Feud at Grimmauldplace

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Jean, Ron, Hermione, Harry, the Weasleys, Sirius, Tonks, Remus, mad-eye moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt were sitting at the dinner table and discussing.
,,Is the food well? If you guys need anything, just ask me”, Mrs Weasley stressed and hurried towards the kitchen. Arthur Weasley called after his wife: ,,Molly, just come and sit down. We all know where the kitchen is. Don’t stress yourself.” Mrs Weasley  came back and tried to be as calm as possible. Harry had just arrived at Grimmauld place, rescued by Tonks, Kingsley and mad-eye. Mrs Weasley  was visibly excited but also stressed. She sat down next to her husband and apologised: ,,I’m sorry, I’m just glad that everyone made it here OK. Enjoy your meals, dears.” They all murmured thankfully and began eating their soup.
,,So, what’s that order of the Phoenix you guys were talking about?”, Harry asked curiously. Sirius was about to answer when Mrs Weasley  shot him a warning glare. ,,Don’t worry about it, dear. No one underage is allowed to participate anyways. Just relax”, she answered in an overly soft voice. Harry looked at Jean and she just made a ‘I’ll-tell-you-later’- expression. Harry just shrugged and continued to eat. ,,Harry, do you mind a private word with me in the kitchen”, Sirius asked suddenly. Harry looked surprised but nodded.
As they walked away, Jean started to feel that nasty feeling of jealousy again. What was so important that he talked to Harry about it and not her? Why was it always Harry, who had ‘private talks’ with her dad. Her eyes filled with tears and she tried hard to blink them away so that no one would notice. Remus just looked at her questioning but resumed eating once Jean turned away. She was so jealous of Harry and she felt guilty about it. She knew that it wasn’t Harrys fault but she couldn’t help it. Her dad seemed to favour him over her. She nibbled on her piece of bread quietly and didn’t say much until they came back. Harry was beaming and Jean was confused. What was he so happy about? She looked at her dad and he looked rather proud. She couldn’t tell if of Harry or himself but she was confused about it. Once Harry had retaken his seat beside her she breathed: ,,What did he want to talk about? Was it important?” Harry looked at her happily and whispered back: ,,He said that I can move in next year. And he said that he’s proud of me.”
There was a loud noise of a chair falling to the ground. Jean’s chair. She had gotten up so suddenly that the chair that she sat on fell over and hit the ground. She just stood there with her fists clenched. She was just furious now. It wasn’t the fact that her dad had just asked her best friend to move in with them but the fact that her dad was proud of him. She hadn’t heard those words in 14 years. She had never been told those words from him. She felt jealousy, sadness and anger all at once. She just stood there with her fists clenched and trying so hard not to cry.
Everyone else was completely silent until Sirius broke the silence: ,,Jean? Is there something you want to say?” Harry looked confused. Remus and Tonks looked at each other anxiously, knowing what was about to happen, Fred had seized Jean’s wrist and tried to get her to calm down, Hermione and Ron looked equally as confused as Harry and everyone else was just startled. Jean had her lips pressed together in anger and tried not to burst out crying. For once she wished that her sister was there with her. Then finally she asked, looking directly at her father: ,,Why?” He looked at her confused but ordered in a whisper: ,,Would you please sit back down.” Jean shook her head slowly. Then she couldn’t hold back anymore. ,,Tell me WHY has it always been this way. TELL ME WHY, you didn’t write to me or Elaine last year. TELL ME WHY, DAD, WHY?!”,she cried. Everyone was so confused on what was going on, except for Remus and Tonks.
Sirius looked at his daughter calmly and ordered: ,,Jean, Room, now.” Jean looked at him in disbelief but turned around and stormed into the corridor. She heard her dad excuse himself and coming toward the corridor. He stepped into it and closed the door behind him. ,,This way”, he just said calmly and guided her to another room. Jean followed reluctantly, still full of anger. She saw him open the door to another room and he said: ,,Get in here. Let’s not disturb the others.” She clenched her fist harder but went into the room. She stood by the window and tried to ignore her father, who had closed the door behind him. ,,So, why the sudden outburst?”, Sirius asked. Jean stayed silent for a moment and thought. She was so angry at her dad but also sad that he never contacted her at all last year. The fact that he was this calm angered her even more. It was like he didn’t even care. She felt all her anger rise up inside her. All the emotions that she had bottled up for the last year.
She had tears in her eyes now. Sirius was leaning against the wall and was waiting for his daughter to say something. Jean spun around. ,,WHAT IS THE REASON DAD? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? Always in contact with Harry and always telling him you’re proud of him, but what about me? I’M your daughter and you haven’t seen me in 12 years. Isn’t it bothering you that we don’t have any relationship? Aren’t you proud of ME?”, she cried, angry tears streaming down her face. She covered her face once she was done screaming. ,,Jean, Harry has no one but me and he has lost both his parents. Be a little empathetic. I know that I wasn’t around and I’m sorry for that, but that’s not an excuse for you to behave like that”, Sirius said softly. Jean shook her head in disbelief. ,,HE lost both his parents? I DID TOO. MUM DIED WHEN I WAS A BLOODY YEAR OLD. You got yourself arrested after Elaine’s godparents died. I HAD NOONE. I WAS RAISED BY YOUR BEST FRIEND. And you know whose fault that is? YOURS. Why were you even at the potter’s house that night, 14 years ago? WHY did they arrest you? Dad, I do not understand. WHY do you favour Harry? WHY?”, Jean cried once more. Sirius was now slightly angrier but managed to keep his voice steady and normal: ,,Jean, you are my daughter. Harry is my Godson. You know I love you and that I am always there for you. Harry on the other hand-“ ,,OH, I KNOW THAT YOU LOVE ME? SHOW ME THEN. SHOW ME, that you love me. SHOW ME, that you’re there for me! And just that you know, I don’t blame Harry in the slightest way. HE didn’t do anything wrong. YOU were the one who decided to make his own daughter miserable”, Jean interrupted. Sirius now had both anger and that look of sadness in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted. ,,What is going on in here? Why is there screaming?”, Remus asked and opened the door to find a crying Jean and a what seemed to be calm Sirius. He just stood there when Jean said to her dad: ,,Pick, me or Harry?” Sirius looked down to the floor and said nothing, but his silence was enough for Jean. She stormed past her dad sobbing and wanted to exit the room, but was caught by Remus, who took her into his arms. She sobbed in Remus’s arms and heard him say: ,,Your own daughter, padfoot? I thought you knew better...” Sirius just looked at Remus, apparently not knowing what to do or say. He just rushed past Jean and Remus and out of the room.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now