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Jean was about to enter the room where Harry was fighting the dark witch in, but felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around with her wand raised and noticed Albus Dumbledore, with a finger to his mouth, implying that she should be quiet. She whispered: ,,What is going on, Professor? I need to help him. Sir, Please.” Dumbledore shook his head and whispered back: ,,I’ll go to his aid. Just stay here where you’re safe. We don’t need to put two underage wizards in danger.” Jean pursed her lips but nodded reluctantly. She stood aside from the door and went over to where Tonks and Remus where standing. Tonks put her hand on Jean’s back and Remus soothingly put his hand on her shoulder. Dumbledore winked at her, before going into the room. When he opened the door, they could hear shouting. Just for a second, until the door was shut again. Jean went pacing up and down in front of the door, before Remus tried to calm her down: ,,Jean, he’ll be fine. Dumbledore’s with him.” Jean looked at him and responded: ,,That’s not what I’m worried about... Well it is, but there’s something else.” She paused and fumbled with her ripped shirt. Then she continued: ,,Since dad is ...gone... I don’t have anywhere to stay.” Remus and Tonks looked at each other and Tonks said: ,,Don’t be ridiculous. You can of course stay at Grimmauld place with us. Your dad gave it to Dumbledore as head quarters for the order of the Phoenix. And if we can’t stay there anymore, you can of course live with Remus, or my parents and me again. Your dad was my cousin after all and I’m sure he’d want you to be safe.” Remus gave an approving nod. Jean didn’t know what to say. She just stormed over to them and hugged both of them. ,,Thank you so much. It means the world to me”, she muttered. Tonks and Remus hugged her back, tightly.
Next thing they knew, they heard a really loud scream. It sounded a lot like Voldemort. Jean was back at the door again but Tonks reminded her: ,,Jean, Dumbledore told you to stay put, here with us. He knows what he’s doing, trust me.” Jean turned back around but couldn’t find peace. She paced up and down again and tried to shut the terrible images of her dad’s death away. Then she cowered into a corner and sobbed silently for a second before Remus and Tonks came over to her again. ,,Jean, dear, its OK. It’ll be ok soon”, Remus tried to calm her down but Jean just burst out: ,, Why is it always me to loose someone? First my mum. I didn’t even get to know her. I was just a year old when she died. Then Lily and James. Dad was such good friends with them and he brought me around them often. They were so loving and kind and their death shook Dad to the core. Then he was framed for crimes and betrayals that he didn’t commit and he too, left me. Arrested and put into Azkaban when, I, his daughter, was only a year and a half old. And now, after he came back, he only seemed to care about Harry. He barely wrote, never tried to contact me but he wrote to Harry three times a week. But now even he, my dead. I have no one. I am all alone in this world.” She had just let all her emotions out and felt her chest getting increasingly lighter. She finally opened up to someone about how she felt. Tonks had her arm around her comfortingly and Remus had kneeled down in front of her, his hand on her thigh to comfort her. Tonks mumbled: ,,Your dad... really loved you, you know. I was the first person to know about you, after you were born. Sirius is my mums cousin and he was the only one who didn’t judge her, when she married my dad, a muggleborn wizard. He and I were best friends and he wrote to me about you every day. He was so proud to have you and he always used to tell me how much he adored you and how much he wanted to protect you. I can’t even describe how excited I was when he asked me to be your godmother, despite the fact that I was only nine years old at the time. Just two days ago, we talked about how much you’ve grown and he told me that he was so, so immensely proud to have you as his daughter. And you do have someone. You’ve got so many people who care about you and who love you unconditionally. Just look around. You’ve got Harry and Ron and Hermione and the entire Weasley family adores and cares about you, you’ve got Ginny, Luna, Neville, Jacob and so many more people. And you know you’ve got Remus and I. You can always talk to us. Just know that you’re never, ever alone, Jean.” She wiped Jean’s tears and Remus added: ,,Your dad was the best friend I could’ve asked for and your mum was an amazing person. I think nobody’s ever told you about her properly, did they?” Jean shook her head. Remus scooted on the other side of Jean and leaned against the wall as he began: ,,Your Mother was a caring and loving young woman. Sirius and her met at the sorting and he was, as you know, sorted into Gryffindor. I can tell you that he was sweating when she was sorted and he clapped the loudest when your mum was sorted into Gryffindor as well. They were polar opposites at first but your dad developed feelings for her pretty fast. He was sure that she would say yes when he asked her out in 3rd year but your mum said first. She thought that your dad was incredibly stuck up and arrogant, which is why she didn’t want to go out with him. She and I became friends since we both were prefects and she used to vent to me about how Sirius wouldn’t leave her alone about the date. But then in 6th year she confessed to Lily that she liked Sirius. Lily told me but I refused to tell your dad at first. He begged and begged before I finally told him. They started going out soon after and she really brought out the best of your dad. And then soon after they graduated, your mum got pregnant with you, almost identical to the time where Lily got pregnant with Harry. She really lived to her fullest and she really loved you, before.... she went missing. Your dad was incredibly worried and tried contacting her entire family but none of them answered either. It was three months after that, when we found out that Voldemort had taken and killed the entire McKinnon family... except for you and your sister”
Jean had been listening carefully and started smiling, when she thought about her mum. It was the first time anyone had ever talked to her about her mums disappearance and how she died. ,,And... was mum a fighter? Did she and dad ever get married? God, I’ve got so many questions”, she whispered and Remus answered: ,,And I’ll do my best to answer them all, but now we need to go and help Harry.” Tonks nodded and got up before holding her hand out to Jean. She took Tonks’s hand and got up as well, before being pulled into a hug by her and Remus, her godparents. It felt so good to have someone and she was happy for that small moment that she got to spend with them.
