Hunting Horcruxes

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It was early in the morning at the seemingly abandoned Grimmauldplace. After the wedding and the disastrous ending Harry, Ron, Hermione and Jean sought shelter at Grimmauldplace number 12.
Jean was the second one to wake up. She looked around and saw the familiar wallpaper on the walls. She had lived here for only a year but in this year she already made so many memories in the old house, where she once was born in. She noticed that Harry was gone and got up to search for him. She quietly pulled back the blanket which she was covered in and tiptoed across the room to avoid waking up Ron or Hermione. She prayed that the door wouldn’t make any sound and to her luck it didn’t. She closed the door quietly once she had gone through it. ,,Harry?”, she called out but there was no answer. She just spotted the painting of her grandmother on the wall but she wasn’t very keen to hear her screaming. She heard rumbling two rooms to the right from where she was standing and she recognised the room as the kitchen. There was angry mumbling and Jean carefully crept towards the room. ,,What are you doing?”, she suddenly heard a voice behind her and let out a gasp. ,,Bloody hell Harry, why are you creeping up behind me like that, you scared me. Have you heard this rumbling too?”, she whispered, giving him a light smack on the head. ,,Ouch Jean that hurt. I’m wondering what’s causing the noise though”, Harry complained and rubbed his head. ,,Let’s find out then, shall we”, Jean suggested, before she put her hand on the doorknob. Harry nodded and Jean pressed down on the doorknob causing it to open. Behind it was the kitchen with Kreacher throwing Pots and pans around. Harry looked at Jean confused and so did she at him. ,,What is he doing?”, she asked only loud enough for Harry to hear. He shrugged as he whispered back: ,,I think he’s still devastated that Sirius left the place to me. He thinks I’m a ‘filthy half blood’.” Kreacher seemed to have heard Harrys last sentence and turned around suddenly. ,,Filthy half bloods. What are you doing in my mistresses house?”, Kreacher roared. Jean knelt down and said: ,,My dad, Sirius, he left Harry his house and everything in it. We’re... staying here for a while.” Kreacher groaned and leaped towards Jean. ,,Why didn’t master Sirius leave the mansion to his own daughter? Why did he leave it to the filthy half blood over there. Kreacher will listen to mistress Jean but not him”, Kreacher announced and put his face close to Jean’s, almost mockingly. ,,Careful with those words. You have to listen to Harry too, you’re practically his property”, Jean answered, narrowing her eyes. ,,Not listening to a word that filthy half blood says. Kreacher will rather die than betray his mistress”, he mumbled. ,,Harry try giving him an order. If Dad really left him to you, he must obey you”, Jean suggested and got back up to her feet. ,,Kreacher, I order you to get me an object from diagonalley”, Harry said with a steady voice and in a kind of demanding tone. Kreacher seethed but did as he was told. He disapparated and reapparated a few seconds later with an item from weasleys wizarding wheezes. He threw the small object to Harry’s feet and turned away grumbling: ,,Filthy halfbloods... if my poor mistress knew... mudbloods.” Jean picked up the object which turned out to be a remembrall. She turned it and noticed a small note attached to it: ,,Jean, if you read this, stay where ever you guys are. Everyone in the order is currently monitored closely by the ministry. Stay safe and tell the others what is written here. Don’t loose hope, Remus.” Jean looked sad but also surprised that he had found a way to contact them. ,,Hey Harry look what I found. It’s a letter from Remus”, she explained. Harry turned around to her before she handed him the remembrall. Harry light read it and handed it back to her. ,,We need to tell Ron and Hermione. Seems like we’ll be staying here for a while though. We still don’t have the Horcrux from the Cave. C’mon”, he concluded and seized Jean by the wrist. ,,One second”, Jean said and turned around to Kreacher, who was still mumbling to himself. ,,Hey Kreacher, I want you to keep everything you’ve heard completely to yourself, you understand. And it would be really nice if you made us some breakfast, thank you”, she asked of him in a friendly tone and Kreacher stopped his angry and insulting mumbling. ,,Kreacher had never been said thank you to. Why is mistress Jean being nice to Kreacher?”, he now mumbled and Jean smiled. ,,It’s time someone is nice to you”, she just responded and went along with Harry, out of the room.
