"Harry Potter is dead"

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Everyone had been either in the great hall or outside to watch out for death eaters, since the hour that Voldemort had given them had just ended.

Jean was in the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts when she spotted a huge crowd coming out of the Forbidden Forest. A tall man who appeared to be Hagrid was carrying another person who appeared to be unconscious or dead. She narrowed her eyes and called out: ,,Guys come over here. Voldemort and his Death Eaters are coming. They-They've got Hagrid. He's carrying someone, but I don't know who." Immediately, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and everyone else came to see what was going on. Ginny asked: ,,Neville, who is this person that Hagrid is carrying?" But before he could answer, they heard Voldemort's cold voice: ,,HARRY POTTER... IS DEAD." Then a blood curdling scream pierced the air. It was Jean's voice screaming: ,, NO, NO." She ran forward, but was held back by Jacob. She struggled with him to let her go. She knew that Harry had to die but it felt surreal knowing that the one person she had considered her brother all her life, was dead. Ginny had gone all white in the face, Hermione had frozen in shock and Ron just looked like he was in denial. Not only they were shocked and devastated. Professor McGonagall just stood there, unable to move, Professor Sprout and Flitwick were speechless. Voldemort came closer and they could now see that it was really Harry whom Hagrid was carrying. Voldemort had an expression of great triumph on his face. Bellatrix was laughing like a mad woman. He walked forward happier than ever and yelled once more: "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD." This time it was Ginny who screamed: ,,NO, NO HE CAN'T BE." She was held back by her father as Voldemort demanded: ,,Shut up you stupid girl. Harry Potter...is dead." Jean was about to attack him, but felt Ron's hand on her shoulder. Jacob grabbed her hand to support her and make sure she wouldn't get herself killed. Once again Voldemort yelled: ,,HARRY POTTER IS DEAD.", before letting out a maniacal laugh. Then he commanded: ,,It's time to declare yourselves and put your faith in me. Everyone either joins our side or will die a very painful death." There was dead silence, no one moved until Lucius Malfoy leapt forward from the side of the Death Eaters and commanded: ,,Draco, come on." All heads turned to Draco Malfoy. He looked around nervously, but didn't move. Then a woman appeared next to Lucius and cooed softly: ,,Draco..." Draco looked up and slowly walked towards his mum. Everyone looked down in disappointment, until another person stumbled forward. To Jean's surprise, it was Neville. ,,Neville, what are you doing?", she whispered, but he just gave her a 'trust me' glance. Voldemort was surprised. ,,And you are?", he asked, amused. ,,Neville Longbottom", Neville replied confidently. Voldemort's crowd laughed. Holding up his hand for calmness, he smiled: ,,Well, Neville, I'm sure we'll find a place for you among our lines." But Neville didn't move. ,,I have something to say", he announced whilst he looked Voldemort in the eye. He was getting visibly annoyed and angry but responded: ,,Well, Neville, I'm sure we're all anxious to hear what you have to say." ,,it doesn't matter that Harry is dead", he began. ,,Neville, stop it", Jean interrupted. ,,But it's true. We lose people every day. Friends, classmates, family. And today we lost Harry, ...yea. But he didn't die in vain. He's still with us", he said, ,,In here", he put his hand to his chest. Then he called out to Voldemort: ,,But your death will be. It's not over." Then he drew a sword from the sorting hat. Not just any sword, but the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Jean pulled out her wand, as did the others, then she heard one surcharge, followed by Harry's voice shouting: ,,Confringo", and a massive explosion erupted. She gave a relieved laugh and went to help Harry. He was still alive.

Then a great commotion broke out. Death Eaters fighting students, Order members, or teachers. Ginny and Neville duelled Bellatrix and two other Death Eaters while Hermione and Jean battled the werewolf Fenrir Greyback and his followers. Jean really did her best. She thought of all the people who died. Her father Sirius, Dumbledore, Snape, Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Dobby and Fred. All her anger surfaced again as she thought of her godparents lying dead on the floor. Her only family that she had. She wanted to avenge them and everyone else who had died in this terrible war. She cast a large explosion spell and Greyback was thrown to the ground. He just laid there motionless. Jean and Hermione looked at him, thinking he was trying to trick them into falling for his trap. He laid motionless, but there was no time to check on him further. They heard Bellatrix yell: ,,Avada kedavra" and saw Ginny narrowly dodging the curse. She was about to fight back when Molly Weasley called out: ,,Not my daughter, you BITCH." Bellatrix cackled and began mocking Molly in a baby voice: ,,Aww, Mummy's coming to help. But what will happen when Mummy joins Freddie?" Molly was driving Bellatrix mad. They duelled back and forth for a while until Molly cast the final spell. Bellatrix exploded into a million pieces and Jean cheered. Although it wasn't her who finished her off, she was glad that her father's murderer had paid for his death. ,,Watch out", Elaine, who came out of nowhere yelled, throwing Jean to the ground with her. ,,Sorry, you were about to get hit", Elaine grinned awkwardly, before getting up and offering her hand to Jean.

