Studydates and new normals

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Jean was glad to be back at Hogwarts, but she wasn't happy to be in potions with the Slytherins for another year. Harry suddenly became a genius in potions and he wouldn't tell her how he did it. They found themselves in another potions lesson and Jean was getting visibly annoyed with her potion, since it wouldn't turn the right colour.

,,Harry, how in merlin's name do you get this potion to work? It won't turn the right shade of purple", Jean complained and glanced at his potion, which was the exact shade of purple that was described. ,,Crush the doxy egg with the blade, don't cut it and use 13 beans instead of 12", he advised, before he turned back to his own potion. ,,But the instructions specifically say to cut", Hermione sighed, frustrated as well with her potion, which was pink instead of purple. Jean shrugged, emptied her cauldron to start again and did as Harry said. She was positively surprised when her potion turned the right shade this time. ,,How do you know this, Harry?", Jean asked and peeked into his potions book. He slammed it shut and answered: ,,It says it in the instructions." ,,No it doesn't, see here", she disagreed and showed him her instructions. He smirked and shrugged, before he went to put his little sampling of the potions on the table. Jean scoffed and went to turn hers in as well. It wasn't as good as Harrys but still good enough to hand in and it kinda bothered her that he wouldn't tell her his secret.

Later in the library

Jean was on a study date with Jacob, complaining about earlier. ,,I just don't know why he won't tell me why he's so good at potions all of a sudden. Sure I get that he wants to be an auror but so do I. Its just, he was rubbish at it when Snape taught it and now he's miraculously better at it when Slughorn teaches it? Isn't that suspicious?", she vented and drew circles on her paper. ,,Maybe its the teacher. Snape is literally the worst and honestly shouldn't be allowed to teach in the first place, but Slughorn seems to be a decent teacher", Jacob suggested and took Jean's pen out of her hand to prevent her from drawing more circles. She rolled her eyes as she tried to grab her pen back but Jacob smirked and held it over his head, where Jean couldn't reach it. ,,C'mon Jacob, not funny. Give it back, I swear to godric Jacob, please", she gasped and got on top of him to reach her pen. Jean finally managed to get hold of her pen, before she looked down on Jacob triumphantly. He smirked, whilst wrapping his hands around her waist. She looked into his eyes, blushed and mumbled: ,,Merlin, why are you so good at this?" ,,Good at what?", Jacob asked softly and put one hand behind Jean's ear. ,,Making me fall in love with you, idiot", she muttered and leaned in to kiss him. He smiled, before their lips connected tenderly. ,,I'll tell Remus that you have a boyfriend", Jean heard a familiar voice behind her. She stopped kissing Jacob and jumped off of him. Her sister Elaine was standing there, her arms crossed and frowning. ,,He knows already, don't bother. But you should leave me alone or I'll let it slip that you're still seeing that Lestrange prick, that the entire order told you to stay away from", Jean threatened, as she raised an eyebrow. Elaine scoffed, before she spat: ,,That's none of your business. You're a blood traitor anyways, just like dad was." ,,Excuse me, Elaine?! Who have you been hanging around with? Tell me", Jean asked in a threatening voice. ,,As if I'd tell you. You'd run straight to the order and tell them", Elaine bickered, grinning provocatively. Jean had enough of her sisters insults and drew her wand. Jacob seized her hand as he mumbled: ,,Don't, she's not worth it." Jean sighed, clenching her jaw. ,,Elaine, I'm asking you one more time,", she asked again, her gaze fixated upon her sister. ,,No one important, just Draco and Ben, and I don't know, Pansy sometimes", Elaine grinned and expected her sister to snap. Jean turned around and muttered: ,,I'll tell Remus, I'll tell the order, Elaine you're in big trouble." She slammed her open book shut and shoved it into her bag, before she left briskly. Elaine stood there shocked and turned around to go. Jacob ran after Jean, ignoring madam Pince's screams about running in the library.

,,Jean, wait", Jacob shouted after Jean, who was almost running down a corridor. She stopped abruptly and snapped: ,,She's in big trouble. This girl is driving me nuts. First she doesn't care at all about dad's death and now she hangs around with the nephew of his murderer. I can't deal with her anymore Jacob, I need to tell Remus or Professor Dumbledore or anyone, honestly. She's choosing what is easy and not what is right and I refuse to let that happen. I can't loose her too." Jacob caught up with her, advising: ,,You should let her be. Sure its not right but it's her life and trust me, if you tell the order she's gonna resent you for the rest of her life and will rebel even more. Let her find out by herself, Lily flower." Jean scoffed and rolled her eyes before she groaned: ,,Jacob, you don't understand. She's basically saying yes to being a death eater. The sorting hat might have sorted her Slytherin but she's not that kind of person she's pretending to be right now. I'm scared for her, Okay?! I do not want to loose her too." She turned away from Jacob and wiped her tears of anger. Then Jacob hugged in an attempt to calm her down and Jean turned back towards him, sobbing into his chest. He was rubbing her back calming and didn't say a word. Jean mumbled: ,,Wanna go to our spot? I feel like being there right now." ,,Yea, let's go. I feel like we need to talk about a lot", Jacob agreed, before seizing Jean's hand. Together they went off into a different direction.

At the black lake

Jean and Jacob had a beautiful spot near the lake, almost up by the shrieking shack, that they called 'their spot'. Why? Because they shared their first kiss under a mistletoe back there, while they were on their first date. Ever since then, they came there together when they wanted it to be just the two of them or when they needed to talk about important things.

The two of them sat under a big willow looking at the lake. Jean sat in Jacob's lap and had rested her head against his torso. She was busy picking a straw of grass apart and muttered: ,,So you think I should talk to her about it again? Last time I tried solving a conflict it ended in a screaming match between me and my dad." Jacob laughed, before he replied: ,,Try it a least. It won't hurt you to talk to your sister." He was letting his fingers gently wander up Jean's arm and up to her face. Jean was feeling incredibly calm and save with him in that moment, as though she seemed to forget all that drama with Elaine.

,,Jacob?", she asked and looked up at him. ,,Hmm", he replied, still stroking Jean's arm. ,,I love you", she said, smiling serenely. Jacob closed his arms around her and mumbled: ,,I love you too my perfect Lily flower." Jean's heart made a big leap. No one had ever given her a nickname, involving her middle name, since it reminded most of them of Harrys mum. Not until Jacob made it up last year. She smiled and mumbled: ,,I like that name." Jacob let out a laughter, before he answered: ,,You like it when I call you my Lily flower?" ,,Yea, I love it", Jean replied as she sat up. She turned around so that she was looking into her boyfriends eyes. He put his hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. ,,You're so beautiful, my Lily flower", he breathed, causing Jean to move her face closer to his. Their faces were only centimetres far from each other, when Jean breathed: ,,Come on and kiss me already, you hopeless romantic." Jacob smirked and breathed back, in a kind of bedroom voice: ,,Come on I know you like it." Jean had her hand on his collar and pulled him closer to her, kissing him softly. She loosened his tie, but he pulled back and murmured: ,,Not here, its dirty. Let's go back to the castle." Jean sighed, before she nodded. She got up and so did Jacob. ,,You look a mess", Jean laughed and briskly removed some dirt from her boyfriends overall. ,,Don't act like you don't like it", Jacob smiled and looked at her cheekily. Jean gave him a look and replied: ,,You're right, I love it when your hair is all messed up.", before she leaped towards him and tousled her hands through his curly, dark blonde hair. He made a fake annoyed noise and sighed sarcastically: ,,Great Jean, now I have to redo my entire hair." He laughed, before he seized her hand, pulling her with him, towards the castle.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now