow. And my fanfictions I have a general idea- like what it's about but that's it. I come up with it as I write. Though I do have to go back a lot, to make sure that everything stays consistent (another reason it takes so long to get the chapters out to you guys)!

P. S. Thank you cheshire_spirit

and inspiredwriter3456

(If you have a question feel free to ask! As long as it's nothing too personal ex: Where I live, how old I am, about my family, etc.)


In all the years, she'd only visited it once- when Bubbles sent the email for all of them to meet up there and talk. The place where everything had begun and ended.

Where the PPG began, and where they had ended too.

The Utonium household.

Or more accurately, it's ruins which the red haired girl now stood in.


The creaking sound normally wouldn't have woken her up, but for some reason this one did.

Her pink eyes cracked open to see. Her sisters were still asleep on either side of her, so she didn't bother waking them up as she slowly scooted out of their bed.

Across from her, stood the door to her and her sisters' bedroom. It was open just a little- enough to let a line of light in. The door seemed too tall, too faraway.

Her bare feet felt colder with each step she took, and she was almost sure she would be able to see her breath in the air. Normal twelve year-olds would be scared of the dark, scared of a silent house at night. Not her, and not her sisters.

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