Final Sprint

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,,Snape knows Harry’s here”, someone informed the lot of them. Jean’s eyebrows knitted together, asking: ,,How did he get wind of that so fast?” ,,Not important, anyone have a Robe I can borrow? Preferably a Gryffindor one?”, Harry inquired, looking round at the DA. Seamus threw a robe at him, with the words: ,,I’ve got this spare one you can have. D’you mind telling us what your plan is?” Harry pulled the robe off his head, before answering: ,,No, the fewer people that know the better. Its for your own safety. I appreciate it though.” He earned a few groans and frowns from their friends, but everyone knew that they needed to listen to Harry.
A few moments later Snape had ordered all of Hogwarts into the great hall for what seemed to be a very important speech. Jean wasn’t with them though. Harry asked of her, Ron and Hermione to alert the order, or at least what was left of it. The three of them walked briskly, careful not to be seen. ,,Ready?”, Jean asked, holding her wand into the air. On the count of three they would cast their patroni, sending them to specific order members. Jean was to alert Remus and Tonks and Aberforth.
Ron and Hermione stood on either side of her, giving her the heads up. ,,One, two, three. Expecto patronum”, Jean counted down. Just seconds later a niffler, an otter and a small dog erupted from their wands, shining bright into the chilly may night. The animals knew what to do, disappearing in the tall pine trees surrounding the castle.
Jean let out a deep sigh. ,,This is the final battle isn’t it?”, she asked her two friends, still staring after her long gone niffler patronus. Both Ron and Hermione put an a around her. This was giving all three of them a bit of new strength. A few seconds later, Jean thought she saw something coming towards them. She squinted her eyes, before asking: ,,Are you seeing this too?” Hermione narrowed her eyes to get a better view. It looked like there were loads of people flying towards them. Suddenly, the three Gryffindors heard a crack. ,,Hey, are you alright?”, the voice of Tonks inquired just behind Jean. With a sigh of relief, Jean turned around to hug her cousin. ,,Merlin, I’m so glad you’re here Tonks”, she muttered, before the people that they saw in the distance landed beside them.
Almost every member of the order had seen their help call. Among them Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill and Fleur, Percy, Fred and George, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus and even Mundungus Fletcher showed up. Jean immediately ran to hug Remus, very glad that he was alive. He hugged her back, before pulling away. ,,Are you alright? Is Harry here? Why did you call us?”, he asked with a stern expression on his face. Jean nodded, before giving an answer: ,,We need help. Snape currently has everyone gathered in the great hall, Harry is among them. I think he wants to confront him.” Remus looked around to his fellow order members, as he announced: ,,We’re interrupting the headmasters little meeting. We haven’t got much time.” Everyone let out a murmur of agreement, before the big group of wizards made their way to the secret entrance.
Jean’s heart was pounding out of her chest, as they stood in front of the great hall, waiting for the key word, that Harry had told them. She pressed her ear against the door, trying hard to understand what they were saying. Apparently, Harry had revealed himself and seemed to be screaming at Snape. Then, Jean heard the key word. ,,Okay let’s go”, she announced, before banging open the door. To her surprise, Snape was gone, leaving a hole in the big window of the great hall. Professor McGonagall raged, shouting after him: ,,Fight back, Coward!” Then she turned around, acknowledged Jean and her entourage, before turning the lights on.
Suddenly, a shrill sound rang through the air, leading to everyone covering their ears. The ringing didn’t stop though, it was like it was in their heads. Jean suddenly heard someone whisper through the ringing. ,,You have found valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. While they’re absent, dispose of your dead with dignity”, the voice of Voldemort whispered in Jean’s head. She wanted to shut him out, but was unable to. Her occlumency was to weak to resist. The whisper wouldn’t stop though. Jean was unsure whether or not she was supposed to hear the following, but she did. ,,Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me”, Voldemort threatened, making Jean’s eyes widen. Then, the whispering stopped.
The first thing Jean did was to look at Harry. She needed to make sure that he wasn’t actually considering capitalism. Before she could get a proper look at him, Pansy Parkinson screamed: ,,Someone grab him already.” Professor McGonagall looked at the Slytherin girl horrified. Then she looked at Harry. Ginny ran and stood in front of Harry. Jean nodded, before joining her friend. The two girls were soon accompanied by several DA members, building a wall beside Harry. When Professor McGonagall was about to speak, the door flew open once more, revealing Filch, frantically running towards the newly appointed headmistress. ,,Children out of bed, children in the corridors”, he panicked, throwing his hands up in the air. ,,They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot”, Professor McGonagall explained to him quite annoyed. ,,Whilst you are here, would you mind accompanying the Slytherins to their dormitories? The dungeons would be a fitting place”, she added, glancing at the Slytherins with a sorry but stern gaze. Filch just nodded, taking all the Slytherins with him.
