lots of unexpected things

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Back at the castle the next week, Harry and Jean were sitting at lunch together, just after finishing their quiddich practice. The second house match against slytherin was about to happen and Gryffindor needed to practice harder than ever.
,,This is getting very stressful lately. I mean, we have the O.W.Ls coming up and a quiddich match to practice for. When am I supposed to study, when am I supposed to do my bloody homework?”, Jean complained, pushing her mashed potatoes around on her plate. Harry side eyed her and sighed: ,,Geez Jean, you sound like Hermione. Its not like we don’t have time in between the house matches, where we don’t need to practice this hard. Besides, since are you so keen on studying?” Jean got visibly nervous and embarrassed. She looked away, hoping that Harry hadn’t seen her get so red in the face. He didn’t let this bother him though. With all his might, he tried to get a glimpse of Jean’s face to look for answers in her face. Jean made the mistake to dare a short glance over to the Hufflepuff table and spotted Jacob. Harry, who was normally very oblivious to this, immediately picked up on it. ,,It’s because of that Jacob bloke, is it? The two of you have spent quite some time studying in the library, haven’t you?”, he asked with a grin and smirked at Jean, who had given up on hiding her face now. ,,No, its not”, she tried to convince him in vain, sounding a bit snippy. Harry gave her the ‘don’t try to fool me’- look, before he smiled: ,,So you’re telling me, all those times I’ve heard you say: ‘I was busy studying with Jacob’ was just a hallucination? C’mon Jean I’ve known you for 14 years, I know when you’re lying.” Jean put her head in her hands and mumbled: ,,Fine, yea, it is because of Jacob. I really enjoy spending time with him, but I don’t know how he feels about me. Besides, I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend.” Harry looked over to the Hufflepuff table far too obvious, before Jean pulled him down forcefully. ,,Blimey Jean, what was that for? Jeez woman, just wanted to check the bloke out to make sure he’s good for you”, Harry swore and rubbed his head, which had crashed with the table seconds earlier. ,,Sorry, I just don’t want to seem desperate”, Jean mumbled back, patting Harry on the head. He nodded, got up and muttered: ,,It’s fine, I’ve got transfiguration now, see ya later.” ,,Yea, see ya. Can you tell Ginny that I need her when you see her?”, she asked. Harry gave her a thumbs up and almost ran into a Ravenclaw first-year. ,,Idiot”, Jean smiled, before she got up.
In the courtyard, later that week
Jean had a free period and decided that she would just study in the courtyard, since the weather was quite nice. She had tied up her hair in a somewhat messy bun, trying to master her stunning spell. ,,Stupefy”, she mumbled, over and over again, but the monster book of monsters still tried to free itself from the belt that she had wrapped around it. Finally, after probably the 100th time, and a very angry motion, Jean’s stupefy worked. She celebrated her victory quietly and turned to the next page. To be fair, learning spells was much harder with Umbridge around, since the book that she gave them didn’t involve using the spells. Jean ran her hands over her face and decided that she had mastered enough spells for today.
Sighing, she shut her book and made her way to leave, when she saw Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin friends lingering by another tree. She really wasn’t in the mood for a fight, so she just hoped that they didn’t see her. Apparently though, luck wasn’t on Jean’s side that day, because Malfoy had spotted her and called out: ,,Hey Black, why don’t you join us back here.” Jean rolled her eyes and shouted back: ,,If I wanted to, I would’ve, Malfoy.” He looked as if he wanted to explode. ,,Did your mummy never teach you to be respectful to the people with more worth than you, Black?”, he taunted and laughed, his mates laughing with him. Jean had enough, she wasn’t gonna get taunted or anything else anymore by that git. Malfoy noticed that she was about to loose it, so he continued: ,,Oh right, she was gone before you could even walk straight.” ,,Take. That. Back.”, she snapped, her wand drawn and walking forcefully towards him. Malfoy hopped down from the tree he was sitting  in and made an oohing sound. Jean now stood a meter away from him, keeping her distance, her wand still in her hand. She looked at him like she wanted to poison him, but he smirked. ,,One date, Black. One date is all it takes”, he mumbled, apparently trying to sound intimidating. Jean glared at him as he came closer. ,,You. wish”, she answered, still glaring at him. Malfoy was now dangerously close to her, his face almost touching hers. ,,C’mon Black, you’ll like it”, he tried to persuade her. Jean looked around and saw Harry coming towards the courtyard, alongside of Ron. From the other side came Jacob, apparently already picking up on what’s going on. She looked back at Malfoy and clenched her jaw before ordering: ,,Get away from me.” He didn’t even move one bit and put his hands on Jean’s hips. ,,Just say yes to a date”, he smirked, but in that moment someone yelled: ,,Keep your hands to yourself, Malfoy.” Draco looked a bit shocked and backed away a tiny bit. ,,Have you not heard him, dude. Get your hands off of her”, someone else shouted. Jean smirked as she recognised the voices of Harry and Ron. Draco now noticed who it was and scoffed. ,,What are you gonna do about it, Weasel-be?”, he spat and tried to pull Jean closer to him. Five seconds later, he received a kick in the nuts by Jean. Draco now laid on the floor whimpering, while Jean had her wand pointed at him. ,,Don’t EVER call him that again and keep your filthy hands to yourself, Malfoy”, she snapped, Harry and Ron standing beside her now. Draco got up from the floor, still mildly whimpering he ran, taking his friends with him. ,,That girl’s gone mental”, he cried.
