Room of requirement

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The next day, at breakfast
Jean sat at the Gryffindor table, having breakfast and talking to Ginny when an Owl landed right in front of her. She looked at it confused and noticed a small envelope tied to its leg. On it was written: To Jean, from Jacob. She smiled and ripped the envelope open when Ginny asked: ,,Who’s that letter from? Is it a love letter?” Jean’s cheeks flushed red, before she answered: ,,No its not. Its from the boy that I met yesterday at the gathering. That tall 5th year Hufflepuff who looks like Newt Scamander, Ginny I’ve told you about him last night.” Ginny frowned and seemed to try to remember. ,,The lad you wanted to be friends with? What’s he writing then?”, Ginny asked. Jean looked down at the envelope and pulled out a small letter. It had written: Meet me at the library after Potions to study? J. ,,He wants to meet up to study for OWLs. We pretty much focus on the same subjects”, Jean explained and smiled. Ginny raised an eyebrow and said: ,,You seem to be very fond of that Jacob lad. Don’t forget that you’re dating my brother, will you.” Jean looked a little guilty as she answered: ,,’course not. We’ve been dating since third year how would I forget. Well uhh, our relationship hasn’t been the best lately, to be honest...” Ginny nodded, before answering: ,,Just making sure that your intentions were right. He’s my brother after all. I agree though, he's been hanging around with Angelina Johnson an awful lot lately.” ,,You’re right though, I’m the same with Harry. Speaking of, I really need to have a little chat with Cho, his ‘new girlfriend’”, Jean laughed but bit her tongue just after she finished. She had completely forgotten that Ginny used to have and still had a crush on Harry. Ginny looked sad for a split second but tried hard to not let Jean see it. ,,Gin, I’m so-”, she began but Ginny just replied: ,,I don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s fine.” She looked away quickly and shoved a bite of her pancake into her mouth. Jean nodded, wishing someone could hit her for her ignorance. She got up from the table and mumbled: ,,I better get going now, I have potions now. See you, Gin.” ,,See you, Jeanie”, Ginny replied and waved. Jean waved back and hurried out of the great hall, where she met Harry and Ron.
,,D’you lot have potions now as well?”, she asked, pleading that they had. ,,Yea, unfortunately. Ugh I really do hate Snape”, Harry complained and Ron nodded. ,,Stop complaining and C’mon, we’re late already”, Jean stressed and pushed her two friends in direction dungeon.
After Potions
,,Merlin, I swear the man gets saltier every time we see him”, Jean complained and put one arm around Harry and one around Ron. ,,I’d really like to see him happy for once”, Ron mumbled, bending slightly so Jean wouldn’t be lifted up by them. ,,I wonder what happened that made him hate children so much”, Harry pondered. ,,Yea and why is he even a teacher in the first place when he clearly doesn’t like us”, Ron asked. Jean had drifted off again and remembered that she that she had a study date with Jacob in ten minutes. ,,Sorry boys but I have someone to meet in ten minutes. I really need to get going now”, she explained and skipped over to the stairs which led to the upstairs. ,,Who with?”, Harry asked curiously. ,,None of your business”, Jean grinned and vanished up the stairs. ,,She’s probably meeting with my brother”, Ron said and shrugged. ,,To do what?”, Harry asked, already expecting the answer. ,,Snogging I assume. All they seem to do is snog”, Ron answered and burst out laughing. Harry smiled and they went up the stairs as well.
At the library
Jean sat at a table with books for history of magic gathered around her. She glanced at the clock which was hanging in the library. Sighing, she flipped the page, wondering when Jacob would show up. Thoughts like ‘what if he pranked me’ and ‘did he mean that letter to he serious’ crossed her mind multiple times. Then two minutes later she felt someone sit down next to her. She looked up to see who it was and it was Jacob. ,,Hey Jean, sorry I’m late. I had to stay 10 minutes after care of magical creatures”, he greeted her and put his book onto the table. ,,Oh no its fine. I haven’t been here long either”, she said, trying to sound casual. ,,So, shall we do defence against the dark arts first? It’s gonna be really theoretical this year I assume”, he asked and opened his book. Jean nodded and took out her college block and a pen that she had brought from home. Jacob seemed very interested in it and asked: ,,What’s that?” Jean smiled and handed him the pen. ,,It’s a pen. I’ve brought it from home, its kind of a muggle thing and since I’ve been raised there, its usual for people to have it”, she explained and showed him how to use it. He was visibly amazed by it and drew flowers on the edge of Jean’s paper. She laughed and looked up from the table to find her face quite close to Jacobs. She looked into his bright green eyes, which seemed to have this effect of fire in deep water to them. Jacob looked back at her, not doing anything. Jean continued to stare into his eyes for a few more seconds before she backed away. ,,So sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable”, Jacob mumbled and looked down. Jean was at loss for words but managed to stutter: ,,No, its-its fine, you didn’t make me uncomfortable.” She looked away to hide