Anniversary and an early Christmas party

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Before they knew it, a week had passed and quite some things had changed. Ron had started going out with Lavender, which made the relationship between him and Hermione very icy. Harry and Jean always felt like little children, watching their parents bicker back and forth. Harry was constantly complaining about the upcoming dinner with Slughorn and about how much he didn’t want to go, but Jean always cut him off, so she wouldn’t have to listen to the same thing over and over again. Also, quiddich training had started again for the both of them. Whilst Harry was banned, Katie was as nice as to step in for the role as the quiddich captain. Its now Saturday evening, almost eight pm and Jean and Jacob stood in front of the Hufflepuff common room.
,,Stay still. I can’t fix your tie if you keep moving, Jacob”, Jean ordered, clearly in a bad mood. It was their anniversary the next day and it annoyed her greatly that Slughorn had decided that he wanted to hold his dinner at exactly the night before. ,,Ow Jean, go easy. I don’t want to go but he’ll ask me for an excuse and you know I don’t like lying to people”, Jacob tried to persuade her. ,,Blimey but why does he have to hold his stupid dinner exactly one night before our one year anniversary? I’m happy that you get to go, okay, I’m just a bit annoyed ‘cause the timing is slightly inconvenient”, Jean explained, trying not to sound too sour. Jacob wrapped his hands around her waist and smiled: ,,I know that’s not the real reason that you’re so bitter about it. You’re upset because he’s labelled you as the ‘murderers daughter’.” Jean scoffed, before she answered: ,,So what if I am. My father was and is not a murderer. Besides that’s a pathetic reason not to invite someone. Let’s be real, he’s inviting people with famous relatives so he can act as if he’s important.” She finished tying her boyfriends tie and snapped: ,,There, you’re ready to go.” Jacob kissed her on the shoulder, then on the lips and mumbled: ,,Thanks my love. Don’t take it personally. You and I know the truth about your dad and that’s enough isn’t it?” Jean snuggled against him, while she muttered: ,,You’re right. Try to stay awake.” Jacob smirked and breathed: ,,I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee. I’ll pick your pretty face up at one and then I have a surprise for you, okay?” She nodded, let him go, dusted off his overall and kissed him goodbye.
In front of the Gryffindor common room, later
Jean stood there waiting for Jacob. She wore his Hufflepuff scarf instead of her own. The reason for that was, that he had her scarf. They sometimes liked to swap their clothes to see people’s reactions. Once Jean showed up with Jacobs Hufflepuff tie instead of her Gryffindor one. Jacob walked in 5 minutes after her, wearing her Gryffindor tie. Needless to say, even Professor McGonagall seemed to find their little game funny. Jean was getting a bit nervous that she’d get caught standing randomly in front of her own common room. She pulled the scarf tighter around her neck. It was evident that the winter was coming, and it was only mid October.
In a moment of not paying attention, Jean felt two arms close themselves around her. She gasped and glanced at her hugger and thank God it was Jacob. She hugged him back, inquiring: ,,And, was it very boring?” Jacob smirked and said sarcastically: ,,No it was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my whole entire life.” Jean smiled as she placed her arms on his shoulders. ,,No seriously, it was pretty boring, but, he’s hosting a Christmas party next month before we go home and we can bring whoever we want”, he explained and smirked. ,,Who’s that lucky person’s gonna be?”, Jean asked in a fake jealous voice, pretending to faint in Jacobs arms. He laughed and spun Jean around: ,,I’ll tell you later, let’s get out of here. I promised you a surprise, you’ll get one.” ,,Now I’m curious. Let’s go then”, she replied and jumped on her boyfriends back. ,,Ahh Jean, my back still hurts”, Jacob groaned and struggled to maintain his balance. Jean jumped off quickly, afraid that she had hurt him. ,,Are you alright, love?”, she asked and kissed his head for apologies. Jacob had an encounter with the whomping willow a few days ago and it had hit him in the back. ,,Yea I’m alright. C’mon let’s go before peeves catches us”, he moaned and seized Jean by the arm.
Outside in the courtyard
,,Don’t open your eyes unless I tell you to”, Jacob requested and took his hands from Jeans eyes. She stood there waiting. Then she heard her boyfriend whisper into her ear: ,,Open.” She did as she was told and gasped. Jacob had assembled a moonlight dinner for the two of them on the fountain wall. Jean turned around and flung herself into Jacobs arms. ,,It’s beautiful”, she mumbled cheerfully. He smiled and answered: ,,I knew you’d like it. Happy anniversary, Lily flower.” ,,Happy anniversary, my love”, Jean smiled, looking at him in complete adoration. Just when their lips connected, a shooting star flashed over the clear, starry night sky. ,,Shall we eat?”, Jacob mumbled into Jean’s shoulder and swayed back and forth. ,,Yea, let’s go, and then you tell me about that Christmas party”, Jean agreed.