Harry grinned at her. ,,That was bloody brilliant”, Ron said happily, and in awe. ,,Maybe he got the message now”, Jean answered, feeling very powerful. From the corner of her eye she noticed Jacob staring at her with a slight smirk on his face, over at the dwell. It made her heart flutter and she smiled back at him shyly. Ron picked up on the situation and nudged Harry, before he said: ,,Harry, don’t we have an essay due tomorrow first period? Let’s go work on it.” Harry, oblivious as he was replied: ,,We’ve got loads of time. Why the rush?” Ron sighed and dragged him with him. ,,See you later Jean.” She rolled her eyes and waved. ,,Later guys”, she mumbled. One day she’d actually murder them for how obvious they were.
Slowly she walked over to the dwell, where Jacob was sitting. He looked up from his book and smiled: ,,Hey, here to study?” Jean laughed as she answered: ,,Yea, I’ve still got defence against the dark arts to do. Umbridge is giving an awful lot of homework. How’s your stunning spell going?” He moved his book, so Jean could sit, before he answered: ,,Yea, she’s the worst. I’m doing horrible at stunning, I really need to ask Harry for help on that one next time the DA meets. D’you want my essay that Umbridge gave us, for you know, inspiration?” She sat down next to him, kind of nervous. ,,Yea, that would be nice. About that stunning spell, try doing the movement a little more angry than you normally would. Helped me a great deal”, she suggested, placing her hand over his and gave his wand a little flick. The fly that flew in front of them fell to the floor. Jean smiled at him and suddenly noticed how close their faces were to each other. Subconsciously she stopped breathing and stared into his bright green eyes. He stared back at her, looking down at her lips. Instead of not breathing, Jean was now breathing quite heavily, as their faces moved even closer. Before their lips had the chance to touch, she retreated though. ,,Don’t you have a girlfriend?”, she mumbled, trying not to sound too mistrusting. ,,What, no. I broke up with her shortly after we met”, he breathed back, looking quite hurt. Jean got up, red in the face and mumbled, trying to keep her voice steady: ,,Oh, well sorry I uh, have to go. See you around, bye.” She snatched her wand, before briskly walking away, focusing hard not to stumble.