the redness in her face, when she noticed someone. Her eyes widened and she put her book to the side of her face so it was hidden. Jacob was quite confused, when he asked in a whisper: ,,What’s wrong?” Jean sighed and mumbled: ,,That’s my sister Elaine over there. We... don’t have the best relationship, you see.” Jacob nodded and answered: ,,Neither do my brother and I. He’s a year older than us and quite popular. We don’t share any interests though, that’s why we aren’t that close.” Jean nodded compassionately and peeked over the side of her book. Elaine and Pansy stood by the restricted section, seeming to search for something. Jean frowned and turned back to Jacob. ,,Do you want to tell me why you don’t have a good relationship?”, he asked softly. Jean nodded and began: ,,Well, we didn’t actually grow up together. I stayed with my godfather whilst she was put into foster care. I never saw her after my dad got arrested and to be honest I must’ve forgotten about her. She’s a year beneath us and well, a Slytherin. I tried bonding with her but she just keeps pushing me away. I think she’s heard some stuff about me from the Slytherins. And after dad returned from Azkaban it only got worse. She was constantly bitter and rude towards me and Dad and didn’t come to stay at home over the holidays. Dad gave up on her but I think that it still hurts him to see her turn into one of these people that my grandmother wanted us to be. Yea, she pretty much hates me but I’m not keen to see her either.” Jacob nodded understandingly and asked: ,,Who’s your dad? Why was he arrested? What about your mum?” Jean hesitated for a second, fearing she’d drive him away when she revealed her dads identity. ,,Swear you won’t tell anyone?”, she asked and held out her little finger. ,,I swear”, Jacob answered and hooked his little finger into hers. Jean smiled, still unsure but revealed: ,,My dad is Sirius Black.” Jacob’s eyes widened and he gasped. ,,The mass murderer?” ,,No Jacob, that’s the thing, he didn’t actually kill Harrys parents. It was a man named Peter Pettigrew, also known as Wormtail,  the Potters other best friend. He framed my dad and fled, leaving everyone to believe that my dad committed all those crimes”, Jean explained and seized Jacobs hand, fearing that he’d run away. ,,That’s messed up. How can someone get away with that? And how can I be sure that you’re telling the truth?”, Jacob asked, a trace of fear in his voice. Jean sighed and said: ,,Look, If you don’t trust me, Harry Potter is my best friend, he can confirm the whole story and if you don’t believe him, ask Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley or Hermione Granger. They all know what happened and how. If you don’t want to be friends, that’s fine just please don’t think I’m crazy.” Jacob must’ve seen the genuine expression in Jean’s eyes because he nodded. ,,No, sorry of course I want to be friends. So, what happened to your mum? Why didn’t she take care of you and your sister when your dad was arrested?”, he said, looked down at Jean’s and his hand, got red and then looked back up at Jean. She avoided his gaze as she mumbled: ,,My mum was murdered by Voldemort when I was a little over a year old. My sister was around two months old at the time when Mum and her entire family went missing and later declared dead. I can’t remember her well but I do remember her scent for some reason.” Jacob put an arm around her and breathed: ,,So sorry, its never great to loose your parents. You see I was raised by my grandparents. Mum and dad both died in the first wizarding war, so around the time that the potters were murdered.” Jean looked around to him and breathed: ,,I’m sorry to hear that. Must’ve been hard, wasn’t it?” He nodded sadly, before he admitted: ,,I just wish that I had more time with them. I mean, my grandparents are great but yea,  I wish I could’ve gotten to know my parents.” He sighed and changed the subject rapidly. ,,So, transfiguration, was it? Let’s see then”, he said in an attempt of a more cheerful voice. Jean glanced at the clock and jumped. ,,God its 2 pm already. I need to be in charms in 5 minutes”, she mumbled and hurried to gather her belongings, swearing under her breath. ,,Blimey, I need to be there too”, Jacob realised and seized his book. Jean smiled and closed her bag. Jacob spun around and grabbed Jean by the hand.
They hurried out of the library together, but while running past the seventh floor, Jean noticed something off on the wall. She stopped abruptly, which led Jacob to almost throwing them both to the ground. ,,Blimey Jean, we really need to hurry”, he swore but when he looked at the wall he noticed it too. ,,Has this door always been there?”, he asked, looking at Jean. ,,Don’t think so”, she mumbled and walked towards it. Jacob was pulled after her, before she touched the door handle, trying to press down. To her surprise it opened and the both of then saw a big room full of dummies and loads of space. ,,Jean, what’s this room?”, Jacob asked confusedly. ,,The room of requirement. Jacob we found it”, Jean breathed in astonishment. ,,The room of what?”, Jacob asked and took a look around the place. Jean turned to him and explained: ,,I’ve been searching for it, it’s the perfect spot for the DA to practice. C’mon we need to tell Harry and the others.” She spun around, sweeping Jacob with her and running towards the charms classroom.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now