Ch. 27

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First, I know that I made you guys wait again and I'm sorry! But my life has been a bit busy lately, and I already stay up until 2am as it is (sometimes later).

So thank you guys so much for being patient with me! :) <3

BTW, thank you guys so so much (I really appreciate it) for all your sweet comments and messages!

Also thank you very much ILIEKDAT


Alright here we go, Butch thought, looking around the room to make sure it was just him and his target. All clear, there was no one else but the two in the office.

Brick glanced up, his expression was both bored and suspicious at the same time,''What do you want now?"

Butch strolled over to the couch with his hands in his pockets, putting on an innocent expression,''Have you seen pinkie this morning?''

Brick set down the book he was holding, eyeing his brother,''Yes. She lives here and has pink eyes, and cooks for us- kinda hard not to notice.''

''Oh, must not have heard her conversation with Buttercup last night,'' Butch stated, taking a sip of his soda.

Brick exhaled,''Actually she already told me about that- last night when she got back and you were chasing her sister around the city.''

Butch blinked. He'd assumed Blossom had already told Brick, but he didn't think they'd been watching him and Buttercup. Time to turn this around, he thought in irritation.

He laughed,''So you have no idea what she told Butters about you? Wow man.'' He laughed again at his brother's expense- just for extra measure.

Brick took the bait and demanded,''What are you talking about?''

''I'm just saying,'' Butch held both hands up as if surrendering,''Her face was bright red so I decided to inch closer to hear what she was saying- and oh, boy.''

It wasn't true of course, Blossom and Buttercup hadn't talked about Brick much if at all. But he had told himself he would talk to Brick about Blossom being a future-sister-In-Law, seeing as he now owed Blossom for letting him to talk to BC.

This was his way of doing just that.

Brick's eyes widened comically,''What did she say?"

''Why would I say if she didn't already tell you?" Butch smirked,''I was just saying that if I was you- I definitely would've loved to hear what she said.''

''You didn't even hear what she said did you?" Brick accused, his eyes turning a darker shade of red letting Butch know how close he was to getting a laser to the face.

Oh crap, now what do I do? I forgot this part of my plan, Butch felt a sweatdrop run down his neck.

Cocking an eyebrow, the dark haired RowdyRuff answered in calm voice,''What would you do if I told you what she said? You can't just hear certain things and then not act on them y'know...'' He took another sip of soda as he watched his brother.

Brick hesitated,''That depends on what she said.''

Butch gave him a look,''Bro, I need a Sister-In-Law at some point and Bubbles isn't here. If I tell you that she said she would die without you and loved how you looked in your red hat, I would have to know that you were going to not just ignore it. But until I get an answer-''

''You just did tell me what she said,'' Brick smirked, before promptly zooming out of the room.

Butch smirked to himself, Actually...


Butch was in the middle of a video game when yelling caught his attention.


''C'MON BLOSSOM, DON'T TELL ME YOUR GONNA PLAY HARD TO GET!!'' Brick's voice shouted back, following Blossom's angry stomping up the stairs- and right towards Butch's game room.

Butch managed to save his progress right as his door flew open, an angry pink eyed girl coming in- with his brother right behind her.

He could try to get out without them noticing...but Brick was blocking the doorway while still yelling with Blossom. He was stuck listening to them, for however long they were gonna fight for.

''Hard to get? Hard to get?!'' Blossom hissed, her own eyes heating up with a laser.

''You said you couldn't live without me!'' Brick shouted,''Quit changing your mind woman!''

''When did I say that?! I'm not Bubbles!!'' Blossom screamed in his face.

''No, and I'm not Boomer!!'' Brick shouted back.

Boomer decided to make an appearance behind Butch,''Did you guys call me?"

''GET OUT!!'' Blossom and Brick screamed at the same time, with lasers shooting near his head for extra emphasize.

''I'm just gonna... leave now,'' Butch said nervously, trying to squeeze past the two red haired demons.

A ''STAY PUT!!''  echoed around the room along with more lasers.

Maybe I should've stayed out of it... Butch grimaced, I'm going to be dead in less than a minute.


Ok, so this was a shorter chapter. But I'll have more out when I can!

Thanks for reading!! <3<3<3

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