,,Bloody hell Hermione you’re heavy”, they heard Ron cursing. Jean leapt away from the hug and rushed over to support Hermione’s weight so that Ron wouldn’t have to carry her alone. She saw Ginny, Luna and Neville enter after Ron. ,,Here let me help you”, Jean said and went to Hermione’s other side when Ron protested: ,,No Jean, I can carry her on my own. She’s about to wake up anyways, see.” She backed off and saw that Hermione slowly opened her eyes. But before she could say anything the door where Dumbledore had vanished through earlier was flung open. They saw Harry lying on the floor and Dumbledore kneeling next to him. Both Jean and Ginny wanted to check on Harry but the both of them were pulled back. Jean was pulled back by Remus and Ginny by Neville. Dumbledore gazed over to them and even Harry seemed to have noticed that they were there. They couldn’t see what exactly was going on but Harry suddenly seemed to talk. Then there was sand everywhere and everyone covered their faces for a second. Suddenly they saw Voldemort talking to Harry, but neither Jean nor anyone else could understand. They just saw Voldemort disapparate at the sight of the ministry workers showing up. Jean finally struggled get free from Remus’s grasp and hugged Harry, who had gotten up by now. ,,Oh Harry, you always get yourself into danger. You are lucky be alive, you know, I’m glad you are though. Are you okay?”, Jean pushed. Harry just nodded. ,,Jean, you mustn’t be here now. Go back to Hogwarts with the others. Harry and I will soon follow. Just trust me”, Dumbledore whispered to Jean, before she nodded obediently. She went back to the others rather reluctant, but whispered to them: ,,Dumbledore wants us to go back to Hogwarts now. He said Harry will soon follow.” Ginny looked worried, so did Hermione and Ron whilst Neville and Luna just nodded. ,,I’ll apparate to hogsmeade with you guys and Tonks will take you up to the castle”, Remus suggested, knowing they had no choice but to agree. Remus held out his arms for the 6 students to hold on to, Jean being the first to place her hand on her godfathers arm. The others did so as well. Remus warned: ,,Everyone hold on tight.” Then Jean felt the suppressing feeling of suffocation before a few seconds later she inhaled big gulps of air.
The others around her were equally as glad to be able to breathe again but even though they were out of danger, there was still a great tension in the air. ,,C’mon guys, I promised Dumbledore to take you to the castle immediately”, Tonks shouted in their direction and they followed her up to the castle quietly. It was way past their bedtime and Jean was worried what Professor McGonagall would do if she found out about their trip to the ministry.
Back at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall was waiting for them and when they finally arrived she took her students into her arms. Professor Flitwick was there to collect Luna and together the two of them headed to the Ravenclaw Tower.
,,Miss Black, Miss Granger, Miss Lovegood, Mr. Weasley, Miss Weasley and Mr. Longbottom, do you care to explain what you were doing out so late in the ministry? And Where’s Mr. Potter?”, McGonagall asked her students and Jean was surprised about how she knew where they had been. Tonks was there too and standing behind Jean. ,,They just had a confrontation with Lord Voldemort himself, Professor. Harry’s with Dumbledore. I was instructed to bring my goddaughter and her friends back up to the castle”, Tonks explained and McGonagall raised her eyebrow. ,,Your goddaughter? What about Sirius? Why didn’t he bring his daughter himself?”, she asked worried but curious. Jean looked at Tonks and shook her head slightly. She wanted to tell Professor McGonagall herself, about what had happened. ,,Long story...”, Tonks mumbled. Ron broke the silence with saying: ,,It was bloody dangerous, you know. Please don’t give us detention...” McGonagall’s lips curled into a smile as she ushered: ,,Get inside then, you six. It’s way past your bedtimes. Miss Black I’d like a private word with you, if you don’t mind. Tonks I appreciate your help. The best wishes to the order from me. Have a good night.”