Jean felt someone holding on to her. She turned to look who it was, just to discover that it was her sister. ,,I’m not going with them. I’m here to fight against the bad guys not follow them. With you. Someone needs to avenge dad for what auntie Bella did”, she admitted, her big, stormy grey eyes looking at her determined. Jean couldn’t help but smirk. ,,Auntie Bella, really El? You’re right though, someone needs to avenge mum and dad”, she agreed, holding on to Elaine’s hand on her arm. Her sister grinned back at her, before apologising: ,,Sorry, its a habit.” ,,Go show them what side you’re on now”, Jean replied, letting Elaine go and giving her a nod. ,,Promise I will”, she replied, running off.
The quartet had split up. Ron and Hermione went to destroy the cup, using a basilisk fang. Neither Harry nor Jean knew where they went off to. Harry went to find the fifth horcrux, leaving Jean all by herself. She still stood in the great hall, observing her fellow students. In reality she was scanning the place for her boyfriend. All of a sudden, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her though. ,,You’re still alive, thank Merlin”, Jacobs voice breathed into her ear. Jean squirmed in his arms, trying to wiggle around to face him. She finally succeeded, immediately wrapping her arms around his neck. ,,Don’t die, okay”, she whispered, barely audible. He let out a small chuckle, before answering: ,,I’ll try my best.” Jean looked into his bright green eyes, tempted to get lost in them. Jacob stared back at her, before leaning forward to kiss her. ,,I need to go, don’t die in the meantime”, she warned, her lips still pressed against Jacobs. She felt him smiling, before he set her free. ,,Kick their bums”, he nodded, as she made her way towards a staircase. ,,Sure will”, Jean smiled, almost vanishing behind the big entrance door. She stopped for a moment, turned on her heel and ran back to Jacob. ,,I’m serious, don’t you dare die”, she warned again, before giving him a peck on the lips. ,,I won’t, now go be a hero”, he assured, pushing her towards the door. She gave him one last smile, before running up the stairs.
Panting, Jean arrived in the seventh floor. Even though she didn’t know where Harry went, she had a gut feeling that he was in the room of requirement. Just when she was about to open the door, Ron and Hermione showed up behind her, soaked. ,,We destroyed it”, Ron panted, giving Jean a proud look. She smiled back at them, nodded in approval, before asking: ,,So, do you guys know, if Harry’s in there? You’ve got the map.” Hermione nodded, holding the map under Jean’s nose.  ,,It was Ron’s idea actually, he’s brilliant”, she praised, looking at Ron with heart eyes. His cheeks flushed red, making Jean grin. She could only imagine what went down when they destroyed the horcrux.
,,Okay, let’s get in there. I doubt Harry can destroy the horcrux on his own”, Jean suggested, thrusting the map back at Hermione. When she pushed down the handle of the door, she heard voices. One of them was Harry’s, but there were at least two more. Silently, the three Gryffindors crept to Harry’s side. The look of horror on Draco Malfoy‘s face was indescribable. He had Crabbe and Goyle next to him, but honestly, they’re no good use against four rather skilled wizards.
What happened next, was in a blur. There was screaming, dodging spells, shooting spells and running. Next thing Jean knew, she was on a broom, Hermione clutching on to her waist. They were flying through fire, fiend fire to be exact. Jean didn’t exactly remember who cast it, she only knew that it had been either Crabbe or Goyle. Then, to her relief, the exit. Jean leant forward and a few seconds later she was out.
As her and Hermione landed on the floor, the both of them were panting heavily. Jean was leaning against a wall, one hand at her forehead, the other resting on her knee. ,,Blimey Harry, never do that again”, Ron panted. Him and Harry sat on the other side of the door, both panting just as hard as the girls. Harry didn’t respond though. He seemed out of it, almost in a trance. Jean immediately recognised his behaviour. He had a vision into Voldemort’s mind. She rushed to get up, tripping over her own feet in the process, before kneeling down next to her friend. Then, he snapped out of it. ,,It’s the snake. Voldemort is in the boathouse. Jean, you stay here and make sure nobody knows we’re there. Ron, Hermione you come with me. We’ll go kill that bloody snake”, he explained, looking at each of them. Jean nodded. She wanted to look for Remus and Tonks anyways.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now