Stress and annoyances

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A few days later, all the fifth and seventh years had finished all their exams. Some more stressed than others, they were all annoyed by Umbridge and her completely ridiculous decrees. There was barely any laughter in the corridors and even in the great hall, instead of chattering and goofing around with their friends, the Hogwarts students were in a constant bad mood. Even the teachers loathed Umbridge, especially Professor McGonagall. The school was nothing without Dumbledore, and everyone knew that.
,,I really loathe her. Why can’t she just... vanish”, Jean complained to Harry, who sat next to her, hopelessly trying to transfigure a puffskein into a paperweight. ,,Yea, she’s the worst. Everyone lives in constant fear, even the teachers fear getting sacked when they disobey her”, he agreed. Professor McGonagall, who was walking around to make sure that everyone did their assignment, stopped at the desk of the two Gryffindors. ,,Mister Potter, Miss Black, this doesn’t seem like you’re talking about the lesson. Care to share what you were talking about?”, she asked, knowing exactly what their topic had been just a few seconds ago. Jean sighed, before she answered: ,,Love to do that, Professor. We were talking about how Umbridge is the worst. Don’t you see what she’s doing to our school? Nobody’s happy anymore, loads of first years are scared of her and if any of us say something or do something that she thinks is inappropriate, we’re getting detention. Like, I can’t even hold hands with my own boyfriend. Besides she’s cutting up people’s hands for her twisted way of detention, even first years. Professor, I really don’t see how the ministry doesn’t step in.” Silence had broken over the class as Jean spoke. Once she had finished she heard a murmur of agreement from her classmates. Professor McGonagall looked rather proud, her lips had even curled into a smile. ,,Black, I understand where you’re coming from, but I cannot do anything against it. Professor Umbridge forbade us from doing it our way, and I can and will not risk leaving this school. It’s in our all best interest to just play nice”, she explained, looking annoyed as she talked about Umbridge. The class sighed in disappointment. ,,Now, I think you must finish your assignment. And Black and Potter stay behind after class, will you”, Professor McGonagall ordered and clapped her hands. As the class resumed working, Harry breathed: ,,First off, you got us in trouble again. Bet we have to do detention with Umbridge again. Second off, that was quite brilliant. Finally someone stood up to her.” Jean smirked, as she tapped her puffskein. They watched as it transformed into a small paper weight. ,,Did I really? McGonagall looked rather proud. Besides it was time someone said something”, Jean muttered, careful on not being too loud. The two Gryffindors were met with a warning glare of Professor McGonagall seconds later. Harry and Jean grinned at each other, before continuing on their work.
After class, everyone was in a hurry to leave. The O.W.L. results had just been delivered and naturally, everyone wanted to see how they did. Harry and Jean were last to leave, since they had to stay behind because of Professor McGonagall. Still they tried to steal away, but without success. ,,Potter, Black, where do you think you’re going?”, McGonagall asked, looking at them seriously, with a trace of amusement on her face. Swearing at each other under their breaths, the pair turned to her. ,,Nowhere. Professor, its just that the O.W.L. results are out and we want to see”, Jean explained, looking at her Professor with a begging expression. Professor McGonagall just smirked, before she held up two envelopes. ,,Do you mean these, Miss Black?”, she asked, looking at Jean with what seemed to be amusement. Harry looked at Professor McGonagall, then at the envelopes and then at Jean. ,,I am more than happy to hand them to you two, but I first must tell you something serious”, McGonagall said, directing her arm towards two chairs in front of her desk. The two Gryffindors looked at each other in a bit of a panic, then sat down. ,,No need to panic, I just have a message from Professor Dumbledore. He’s asking you to watch out and be careful. He also asked me to tell you that he will not be back any time soon”, the Professor elaborated. Jean had confusion written all over her face. ,,I’m sorry Professor with all my respect, how does that concern me. I think that warning was only for Harry”, she asked, trying to sound as respectful as possible. Harry looked at her and then back at Professor McGonagall, who explained: ,,Miss Black I’m very certain that he wanted you to hear it as well. The warning was meant for your ears as much as it was for Mister Potters.” Jean shrugged, surprised by what she just found out. Normally it was only Harry wo got warnings or anything from Dumbledore. Sighing, McGonagall held up the envelopes with the O.W.L. results for the two students. ,,Now have them. I’m sure you’re excited to know what you achieved. My congratulations”, she smiled half proud half strict. Jean and Harry took the envelopes, looked at each other in reassurance and opened their letters. As soon as Jean looked at her results, she began beaming. She’d only failed history of magic, but that was completely fine with her. Smiling, she resumed reading, taking a closer look at all her results.

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