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Riley's POV
I was buzzing, i was getting adopted. I couldn't keep still so I was very pleased when Pietro presented the offer of football/soccer. I can't believe that anyone would actually want to adopt me! And two of the best people i know made the complete choice to adopt me, it's unbelievable. A wide grin is present on my cheeks. I am so happy. I know its not official, official and it has ben sorted by someone, probably Tony but two whole people actually wanted me!

"I have a question?" Pietro states. We nod as if telling I'm to continue "Do any of you actually know how to play football/soccer" I put my hand up like some exitable child, after slowly lowering it I answer.

"Yeah, I went every week to some club with my primary school so i know how to play. And am not too bad. I am definitely not amazing but i can pass the ball and score a goal" I explain.

"I haven't played since the fourties' but i could get the ball into the goal when close enough" Steve explains.

"By that he means one foot away from the goal with no goal keeper. I am not too great but I can assure you I am better than little Steve over here" Bucky said, pointing to Steve. chuckling Pietro put the ball on the floor.

"I probably have the same skill level as you Riley, but obviously with super speed i should be able to outrun you" Pietro explained.

"Oh yea, is it easier or harder with the super speed because you are going faster and have to have more control over the ball but then by going faster you can score easier" I ask curiously. Surely it would be harder because you are going faster but then it is easier to doge and move down the pitch without interference and score a goal.

"Dribbling is harder but goal scoring is easier" Pietro says. I knew it! I nod at his statement.

"Steve do you know your football/soccer terms?" I ask, trying to test Steve's knowledge.

"I actually know what that word means. I know the rules of football/soccer and how to play. I just count put that knowledge to good use" Steve says, Bucky laughs at the statement, and Pietro gives a little chuckle.

"Lets start, Steve you will probably find it easer to play now not being asthmatic and scrawny anymore" Pietro states, bluntly. Bucky laughs at this too, and gives Steve a pat on the back gently.

"Scrawny Steve" he says with a laugh. I grin at the interaction, Steve looks so pissed but not really, he is faking it but seems slightly, i would say irritated, but its not that far, displeased? eventually Steve cracks a smile.

Pietro goes to pass the ball to Steve, who was to busy looking at his boyfriend to pay attention, so i run in front of him and intercept the ball quickly passing it to Bucky, who is fully focused on winning. Pietro uses his super speed and intercepts the ball again, he goes to score but I stand in front of the goal and use my quicker reflexes to intercept it. My spidey senses were also tingling because Pietro had launched the ball at such speed it could have broken something.

"Pietro we are not trying to kill anyone but it was a very good shot. I have to admit" Steve states, I sigh. Do not compliment the person that could have just took my head of with a football! I look the ball to Bucky who is standing pretty far away from the goal.

Steve somehow manages to header the ball to Pietro, he seems as surprised as the rest of us before a wide grin make sits way onto his face as his confidence sky rockets. "Stop being so smug Steve" Bucky shouts, Steve only glares at him and continues to be, as Bucky put it, smug. Steve receives the pass from Pietro and goes to make the goal but Bucky is in goal and quickly uses his metal arm to efficiently catch it, he throws it onto the pitch and allowing me to dribble it to the goal. Only to be intercepted by Steve who kick it up into the air. I debate trying a bicycle kick and eventually decide to just do it. The ball only just goes into the goal.

"Yeah!!!" I shout, grinning widely. "I should join a club, I bet I could go pro" I say. Bucky gives me a high five.

"You would probably not be allowed i think being enhanced counts as cheating" Steve says.

"Oh shit yeah" I say, slightly disappointed, even though there was no way I would do that anyway.

"Oh well, you'll have to keep avenging" Pietro says. I nod, I'm cool with that, the family it brings is the best part, but helping the people is good too.

"Come on, stop dithering. How long do you want to go? First to five, or we could do eight as with less players it takes less time to score" Pietro suggests.

"Eight" Me and Steve say, while simultaneously Bucky shouts "five"

"Eight it is, outvoted Bucky" Pietro explains. Sighing Bucky moves to get ready.

"Hehe" I say, grinning.

We continue to play for a while, Me and Bucky won the match but that was because Steve was less experienced and Pietro got exited when he had the ball and absolutely lobbed it in random directions to powerfully. It was a very fun match. After bidding farewell to Bucky, Pietro and Steve, I go to the kitchen to grab myself a drink, I had already drank all of the water that had previously been in my drinks bottle.

After downing a glass of water I run to Wanda's room and excitedly knock on the door. But then realise she could be doing something more important so knock more gently. Wanda opens the door smiling.

"Hello" She greets. I smile widely and impulsively hug my girlfriend. nuzzling my face into her shoulder. "Okay, what got you so smiley?" She asks when we part and she sees the wide grin on my face.

"I am getting adopted" I say nervously, yet with enthusiasm.

"What?! That great, wait, by who?" She asks, her smile now as equally wide as mine.

"Steve and Bucky" Riley says "They asked while I was outside. Well, Bucky asked and Steve just nodded form next to him. Too nervous to say anything. it was very much a request and Bucky was so nervous when he asked. Wanda I am going to have a proper family again, and people who chose to have me, and really genuinely wanted me" I explain. Wanda wraps her arms around me, offering another hug.

"Thats so great!" She says, matching my enthusiasm. "What did you do, you have been down there for hours?" She asks, "I spoke to Nat and she said she had seen you running around the track" Wanda adds.

"Really! I went running at the track and then Steve and Bucky came so I ran with them for a bit then Pietro came and we played football/soccer for a bit. I didn't know it had been that long" I say, surprised. I knew time had passed, obviously, but not that long.

"come cuddle with me" Wanda says randomly, breaking the short silence. "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages" Wanda explains, they are so used to spending every second with each other that when they are apart it feels strange. Silently Riley wraps her arms around Wanda, leaning her head against her shoulder. Wanda reciprocates it and wraps her arms around her girlfriend too. Riley turns on the TV and puts on a Disney movie for them to watch. Both girls are smiling widely in each other's embrace.

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