Malfoy Manor

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A few moments later, the four of them found themselves in a big, fancy room. The snatchers were still holding them captured, making it impossible for them to disapparate. The nails of Fenrir Greyback were painfully digging into Jean's skin, making it hard for her to stay silent. She jolted, hoping to get him off, but he only tightened his grip on her, making her curse under her breath in pain.

Jean scanned the room, until her gaze fixed upon people. Draco Malfoy and his parents stood in the corner, accompanied by Nacissa Malfoys sister Bellatrix. The adults had a smug expression on their faces, whilst Draco looked horrified. None of them seemed to recognise Harry though. Hermione's spell had done some pretty good damage to his face.

Finally, Bellatrix turned to them, cackling and getting very close to each of their faces. Jean rolled her eyes at her apparent obviousness. She wondered if her dad ever told her aunts about her. When Bellatrix reached her and stared into her face, she froze. Suddenly, she pulled Jean by her hair, making her let out a gasp of pain. ,,Who are you?", she inquired in a whisper, so that none of her fellow death eaters could hear. When Jean remained silent, her aunt pulled her hair harder. ,,WHO ARE YOU", she asked again, this time screaming in her face. Jean was stubborn though. Except for screaming in agony and stubbornness, she didn't give a valid answer. Bellatrix let out a groan of anger, before pushing her niece to the floor. ,,Tell me who you are, coward", she demanded in a fit of rage. Jean had tears in her eyes form trying to supress the pain. With a clenched jaw, she looked up at her aunt. ,,Remember Sirius Black?", she asked, the calmness in her voice surprising herself. Bellatrix's expression of triumph when Jean started talking changed into a grim one. Jean knew that Bellatrix kinda knew who she was. Still, she motioned vaguely with her hands, mocking: ,,Oh yea, the traitor ran off with a filthy halfblood. What about him, huh?" Smirking, Jean responded, knowing that she was about to piss of her aunt very bad: ,,Well, that 'filthy halfblood' was my mother and the 'traitor' my father. I am Jean Lily Black, auntie." Bellatrix's jaw dropped. When Jean looked around she noticed the shocked expressions on the death eaters faces. Lucius Malfoy looked just as shocked, mixed with a trace of rage and Draco had a look of disgust on his face, probably realising that he tried to ask out his cousin multiple times. Nacissa Malfoy, Bellatrix's sister, had a look of surprise on her face, but Jean though that she saw a tear shimmer in her eyes.

After another scream of rage and disgust, Bellatrix saw something else. ,,Where did you get that?", she asked, motioning to the sword of Gryffindor on Hermione's belt. Hermione didn't even get a chance to answer, before Bellatrix began screaming again. ,,I want everyone out, except for her. Out now, I wanna have a little chat, girl to girl", she raged, waving with her arms and pushing her sister plus family to the door. Her fellow death eaters seized Ron, Harry and Jean, dragging them out.

Once they were being pushed down a flight of stairs, probably leading to the dungeons, the three of them could hear Hermione scream in agony. Ron looked very upset, trying to jerk himself free multiple times.

The death eaters threw the three Gryffindors into a dungeon cell, before setting up Peter Pettigrew to stand guard in front of their cell, insuring that they won't run away. Ron clicked his deluminator, making the torches in the cold dungeon light up. As soon as the light was on, three more people were revealed. Luna Lovegood, Mr. Olivander, the wand maker, and a grim-looking goblin stared at the three of them, partly in disbelief and partly hopeful. In the distance they could still hear Hermione scream. Ron kicked the dungeon door, making Wormtail jump.

Suddenly, everyone heard a crack. Ron turned around, searching for the cause of the noise, whilst Harry and Jean, who had been talking to Luna, froze. None of them had their wands and up until this moment, they thought that it was impossible to apparate in or out.

Jeans gaze met the small house elf with a rather proud grin on his face. It was dobby. The elf's green, tennis ball big eyes looked at each of them, before he gasped: ,,Harry Potter, Dobby has come to safe you and your friends, sir. Dobby was sent by Kreacher. He was very worried after Jean Black didn't return to Grimmauldplace, so he asked Dobby to search for you." Harry grinned at Jean, before he gave Dobby an appreciative nod. He knelt down to the elf's level, inquiring: ,,Dobby, can you get us out of here?", Harry asked, looking at Dobby very seriously. The elf nodded fiercely, confirming: ,,Yes, sir. Dobby is here to save Harry potter and his friends." Jean watched as Harry's expression got focused before he whispered something inaudible to the elf. Dobby nodded, walking over to Luna, before holding out his hand.

One confused look later, Harry explained: ,,Luna, I want you to take Mr. Olivander's and the goblin's hands. Dobby is gonna get you out of here. He knows where to bring you. If someone's asking why you're there, tell them Ron sent you." Ron, who up until now was busy plotting how they could save Hermione, looked at him confused. Harry just waved him off, meaning that he'll explain later. Luna nodded at Harry's request, kneeling down next to a very weak Mr. Olivander. Once she had seized his hand, the goblin, which had been quiet the entire time obeyed to Harrys request as well. Dobby took a hold of Lunas arm and just a second later they disapparated with a quiet crack.

Both Jean and Ron had confusion written all over their faces, as Harry turned back to them. He waved them close to him, before explaining quietly: ,,So, we'll get out of here, save Hermione and then Dobby will get us to apparate to your brother's place, Ron. We've got 15 minutes." Jean nodded, but inquired: ,,Harry, how do you plan on getting out? The traitor is still standing in front of the door." Smirking, he answered: ,,Well he owes me a favour, so Ron, please turn off the lights please." Ron obeyed, though with a confused look in his eyes. Harry gave a thumbs up, before seizing Jean by the hand and hiding beside the door, so that Wormtail couldn't see them. Ron understood, positioning himself on the other side of the door.

Harry nodded to Ron, as Wormtail approached to check where they had gone. As he opened the door, the two boys tackled him and pinned him to the ground. Meanwhile Jean ripped his wand out of his hand, pointing it at him. Harry sat on top of the mousy looking wizard, but Wormtail began strangling Harry with the silver hand that Voldemort had once conjured for him. Harry was panting and choking, trying to pry the hand off of his neck. ,,Remember, when I saved you from Jeans dad and Remus? You owe me a life debt, Wormtail", he gasped, desperately trying to breathe. Just a second later, the grip on him loosened. Wormtail hesitated, not long though, because his silver hand turned against him, now strangling himself. Jean's eyes widened, Ron stood next to her impatiently, whilst Harry now tried to save Wormtail. ,,Harry", Jean sighed. ,,What, Jean. I'm tying to save him", he answered, trying with all his might to get the hand off of their enemy. ,,You can't save him, I'll explain later. We don't have time", Jean explained, seizing Harrys body and dragging him off. He sighed, got up and walked up the stairs to the main room. Ron and Jean followed, but Jean looked back at Wormtail with a trace of pity for him in her heart.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now