Proloque: What happened so far

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,,Bye Remus, I'll miss you", Jean shouted, while waving at her godfather. In just a few hours she would be at Hogwarts, the school for witchcraft and wizardry. Remus waved back at her, visibly happy to see Jean this excited. The Hogwarts express began rolling out of the train Station. Several parents were there to see their children off to Hogwarts, all waving and blowing air kisses. Jean felt kind of jealous of all these kids, who still had their parents.

She didn't feel sad for long though. Happily, she went off to search for a compartment to sit in. She wondered if Harry Potter, her best friend, had made it on the train as well.

She didn't have to search for long. Harrys voice was coming out of a compartment, where a brown haired girl, with curls just as wild as Jean's, stood. Apparently she was lecturing the ginger haired boy next to Harry. Jean shrugged and pushed past the girl. Harry looked very happy to see her. ,,Jean, you made it", he greeted her cheerfully. The girl now got into the compartment as well. Jean sat down opposite Harry, beaming. ,,Blimey Harry, I'm so happy you made it. The muggles let you go then?", she asked. He nodded, when the girl interrupted: ,,Bloody hell, you're Harry Potter." Harry lifted his hair to reveal his scar, shaped like a lightning bolt. ,,I'm Hermione Granger", she smiled, extending her arm, before she took a look at the ginger boy, ,,And you are...?" The boy, who had his mouth full of sweets, answered: ,,Ron Weasley." Hermione looked a bit disgusted, as she replied: ,,Pleasure." Jean smiled at Ron, trying to defuse the tension: ,,Hi I'm Jean. Nice to meet you, Ron." Ron smiled at her, before resuming to stuff his face. Jean turned to Hermione, extending her hand. ,,Nice to meet you too, Hermione. I'm Jean", she smiled, as Hermione shook her hand.

At the sorting

All first years stood in a line as they waited for McGonagall to call their names. After Hermione was called up and placed in Gryffindor, McGonagall announced: ,,Jean Lily Black." All the heads turned to her, as she made her way up. She was rather confident that she would be placed in Gryffindor, just like Remus and her parents. The hat was let down on Jean's head and she heard him talking to her: ,,Hmm, its been a long time since I had one of those. A black, you are little girl, but I can see bravery and loyalty. Clever are you too. Okay, better be-" Jean held her breath, as the hat bellowed: ,,GRYFFINDOR." Gryffindor table cheered and Jean skipped down, towards Hermione. Everyone welcomed her and she shook loads of hands. She was just glad that nobody had caught on, on who her father was.

A rough year later

Harry, Jean, Hermione and Ron sat at the Gryffindor table, rather gloomy looking. It had been an exciting first year at Hogwarts for the four of them. After fighting a troll, celebrating their first Christmas together(besides Hermione, who went home over the holidays), getting wind of the philosophers stone and finding it, after fighting though various difficult tasks, and at the end finding out that their defence against the dark arts Professor had Voldemort on the back of his head. They looked exactly like you would imagine them to, Jean, Hermione and Ron after sacrificing themselves so Harry could pass through and Harry after having an uncounted with the most powerful dark wizard to be alive. Ron had a broken arm and several scratches and bruises on his face, Hermione had a band aid on her cheek and was bruised up as well, Harry had a bad scratch on his cheek and a small wound on his forehead, and Jean had a bad wound on her forehead, looking as badly bruised up as her friends. The reason for their grim looks was the Slytherin decorations in the great hall. Slytherin had won the house cup.

Dumbledore got up from his chair and bellowed: ,,Silence!" The hall got quiet, as he announced: ,,It has been another year at Hogwarts for you. As you all can see, Slytherin has won the house cup this year, but we can't celebrate until I've awarded some extra points. First, Hermione Granger, for the knowledge and loyalty to her friends, which was crucial in defeating he who must not be named, Fifty points. Then, to Ronald Weasley, for one of the best matches of wizard chess in history, fifty points. Lastly, Harry Potter, for risking his life to keep our school save and defeating he who must not be named once more, sixty points." Gryffindor table erupted in cheers. ,,Ten more points, were tied with slytherin", Jean said to her friends. Dumbledore raised his hands for silence once more. ,,Almost forgot, I award fifty additional house points to Jean Black, for her encouragement and bravery in last night's events", he announced, making the gryffindors loose it. They had just managed to steal the house cup right under the Slytherins nose.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now