,,So he said that we could bring a friend to the party”, Jacob explained, poking a piece of cheese over and over again. ,,And who will you take?”, Jean asked, half joking, half anxious that he wouldn’t ask her. He looked at her as if it was obvious, before he answered: ,,You of course. You’re my girlfriend so why would I take someone else?” Jean smirked and answered: ,,Well I’m the ‘murderers daughter’. I’m sure you don’t want him to see you with me.” Jacob continued looking at her, then he announced: ,,Jean Lily Black, you best believe the next time I see him, I will purposely snog you in front of his eyes, is that prove enough that I want you and only you?” He smirked and leaned closer to her to get her answer. Jean sighed, before she smiled: ,,Well in that case Jacob Fido Scamander, I will gladly accept you invitation to that stupid Christmas party. And, I want you to kiss me right now.” Jacob chuckled and gave his girlfriend a passionate kiss. ,,I love you, idiot”, Jean grinned and tousled through his curls, to make them even messier than they were before. Jacob pulled her over to him and began tickling her. ,,I love you too, Lily flower”, he laughed, still tickling her. ,,Jacob, hahaha- stop that haha- nonsense right hahaha- now”, Jean giggled and curled of laughter. Jacob, who had her in his lap by now, didn’t even think about it. Jean finally managed to escape and ran a few meters away. Jacob swung his wand and the stuff that was spread out on the fountain went back into the picnic basket. ,,J, wait for me”, he panted and ran after her.
Jean was heading for the meadow before hagrids hut. Jacob ran after her and finally managed to catch up. ,,Run with me”, Jean yelled, before she seized Jacobs hand. Jacob ran with her. In that moment she felt free, like all her stress, her last piece of grieving sadness and her worries had all just been blown away by the wind in her hair. It got quite steep, when she heard Jacob yell: ,,Watch out, we’ll both fall.” But it was too late. Jean slipped and pulled Jacob with her. They rolled down the rest of the hill, Jacob holding Jean tightly in his arms.
,,Owww, that hurt even more than the whomping willow”, Jacob cried out as they reached the bottom. They were now nearly at the black lake. Jean, who was underneath Jacob coughed: ,,Jacob, can you get off of me, I cant breathe?” Jacob rolled to the side, leaving Jean space to breathe. ,,Are you alright?”, she asked, breathing heavily. Jacob panted and answered: ,,The initial shock is gone now, so I reckon that I’m doing fine.” Jean looked up into the sky. It was a clear, quite chilly night and the stars were sparkling merrily. She scanned the sky for one specific star, the star he father was named after. ,,What are you searching for, Lily flower?”, Jacob mumbled and scooted closer to her. ,,Sirius”, she just mumbled back, focusing hard. Jacob looked at her confused as he asked: ,,Sirius?” Jean had finally found what she had been searching for and pointed to it. ,,There, the brightest star on the night sky, Sirius. Every time I’m out late and the night is clear, I search for it. It gives me comfort and I reel like my dad is looking down on me protectively”, she explained and nuzzled closer to Jacob. He put his arm around her shoulder, so that her head was resting in his arm. ,,My dad died when I was 10 and my mum died shortly after I went off to Hogwarts. My grandparents have been raising me ever since that day. To be honest I never had a strong bond with my brother or my parents, but my granddad and I really got along. But to be fair, I really miss my parents from time to time”, Jacob revealed, looking up at the night sky as well. Jean looked at him shocked and answered: ,,I knew that you were raised by your grandparents but I didn’t know that your parents were dead. I’m so sorry, love.” ,,It’s fine. I got over it and it doesn’t hurt as bad. If I’m honest with myself I reckon that it would be much more devastating if my grandparents died”, he mumbled, a sad undertone in his voice. Jean debated with herself, whether or not she should ask the question she was about to ask. The curiosity got the better of her and she asked: ,,How did they... how did they die? Your parents, I mean.” Jacob sighed and started: ,,So my dad was an auror and one day, he just didn’t come back. Murdered, that’s what they told us later on. My mum, she was quite a lovely person, couldn’t cope with the death of my dad and I reckon that she died of a broken heart. My brother still blames the ministry for my father’s death and well he, like Elaine, joined the death eaters side.” Jean sighed and answered: ,,That’s horrible. Jacob, why did you never tell me?” Jacob gave a weak laugh and answered: ,,Never got around to it. I’m telling you now so that’s progress.” She smiled and sat up. ,,I’ll never leave you, I promise”, she swore and kissed him on the cheek. Jacob caressed her cheek, then he smiled. ,,Likewise”, he promised.
