Going home

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Before they knew it, they sat in the train taking them back home for Christmas. Jean sat with Ron and Harry in a compartment, since Jacob went to see his grandparents over the Christmas holidays. She sat next to Harry, her feet in his lap, his legs underneath hers. Ron sat on the opposite side, apparently dying to rant to them.
In that moment Lavender walked by and breathed at the  glass of the compartment door. She proceeded to draw a heart into the steam that she had just created and drew a little L and R in the middle of the heart. Ron tried to hide his embarrassment, but his ears betrayed him by turning pink.
Jean looked at him very amused and teased: ,,Your girlfriend really must love you, eh? Jacob doesn’t do that, ever.” Lavender had left in the meantime and Ron rolled his eyes. ,,She’s a nightmare, honestly. It seems like all she wants to do is snog”, he complained and ran his hand over his face in devastation. Harry smirked and answered ironically: ,,Yea, really must be awful, mate.” Jean snorted and almost died of laughter. Ron didn’t find that funny at all and continued: ,,No seriously, my lips are all chapped and dry, see.” He moved closer to Harry’s face to show him but Harry backed away. ,,Yea I believe you man. If its that bad just break up with her, what’s the big deal?”, he asked and looked at the compartment window. Ron just whimpered and slumped back into his seat, when Hermione walked past their compartment. She stopped, saw lavenders message, took deep breaths, turned around and left again. Harry looked at Jean worried, she sighed. ,,I’ll go after her, even though Ron should really talk to her”, she mumbled and got up. Ron must’ve heard her and asked: ,,Why would I talk to her?! She’s the one behaving like she’s not alright, ever since I started dating Lavender.” Jean just rolled her eyes and mumbled: ,,Boys.”, before she pushed open the door and left, slamming it shut behind her.
Jean looked around and walked into the direction she had seen Hermione go. Two compartments down the hall she noticed the bushy brown hair of her friend next to Ginny. The compartment was otherwise empty so she decided to keep them company.
,,Hey ‘mione, are you alright?”, Jean asked carefully and sat next to Ginny. Hermione looked up, tears all over her face. ,,I hate the girl so much. Who’s she to suddenly decide that she wants to date Ron? Jean, I’m in love with him”, she cried and buried her face in her knees. Ginny looked at Jean, apparently not knowing what to say. Jean didn’t know either but she comforted her: ,,He’s already complaining about her. Hermione, he has feelings for you but he doesn’t realise it. I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at you.” Hermione looked back up at her and asked: ,,How do you know that?” Jean smiled weakly and answered: ,,Jacob used to look at me that way when we first started hanging out and he still looks at me the same way. Just give it time, he’ll realise it soon enough.” Ginny looked moved by this and Hermione actually cracked a smile. ,,You really think so?”, she asked and looked at Jean urgently. She smirked and answered: ,,One hundred percent certain.” Hermione looked a lot happier after and read her book, slightly humming.

,,We will arrive at King’s Cross Station in a few minutes. Please get ready to leave and have a good evening”, the loudspeakers announced and Jean suddenly realised that she hadn’t said goodbye to Jacob yet. ,,I’ll catch you outside, I need to find Jacob. We won’t see each other for a month now”, she excused herself, before she hurried off. Luckily Jacob stood outside his compartment, apparently already searching for her as well. Jean hurried over to him and flung herself into his arms. ,,I’ll miss you”, she mumbled, before she looked at him. He smiled and replied: ,,I’ll send you letters okay. Maybe I can even convince my grandparents to invite you so I can introduce you.” Jean beamed, as she smiled cheerfully: ,,I’d love to meet them. You know I’m a huge fan of your granddad’s.” He smirked, cupped her face and kissed her. When they broke apart, he whispered: ,,I love you.” ,,Love you too”, Jean replied, blushed and smiled. Jacob looked at her for a good minute, intensely in love with her. She grinned, before she mumbled: ,,That’s what I meant by ‘he still looks at me the same way’.” Jacob looked confused and asked: ,,What?” Jean sighed as she explained: ,,I cheered Hermione up earlier and I said that Ron looks at her the same way you did when you first met me. Then, I said that you still look at me the same way that you used to.” He laughed and pulled her up so that she could wrap her legs around him. ,,I will always look at you the same way, like I did when I first laid eyes on you”, he smirked as he put her back down. He fumbled in his pocket for a bit and then announced: ,,I’ve got something for you by the way. A little early Christmas present.” He pulled out a small little present, wrapped in golden paper and with a little delicate bow on it. Jean was taken aback by this, staring back and forth between him and the present. ,,Should I open it now?”, she asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed. Jacob nodded and encouraged her. She ripped it open carefully, with trembling hands. When the paper was successfully removed she found a small box. ,,Open it”, Jacob encouraged her gently. She did. In the box was a beautiful ring with a small diamond-like stone. Jacob held the box for her as she took the ring out and examined it. She noticed that it had an engraving on the inside. ,, J&J 17.11.1994”, she read out loud and looked at Jacob. ,,That’s our anniversary date”, she beamed and hugged him. ,,Thank you so much my love. This means a lot to me”, Jean breathed before she gave Jacob a kiss. He smiled and answered: ,,I’m hoping to replace it by an engagement ring someday.” She laughed, blushed and mumbled: ,,I hope you will.” The two of them left the train together, hugged goodbye, before Jacob went off to find his grandparents.
Harry found Jean and together with the whole gang they waited for their families. Harry was staying with Ron at the burrow, Hermione wanted to go skiing with her parents and Jean was supposed to have a nice, quiet Christmas with Tonks, Remus and her aunt and uncle. ,,So, will you be coming over sometime?”, Harry asked Jean. ,,Dunno, Tonks and Remus wanted us to visit Aunt Andy and uncle Ted. You know, Tonks parents, and well since Tonks is my cousin they’re my aunt and uncle”, she answered, explaining her family after receiving a confused looking glance of Harry. ,,So, Sirius’s siblings or?”, he asked confused. Jean sighed and explained: ,,Actually, my dad and Auntie Andy are cousins. He got eliminated from the family tree and so was she. Both for pretty much the same reason. Auntie Andy for marrying uncle Ted and Dad for wanting to marry Mum. Auntie Andy and uncle Ted had a baby and that’s Tonks. Mum and dad had me, so yea, actually Andromeda, ‘Andy’ is my second-cousin or something and Tonks my third-cousin but to make it easier, we just say that Tonks’s parents are my aunt and uncle and Tonks is my Cousin and godmother.” She took a deep breath and looked at Harry, making sure he understood her story. He just nodded, trying to comprehend everything.
A few minutes later the weasleys showed up, greeted everyone and wished Jean a happy Christmas, before they left. Now it was just Jean left waiting. She didn’t have to wait long though, because she saw Remus’s figure hurrying towards her. He hugged her, almost scared that something might’ve happened to her and frantically asked: ,,Are you alright? No death eaters chasing after you?” Jean was utterly confused and said: ,,I’m fine, Remus. What’s wrong? Are they on our tracks? Is Harry save?” ,,Harry’s fine. There were just some rumours about you going missing”, he answered and took her into his arm, slowing aiming for the exit of the train station.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now