While Ron, Hermione and Neville went up to go to the Gryffindor Tower and into bed, Jean stayed behind reluctantly. She wasn’t keen to explain what had happened to her dad all over again. ,,Miss Black, tell me, how do you feel? Don’t even look at me that way, I know what happened to your dad. I just wanted to talk to you in private about it”, McGonagall explained. Jean just played with her hair tie that she had around her wrist and smiled: ,,I’m fine. R-really, it’s nothing.” She avoided her teachers gaze, but she just nodded and ushered softly: ,,Off to bed you go then. Have a good night.” Jean hurried past her, but stopped once more when her Professor added: ,,And Miss Black, your dad was a great man. Don’t ever forget that. I’ll tell Professor Snape to notify your sister about your father “ Jean nodded and blinked away some tears before hurrying upstairs.
In the Gryffindor common room
,,Oh my God there you are. Neville’s gone to bed already. Come, you wanna tell us how do you feel?”, Hermione instantly asked. Jean let herself fall into an armchair next to the one Hermione was sitting in. ,,I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hermione. I’m fine”, Jean lied and stared into the fire. The last time her dad spoke to her was through the fire. She remembered his voice telling her: ,,Don’t worry Jean, I’ll be at Grimmauld place when summer break starts. Then we’ll find time to catch up, I love you.” She curled up in the armchair and mumbled: ,,How does Harry feel, what do you reckon? Dad was his godfather after all.” Hermione looked at Ron and Ron at her before Ron inquired: ,,Jean, we want to know how you feel. We’ll talk to Harry when he gets here. Sirius was your dad. No one’s fine after loosing their parent. I wouldn’t be able to do anything for days if mum or dad died-”, Hermione stepped on his foot which caused him to whimper: ,,Ouch Hermione, that was my foot.”
Jean was slightly amused by the sight of them and cracked a smile. Then she explained in a low voice: ,,Dad was... my last living family. My Mum disappeared and died a year after I was born and well you know... I was so excited for dad to be back and then he rarely found time for me. It was always ‘later, Jean.’ Or ‘I’ll talk to you after I finished talking to Harry’. I don’t blame Harry in the slightest way but dad just never... seemed to be there for me. I sure did love him and there were moments where I really felt like he loved me too, but if I ever needed anything, Remus or Tonks were the ones I could turn to. I just wish that Dad and I had more time to bond. I wont even get started with Elaine” Hermione had gotten next to her and Ron put a hand on her leg. ,,J, we never knew. We were just happy that Harry had someone but we never thought about your feelings. Sirius was your dad and I’m sure that he loved you more than anything”, Hermione breathed and hugged Jean. Ron nodded and also got up to hug her. ,,Thanks guys. It means the world to me to have friends like you”, she whispered and wiped a tear from her eye.
10 minutes later
,,D’you reckon he’ll show up in the next hour or so? I’m getting tired”, Ron asked and glanced at the big grandfather clock. It was nearly 5 am and none of the three had slept. They were waiting for Harry to arrive but had no success so far. ,,I dunno. I hope he’ll be here soon. I can’t stay awake much longer”, Jean answered sleepily, her head rested on her arm. She and Ron looked over to where Hermione was sitting, looking like she was sleeping. ,,’Mione?”, Ron asked, causing Hermione to open her eyes suddenly. ,,Hmm, I wasn’t sleeping, I swear”, she mumbled. ,,It’s fine, we’re all tired. If only Harry would finally show up”, Jean mumbled back and just as she said it, Harry climbed through the portrait hole. All three of them were immediately awake and hurried towards Harry. ,,Harry!”, Jean cried and flung herself into his arms. ,,Jean”, Harry breathed and caught her. ,,Harry I’m so sorry about what happened to dad. I know you needed him”, Jean added when they broke apart. Harry rearranged his ripped shirt and lied: ,,I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine.” Jean looked at Hermione and Ron, slightly confused but nodded. She knew that he didn’t want to talk about it. ,,Harry, what took you so long anyways?”, Ron asked and they all fell into the armchairs by the fireplace.
The rest of the year consisted of mourning and trying to move on. Elaine reacted neutral to the news of her father’s death, which made Jean furious. After a lot of crying, screaming, insulting and questioning, Jean came to rest with her dads death. While it still made her sad, she knew that she couldn’t have done anything to save him. They had a small funeral for Sirius at the whomping willow with just Jean, Harry, Tonks and Remus.
Jean stayed, other than planned, at Remus’s place and he and Tonks told her a lot about her parents. Elaine however didn’t contact Jean all summer and Jean didn’t even know where her little sister was. While she worried she thought that Elaine would be save.


A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now