They stared into each others eyes for a few more minutes and then made their way up to the castle again, since they noticed that it was getting brighter and the sun was to rise soon.
A month later, in the library
,,Do you still have no one to go with?”, Hermione asked Harry, who walked in between her and Jean. He shook his head and sighed: ,,Nope, Ginny’s with Dean so I can’t ask her, what about you girls though?” Hermione looked at Jean, indicating that she should talk first. ,,I’ll go with Jacob. Sorry mate, but he’s asked me directly after that dinner back in October”, she explained as she put a book that she had been reading back. Harrys eyes suddenly lid up and he suggested: ,,Hey Hermione, why don’t we go together, like as friends?” Hermione’s eyes widened and she responded: ,,I could’ve thought of that, oh my god, sorry Harry but since Ron’s now dating Lavender, I didn’t ask him and I asked someone else instead.” ,,Who?”, Jean and Harry asked at the same time. Hermione got visibly uncomfortable, before she mumbled: ,,Cormac.” Jean gasped and Harrys jaw dropped. ,,Cormac? Hermione are you serious?”, Jean scream-whispered and looked at her dramatically. ,,I thought it might make Ron jealous”, she admitted, slapping herself to the forehead. ,,Oh my God Hermione, he’s gonna be so salty about that”, Harry butted in as he ran his hand over his face. ,,I know, but now I have to deal with that git all evening long”, she answered annoyed. They had reached a table now and Harry stood with the back to a group of girls. ,,Well Harry, you still can’t ask anyone”, Jean whispered, looking past Harry, at the girls. Hermione nodded and added: ,,See that girl there?”, Harry snuck a glance,  ,,She’s Romilda Vane. Rumour has it, that she’s trying to smuggle you a love potion.” Harry looked at her once again and responded: ,,She looks nice enough.” Hermione snapped her finger in front of his face, before she explained: ,,She’s only interested in you because she thinks you’re the chosen one.” ,,Besides, she’s bad news. For her you’re only someone to show off with”, Jean added. Harry though, had a mischievous grin on his face and answered: ,,But I am the chosen one.” *Smack* Hermione had whacked him on the head with her parchment paper. Jean smirked as Harry mumbled: ,,K, sorry.” Hermione rolled her eyes and made her way to the exit of the library, whilst Jean said: ,,You’re a handful, Harry James Potter.” Harry smirked, before he answered: ,,Says the girl who got us detention and a quiddich ban.” She turned around and smiled: ,,Just shut up.” Harry ran to catch up with her, before they exited the library together. 
In the common room, later that day
,,I’ve done some research on people who could potentially be the half-blood Prince”, Hermione, who sat on a table finishing her Arithmancy essay, informed them. Harry, who sat a few seats away, looked up and answered: ,,You did? And, were you successful?” She looked around, then explained: ,,There are loads of people called Prince, but none of them have anything to do with potions. I guess I need to continue searching for now.” Jean sighed and even though she wanted to know who the half-blood Prince was, she really just wanted to finish her homework. ,,Hermione, how about we just let the half-blood prince rest for a minute and we focus on other stuff?”, she asked as she looked up, her brain already hurting from all the nonverbal spells. Hermione looked at her and nodded. Harr had already gone back to his Divination homework, in which they were supposed to write down their dreams for a month. He sighed hopelessly, before asking: ,,Jean, can you help me think of a dream, so she’ll fall for it?” Jean nodded and suggested jokingly, trying to sound as serious as possible: ,,How about you dreamt of snogging the giant squid?” Harry held back laughter, but answered: ,,Very funny, really. Seriously I need help or else I’ll fail. Ron’s still out with Lavender so he can’t help and Hermione thinks it’s rubbish, don’t you Hermione?” She nodded, not even taking her eyes off her paper. Jean sighed and answered: ,,Fine, how about you, fell off your broom? Let her predict your death again.” Harry glanced at her, before he responded: ,,Really? She’ll never believe that.” Jean lifted her arms and shrugged. ,,Mate, don’t ask me. I’m rubbish at divination, that’s why I took Arithmancy”, she said and let her arms fall onto the table.  Harry frowned and sighed, before going back to his paper. ,,How’s the date thing going. Did you ask someone?”, Jean changed the subject, looking at Harry curiously. To her surprise but excitement he nodded. ,,I asked someone to go, but as friends”, he responded, barely looking up from his paper. Jean leaned forward and asked in a whisper: ,,Who?” He grinned at his best friend and stared her straight into the eyes. ,,Luna, she’s the only one I can ask without it being awkward”, he finally revealed. Jean’s jaw dropped and Hermione laughed. ,,Luna?! I mean she’s nice but she’ll definitely say something weird, don’t you think?”, Jean answered and slammed her hands on the table. ,,Chill out Jean, Luna’s gonna be great to be around. She’s a kind soul, even though I still don’t believe in anything she says”, Hermione sighed, raising her eyebrows. Harry leaned back and agreed: ,,There, Hermione said it perfectly, except for the part with the ‘I don’t believe in anything she says’. Who else was I supposed to take? Romilda Vane?” Jean immediately defended herself: ,,No,no,no,no I didn’t mean it in a bad way. Luna is cool but I was surprised that you asked her.” Harry focused on his paper again and said: ,,We just met and had a little chat and I asked her, just because I didn’t want anyone else to use me. Luna’s our friend, so why not?” Hermione had again zoned out. She was focused entirely on her essay. Jean just shrugged and finished her Arithmancy homework. ,,See you lot tomorrow. I’ll call it an early night, good night”, she sighed and got up. She ran her hand through Harrys messy, jet-black hair and hugged Hermione before she went off to the dormitory.
