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,,Okay, once we're there, get out again. We need to get through as fast as possible. We'll use this entrance, if they didn't shut it. If they did, then just improvise", Harry explained, pointing at the marauders map. The four of them wanted to get into Hogwarts without Snape getting wind of it. Their plan was, to apparate to hogsmeade, run to the secret passageway they had made out and hopefully get in without anyone noticing. ,,Okay, but we kinda need to leave now", Jean stressed, folding the map and tapping it. ,,Mischief managed", she muttered, making the map hide its contents. ,,Okay let's go", Harry sighed, scooping up the map before getting up himself. ,,I'll get the tent", Ron announced, getting up as well.

10 minutes later

High pitched sirens were ringing in Jean's ear. She had apparated into hogsmeade, next to her Harry, Hermione and Ron. ,,Should've known that", she swore before she motioned her friends to hide. Just a second later, snatchers appeared. Jean's breathing got very shallow, but she did her best to keep it together.

Suddenly, she was pulled into the inn behind her. Jean was about to scream, when she saw a pair of very bright blue eyes staring back at her. ,,Aberforth? Blimey, you're not working for you-know-who, are you?", she asked in her state of shock. He looked at her as if she was dumb. ,,'Course not kiddo. Help me get your friends inside now. Bloody stupid of you to come here in the first place", he mumbled, making his way to the door again. Dumbfounded, Jean followed, before whispering: ,,Hermione, get over here." She turned around to find Jean, before sneaking into the inn. ,,Jean what the-", she began, but was cut off by Aberforth.

Soon, Harry and Ron had been secured into the inn as well. Whilst Ron, Hermione and Jean immediately began eating the food that Aberforth had given to them, Harry began asking: ,,You're Dumbledore's brother? Why are you helping us?" Aberforth ignored Harry, whilst locking the door of his inn. ,,Rookie mistake coming here. If I were you I would've just left the country", he muttered, turning back to Harry. Jean stopped eating to catch what was going on. She knew that her best friend didn't appreciate, when he was being called a coward. ,,Well other than some people, I won't just run away when I'm responsible for something. This whole circus is kinda my fault, because that lunatic of a wizard decided that he wanted to he immortal and felt threatened by a bloody baby, who happened to be me. So please Aberforth, do not tell me you expected me to be a coward", Harry went off, before he caught a glimpse of an oddly familiar mirror. Aberforth just shrugged at Harry's words, before he smiled: ,,You remind me of my brother. Always brave and not afraid to sacrifice." Hermione had seen the mirror too, making her way over to it. Harry pulled out the small piece of glass that he kept with him in their entire journey. ,,Harry, I can see you", Hermione suddenly said. He turned to her, quite unamused, answering: ,,Yea, I'm aware. We're in the same room. She rolled her eyes, before explaining: ,,No, I meant I saw you in the mirror."

Aberforth smirked. ,,You are very bright. That's a mirror I was given by your father", he said, first looking at Hermione, then at Jean. ,,My father? You know who my father is?", Jean questioned, quite confused on how her dad knew Dumbledore's brother. Once again, Aberforth smirked, before giving an answer. ,,Yea I know him. Anyways, what are you kids doing in hogsmeade?", he asked after briefly answering Jean's question. Harry looked at Jean, then at Hermione, then at Ron, before finally answering: ,,There's a horcrux at Hogwarts and we need to destroy it. To do that though, we need to get in first." ,,How are you planning on getting in? All the secret passageways have been found and shut, so no one can leave or enter Hogwarts without the headmaster finding out", Aberforth questioned, his arms crossed across his chest. ,,You don't know any other way in, do you?", Jean asked, getting a little desperate at this point. ,,All the passageways were closed. All except for one", Aberforth revealed, as he looked at the big painting of a young woman. Then he began talking to the woman in the painting, before she nodded and disappeared.

The quartet was now beyond confused. Soon though, the woman came back, this time she had someone in tow. As the pair came closer, they could see that it was Neville. When the woman, who was Aberforth's sister Ariana, who had died due to a terrible accident, which seemed to involve Albus Dumbledore, stood in her place again. The painting opened and behind it stood Neville. He had a rather big beam on his face, as he jumped into the inn. ,,Hey mates, thought you'd never show up", he greeted them. Harry smiled back at Neville, whilst Jean, Hermione and Ron just waved. ,,C'mon, the others are waiting already. Al, by the way, thanks for your help", he encouraged the quartet before nodding to Aberforth. The four of them climbed up into the portrait, after Neville climbed back in.

A few minutes later they had almost reached Hogwarts. Jean knew that, because Neville gave them updates like every five seconds. Gradually, Jean's stomach decided to let the butterflies loose again. At the same time she was scared that Jacob might've found someone better. To be fair, she'd been away for six months. Before she could worry any longer, Neville opened the end of the small path. They were met with dim light and a what seemed to be a very cosy looking room of requirement. Neville jumped down, taking all the attention to him. ,,Hey mates, look who I found", he smiled as Harry, Jean, Hermione and Ron jumped out after him. For a hot second, everyone was quiet. Then, all hell broke loose, before Neville let out a loud whistle.

All Jean could see though, was Jacob. His dark blonde curls looked messy and he had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. He looked pretty unamused, until he saw Jean. She saw as his eyes lit up. He was pushing his way to the front, before gasping: ,,You're back." Jean nodded, before she breathed: ,,Jacob." Their moment was interrupted, by a familiar voice. ,,Six months she hasn't seen me and as soon as she's back, she acts like I'm a bloody first year", Jean heard the voice of her sister joke. Elaine stood in front of her, with all the other members of the former DA, making her the only slytherin amongst them. When Jean looked at her, Elaine grinned at her sheepishly. ,,So, had a wakeup call? Who convinced you?", Jean half joked. Even though she'd never admit it, she was proud of her sister for choosing the right side. Elaine looked down embarrassed, before mumbling: ,,Being with all those Slytherins made me realise that I didn't want any of what they wanted. I joined the DA three months ago. And I dropped that Lestrange prat. Look, what I wanted to say was, I'm sorry, I really am." At first Jean didn't know if she could believe her, but when she saw the genuine, remorseful expression in Elaine's face she caved. ,,God, finally you've understood it", Jean sighed, before pulling her sister into a hug.

,,What about me now? I haven't seen you in so long", Jacob grinned, as the sisters ended their hug. Jean immediately turned to him, before she flung herself into his arms. ,,I missed you so much, you can't even imagine", she breathed, her voice muffled by his shirt. Jacob embraced her tightly, whilst resting his head on hers. ,,Hi", Jean smiled, as she looked up at him. He smiled back, before leaning in to kiss her. ,,Hi", he smiled, before his lips met hers.

,,Guys, I need your attention on me for a second if you won't mind. This whole horcrux thing is quite important if you will. You can snog whenever all this is over", Harry's voice rang through the air, making both Jean and Jacob jump. Jean's cheeks flushed red, as she buried her head in Jacobs chest. Harry went back to explaining that they were searching for something that might've belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw. Luna suggested that it could be the lost diadem, Cho explained that no living wizard had seen it for nearly 2000 years and some other stuff. Jean was just happy to be reunited with her boyfriend.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now