The secret organisation

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Harry, Hermione, Ron and Jean sat in the common room once again. Harry had finished his date with Cho early after she'd gotten jealous of Hermione. Jean merely kept smiling to herself, refusing to tell them why.

,,Hey, what about the DA though. We haven't had a meeting since Hallowe'en. If we really want to learn, we need to get a move on", Jean changed the topic to save herself and Harry from further interrogation. ,,Well, I'm almost done designing the coins. Then we can hand them out at the next meeting. When will we meet though?", Hermione explained, pulling out a galleon from her pocket. Ron looked quite amazed by this and asked: ,,Did you take real galleons and put a spell on them?" Hermione shook her head. ,,It's leprechaun gold. I've jinxed it so it won't disappear, but it's basically worthless. The entire purpose is, that it won't look suspicious when we want to meet up. Every member gets one of those and Harry has a special one, allowing to set the time and date for the next meeting. All the other fake-galleons will get hot so you notice the message. Just think about it, it'll look much more suspicious, when people from different houses, who normally don't even talk to each other, suddenly act like best friends", she answered, smiling proudly. ,,You're a genius, Hermione", Harry marvelled, taking a closer look at the coin. ,,Here, you can have yours immediately. I'll explain the concept of those when everyone is meeting again", Hermione explained, handing him the galleon.

While Jean was impressed by Hermione's work, she still thought back to her date with Jacob earlier. A thousand questions ran through her mind. Was it to early to be official? What would Fred do when he found out that she moved on? Would Ginny be fine with it, Fred was her brother after all? But then she thought about what a great time she had this afternoon. It wasn't like she didn't know Jacob. The two of them had been friends for some time now and had spent a great deal of time together, studying and hanging around each other a lot. They basically had it coming. Still, she felt a bit guilty for moving on so quickly. After all, the breakup only happened back in October and now it was November.

,,Earth to Jean, are you there?", Ron asked, pulling Jean out of her thoughts. She looked up and answered: ,,Hm yea, I'm listening. Hermione, the coin thing is brilliant." Harry smirked at her. ,,That wasn't what we were talking about anymore. I've just told those two, how disastrous my date with Cho went and Ron asked for your opinion", he explained, basically exposing Jean. She scratched her neck, before she mumbled: ,,So Sorry. Ron, what was your question?" Ron nodded and explained: ,,Well, since Cho started crying, I wanted to know why. Hermione said that she must be overwhelmed with the situation. Sad because Cedric is dead, guilty because she likes Harry and confused because apparently she doesn't know what to do. I said, that a person can't possibly feel that much at once and then I asked if you agreed. So, do you agree with me or Hermione?" Hermione looked at her and then at Ron, expecting an answer. Jean thought about how ironic that question was, since she herself didn't know what to feel or do. ,,Well, Hermione is right. I feel kinda bad for Cho, no offence Harry, but she lost her boyfriend last year. I wouldn't know how to move on either", she answered, very careful not to give away too much. Ron nodded, still seeming a bit confused and Hermione stared at her examiningly. Jean tried to avoid her gaze but finally revealed: ,,Fine, there's something I'm not telling you lot." Harry looked up and asked: ,,Sorry? Tell us then, what happened? Is the bloke not as great as you thought?" She gave a small chuckle before she began: ,,So, our date was fantastic actually. We left the teashop and strolled along the main trail until we arrived at the top, you know, almost at the shrieking shack. Well, we stopped under a lantern and there was a mistletoe. I mentioned it and then he kissed me." Hermione gasped and clapped her hand to her mouth. Harry looked surprised and Ron smiled, like he always did when he thought something was awesome. ,,What happened then?", Harry asked, apparently dying to know what happened next. Jean smiled and continued with a slight uncertainty in her voice: ,,He asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes, but now I don't know if it's to early. I mean, we've only had one date. On the other hand though, we've known each other for quite some time now and I even told him about dad. And then there's this connection. I've never felt like this with anyone before, it's like... its like he's my person, you know?" Ron and Harry looked at each other and then answered: ,,No." While Hermione answered: ,,Yes." Jean didn't find this surprising at all. Both the guys were somewhat awkward with girls they liked, so she understood their point of view. Hermione though, both her and Jean knew that Ron was Hermione's person, it would only take him some more time to realise that.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now