In the common room
,,Blimey! I blew it, I ruined it”, Jean swore, slamming her wand on a table. The common room was usually empty, only Harry and Ron were there. ,,What happened? Did you tell him how you feel?”, Harry asked, looking confused. Jean groaned, swearing to herself without answering Harry’s question. ,,What in the name of merlin is going on here?”, Hermione, who  just came though the portrait hole, asked, just as confused as Harry. ,,Jean kicked Malfoy in the nuts and her Jacob saw. Harry and I left her alone with him after and now she’s swearing. We’re just as clueless as you, ‘mione”, Ron explained smirking. Hermione sighed, let herself fall onto the couch and asked: ,,What happened?” Jean looked at the three of them and responded: ,,I’m an idiot, that’s what happened. We were about to kiss, and my stupid self thought that now was the perfect time to bring up his, well ex, girlfriend.” Ron had to hold his laugh and Harry asked: ,,What did you say to him?” She sat down next to Harry and hid her head in her sleeve. ,,I asked if he had a girlfriend. BEFORE WE WERE ABOUT TO HAVE OUR FIRST KISS”, she explained, almost dying of embarrassment. Hermione face palmed herself, Harrys mouth was open, at a loss for words and Ron still tried not to burst out laughing. ,,So you’re telling me, you have absolutely no problem rejecting Malfoy and thrusting your knee in between his legs with full force, but you struggle to use your common sense with that bloke? Who are you and what have you done to Jean Black?”, Ron asked, joking around. Jean didn’t find this funny at all and replied: ,,I don’t find this very funny. I just managed to ruin my chances with him once and for all. I can never look him in the eye again.” Dramatically she let herself fall into Harry’s lap. ,,Don’t loose hope, Jeanie. If he really likes you, the two of you will get the chance. Besides, did you even stay long enough to get his reaction after he told you he didn’t have a girlfriend?”, Hermione sighed, leaning back into the couch. Jean looked up at her even more embarrassed and answered: ,,I made a run for it. I’m pretty sure I forgot my book in the process too. I just made up some weird excuse and got out of there.” Ron smirked and cheered her up: ,,Hey that’s good. He won’t just leave your book laying around. 100 percent chance he took it with him and wants to give it back to you. That’s your chance to ask him out.” Hermione looked at Ron, like he was some sort of alien. ,,Are you serious? She can’t just ask him out. I mean she could, but he should do it. You’re not wrong though, Jacob doesn’t seem to leave stuff laying around”, she explained. Jean just nodded at this point. ,,You know what, I’m done with to-”, she declared, when they heard a pounding on the wall.
She got up and opened the portrait hole. Standing there was Jacob, in his hand, Jean’s book and... a Lily. Jean looked back to the others, before she decided that she needed to talk to Jacob. The three of them gave her thumbs up, and she climbed through the portrait hole.
,,Look-”, the both of them began at the same time. ,,You go first”, Jacob said, smiling slightly awkward. Jean looked at the floor before she began: ,,Look, I’m sorry. I was just worried and-” Jacob interrupted: ,,Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?” She was shocked but on the inside she was really happy. ,,I uh, yea of course, I’d love to actually”, Jean answered beaming. He looked at her as though he had expected her to say no and smiled really relieved when she said yes. ,,Really, I mean, I’m glad you said yes. And I’ve got your book, you forgot it earlier. I also got you a Lily, because those are your favourite”, Jacob replied, handing her the book and the flower. Jean was amazed by this. ,,You remembered? Thanks Jacob”, she beamed and took her book and the flower. Smiling, Jacob asked: ,,So, Saturday three PM at Madam Puddifoots?” Jean nodded beaming. ,,See you then. I’m looking forward to it”, she answered, before hugging him. For the first time she noticed that he smelled really good. Like a soft wave of freshly baked biscuits, mixed with the air after a heavy rainfall. Additionally, a subtle whiff of what seemed to be his cologne hit her.
They stayed like this for a few seconds, which seemed to be ages. It was like time was standing still. Then, Jean looked up at him, she couldn’t help but look into his beautiful eyes. Her heart began beating faster, and she was scared that he could feel her heartbeat against his skin. He looked at her with a smile on his face and once again, their faces were moving closer to one another’s. Jean felt him coming closer to her, but just before their lips got the chance to connect, a voice made them jump.
,,Miss Black and Mister Scamander, shouldn’t the two of you be in bed in two minutes?”, Minerva McGonagall asked, an undertone of amusement in her voice. ,,Sorry Professor, Jacob was just giving me my book back. We’ll go now”, Jean apologised, cursing in her mind. Jacob nodded and made to turn around. ,,Bye Jean”, he mumbled, before he left. Professor McGonagall eyed Jean and said: ,,Miss Black, the common room is not in front of the portrait hole. In you go now.” Jean nodded and murmured the password, before climbing through the portrait hole once again. ,,Good night Professor”, she added and wanted to leave for the dormitory. ,,Black”, McGonagall called. Jean turned again and asked: ,,Yes Professor?” ,,Scamander is a good guy”, her Professor advised before she smirked at her. Jean smiled gratefully, getting a bit pink in the face as she said: ,,Thanks Professor, I really like him.” McGonagall merely smiled and walked away.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now