All of a sudden they heard a loud bang and everyone turned. Harry was lying on the floor, a few feet away from him was Voldemort, also on the floor. Harry's wand was inches away from him. He crawled forward as fast as he could. Everyone watched in silence and the tension in the air was almost visible. Harry had reached his wand and got up just in time before Voldemort aimed another Killing Curse directly at him. He cast his favourite spell, before their jets of light collided. Jean, Ron, and Hermione stood close together, looking out for the last Horcrux, the snake. Then they saw Neville running towards a large black snake with the sword of Gryffindor. The sword cut through the snake's neck, before it fell to the ground, lifeless. Neville gasped.

Voldemort was forced to retrieve his curse. He looked at his dead snake in shock before Harry cast Expelliarmus again. They all knew this was the final battle. Jean had her hands clutched on Jacob's arm in fear. Then finally Harry's spell won. Voldemort fell to the ground and died like a mortal man. There was great silence, before cheering erupted.

Harry stood in the courtyard panting. Jean was first to wrap her arms around him. Hermione and Ron ran towards him mere seconds after. ,,You're alive. You did it Harry, he's gone. you defeated him I love you so much", Jean cried, holding on to her best friend as if he'd drop dead any moment. Harry hugged Jean back tightly. ,,I-I did it. We made it", Harry murmured, hugging her even tighter. Then Ron and Hermione had reached them too, along with the other Weasleys. While Ron and Hermione were talking to Harry, Mrs. Weasley came over to Jean and hugged her. ,,Oh my dears, you did it. He's finally dead", she said relieved, while she held Jean's arms. ,,I'm so sorry about what happened to your father. I haven't had time to say it yet, but he would have been so proud of you. You were his everything, you know", she added, hugging her again. ,,No...Mrs. Weasley, I'm sorry about what happened to Fred. He didn't deserve to die..." , Jean mumbled. The thought of her first real boyfriend dying still made her heart ache a little, despite the fact that they weren't together anymore. Looking surprised but appreciative, Molly said: ,,Ohh no dear I'm sorry about what happened to Remus and Tonks." Then she hugged Jean and she felt so warm and welcome with her. ,,Thank you, Mrs Weasley. I guess I'll have to manage without them now", she smiled. Molly nodded but reassured her: ,,Dear, you can really call me Molly." Jean nodded before she smiled.

When Molly had gone to hug Harry, Jean had the time to look around. Everything was destroyed, some corpses of her fellow students scattered at the edges of the courtyard. She sighed, feeling sorrow for the people who had lost someone in the war. Suddenly, she heard someone clear their throat. ,,Hey Jean, uhm, are you alright?", the voice of her sister asked. She turned to her, before walking towards her. ,,El, you're alive. I'm so glad you are", Jean cried into the shoulder of her little sister, whilst holding her tightly. Elaine's body was stiff at first, but after a few seconds she relaxed, giving in to her sisters hug. ,,I won't leave, I promise", Jean heard her whisper. After a few seconds, she pulled away from the hug. Elaine grinned at Jean, before teasing: ,,So, you're glad I'm not dead? Sometimes I really thought you wanted me gone for good." Jean scoffed, before mocking: ,,I'm not the one being oblivious to the things your 'friends' did. Besides, I still didn't hear an apology for insulting me multiple times." Her sister looked at her sheepishly, before murmuring: ,,Am sorry." Jean smirked, before teasing: ,,I can't hear you." Elaine sighed, before looking Jean in the eye and apologising dramatically: ,,I am so sorry, dear sister, that I called you a blood traitor. I swear I will never do it again." Jean nodded in approval. ,,I'll go congratulate Harry now", the blonde haired girl smiled, before turning on her heel.

,,She looks so much like you", Jacob's voice uttered from behind Jean. She turned around, walking towards her boyfriend briskly. ,,I know. I'm so glad she chose what was right in the end", she answered, once she had buried her face in Jacobs zip-up jacket. ,,Do you know what I'm glad about?", he asked, while closing his arms around Jean. She just looked up at him, a curious expression on her face. ,,That you're alive and that I'm alive", he admitted, a timid smile on his face. ,,I'm glad about that too", Jean smiled back, before getting on her tippy toes. ,,I love you, Lily flower", Jacob breathed. Jean smiled, her stomach letting the butterflies loose. ,,I love you too, my love", she whispered, her lips mere centimetres away from his. Jean felt him smile against her lips, once their faces met.

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