,,Why are you being nice to him? Did you forget how he treats all of us? The only one who actually likes him is Hermione and she should like him the least, after what he said to her last year”, Harry complained while he looked at her quite angrily. ,,See it like this, if he likes us, he’ll do favours neater and more whole heartedly. And I feel pity for him, because in all those years no one has ever been nice to him”, Jean answered genuinely. Harrys eyes widened and he replied: ,,Ohhh, now I get it. If we’ll be here for a while we should get on good terms with him so he doesn’t make our time miserable. You’re so smart, really.” ,,aren’t I”, she joked and laughed. Harry smiled, before he asked: ,,You coming?” Jean smirked and said: ,,You go on, I’ll join you in a minute.” He nodded and went around the corner. Jean sighed and held the remembrall in her hands. She missed Remus and Tonks a lot, but she missed Jacob even more. Her hand was touching the necklace that she wore around her neck. It was a necklace that Jacob had helped her put on at Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Jean put the remembrall into her pocket before he spun around to find the others. Her thought process was, that the sooner they would start searching, the sooner they’d end this nightmare.
A few days later
It was in the middle of the night when Jean, who was drinking tea in the dining room, heard a cracking sound near the entrance. She grabbed her wand and slowly crept towards the door, wand at the ready. ,,Who’s there?”, she asked, still pointing her wand at the door. There was no answer. She yelled out: ,,HARRY, RON, HERMIONE, THERES SOMEONE AT THE DOOR. COME HERE QUICKLY AND HAVE YOUR WANDS AT THE READY.” All three of them came running immediately, pointing their wands at the door as well. ,,Who’s there?”, Jean asked once again, but this time she got an answer. ,,It’s me, Remus John Lupin, married to Nymphadora Tonks, Godfather to Jean Lily Black. I have news”, the voice announced, before Remus stepped into the wand light of Jean’s wand. She looked at him, then at Harry then at Ron and Hermione. ,,What would you do when I was having nightmares as a child?”, she asked, still pointing her wand at him. ,,I used to stoke your hair and hug you until your breathing got back to normal”, he answered, tears starting to shimmer in his eyes. Jean lowered her wand and so did the others. She flung herself into her godfathers arms and mumbled: ,,I missed you so much. I was so scared that something happened to you or Tonks or the baby.” ,,She had the baby”, Remus answered. Jean clapped her hand to her mouth. ,,No she did not?! How’s she? How’s the baby? What’s their name? What do they look like?”, she immediately buried him in questions. Remus, looking quite sad, tiredly sat down at the dining table. He pulled out a photograph of a small baby in the arms of a mousy brown haired woman. ,,That’s Edward Remus Lupin, we’ll call him Teddy though”, Remus explained, smiling slightly at the sight of his son. ,,That’s great, congratulations Remus. Is Tonks well?”, Hermione asked as she sat down next to Jean, who had taken a seat next to Remus. Harry and Ron sat down too and Jean asked: ,,Is everything OK? You don’t... look happy.” That was the point where Remus broke. ,,I’m happy but I’m scared. What if he inherited my lycanthropy. What if I can’t be there for him? I can’t even be a good father. You know what, I’ll just join you lot with the Horcrux hunt”, he stressed, before he buried his head in his hands. ,,Remus, you are not a bad father. Look at me, I turned out alright. Teddy will be fine but he needs his dad, like I needed you. Don’t take that away from him. So what, he might’ve inherited the lycanthropy. There are potions to weaken the transformation and you know that very well. And think about Tonks, she needs you, she loves you”, Jean explained. The others nodded, causing Remus to look up. His eyes looked even more tired than usual and even the sparkle of cheek and carelessness was missing. His hair was wild and uncombed and he was unshaven.
He looked at his goddaughter, into her warm blue eyes. He saw Sirius in her eyes. Where a lot of people saw Marlene, he saw Sirius. He cupped Jean’s face and mumbled: ,,You know you look so much like your dad. But you’re just like your mum, you know. Kind and welcoming, understanding and supportive, but still brave and daring.” ,,And you made me the person that I am today. You were the one who took care of me even though you’re a werewolf. Remus, don’t let Teddy grow up without a dad. Mine was in Azkaban and I hated not knowing when or if he would ever come back, you know. I had you, but Teddy will have no father when you decide to leave Tonks and him behind. You’re a great dad, I know that and I love you, Remus”, Jean kept explaining and Remus slowly got more and more confident. He finally nodded and said: ,,I can do this. Teddy needs me, Dora needs me. I love you too, so much, Jean. Oh god, its feels like it was yesterday that you were just a little girl and now you’re 17.” Jean smile-sobbed and hugged her godfather tight. ,,I suppose you’ll be godfather?”, he said to Harry, when they broke from their hug. Harry nodded happily. ,,And you’ll be godmother?”, he smiled at Jean. ,,Would be a pleasure”, Jean grinned.  ,,Alright then, I have to leave. One last thing though. Be careful who you trust and don’t get caught. Good luck”, Remus announced before making his way back to the door. ,,Bye Remus. Tell Tonks that I love her from me, Okay”, Jean asked of him. He nodded and disapparated.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now