The day of the party, the girls dormitory
Jean stood in front of the mirror and curled her lashes with her wand, Hermione tamed her hair and Ginny applied lipstick to her lips. ,,Gin, can you hand me a hair pin? My hair won’t stay where it belongs”, Hermione asked and tried to get a strain of hair to lay perfectly. Ginny threw one over to her and started curling her lashes for the final touch. Jean turned to her friends and asked: ,,Should I wear my hair up?”, she attempted an updo hairstyle, ,,Or should I wear it down?”, she let her hair down. Ginny looked at her examining and concluded: ,,You should wear it up. It brings out your dress more like that.” Hermione shot her a glance as well and nodded in agreement. Jean was wearing an olive coloured dress with a bit of lace in the neckline. It was long sleeved and went a tiny bit over her knees. She smiled and answered: ,,Thanks girls. I’ll go now, I bet Jacob’s already waiting for me outside.”, before putting up her hair in a bun.  ,,Have fun, I reckon we’ll see each other later”, Ginny smiled and went back to curling her lashes. ,,Don’t you dare leave me alone with Cormac all night”, Hermione warned her, already dreading the event. ,,Ginny, I’ll find you in the crowd and Hermione, just look out for Jacob, we’ll help you”, Jean assured and slipped out of the room.
In front of the common room
Jean just climbed out of the portrait hole, still holding her heels to prevent her from falling. She looked around and noticed that Jacob wasn’t there yet. Shrugging, she put on her heels and looked around. Suddenly she heard someone say: ,,You’re even more beautiful than usual.” She spun around and saw Jacob standing there in a grey three piece, looking even more handsome than he was already. The only thing slightly amusing was the loose tie hanging from his neck. Jean smiled and greeted him: ,,Why thank you. Wish I could say you don’t but you look so handsome, especially with that tie.” Jacob smirked and sighed, before he asked: ,,Can you tie it for me, please? Still don’t get the hang of it.” Jean laughed and walked towards him. ,,You’re such a child sometimes, D’you know that”, she sighed, before she got to business. Jacob held his head high and smiled down at her, before answering: ,,You still do it every time I need to wear a real tie though.” Jean felt exposed and answered slightly proud: ,,Well what if I just refuse to teach you, so no other girl is taking you from me?” He let out a laugh and shook his head. ,,I still want you and only you”, he assured and snuck a peek to see if Jean was done. She put his tie into his vest and smiled. ,,Thank you”, Jacob smiled, before kissing her on the forehead. ,,No problem, can we go now?”, Jean answered and slid her hand into his. He nodded and pulled her after him.
Down in the dungeons, in front of Professor Slughorn’s office
Jacob and Jean entered the room and were immediately engulfed by the decoration. It was totally over the top, causing Jean to roll her eyes, but Jacob stoked her hand with his thumb, so she didn’t give it much thought. It seemed like Slughorn had spotted Jacob and came over to them, beaming. ,,Mister Scamander, I’m glad you could make it. I see you’ve brought Miss Black...”, he greeted him and gave a forced smile to Jean. Jacob noticed, he smiled back, before saying: ,,I see you’ve met my girlfriend, Jean. I’m glad you’ve allowed plus ones to attend.” Slughorn’s smile decreased in size once he heard that Jean was Jacobs girlfriend. Nevertheless he tried not to let it be noticed that he wasn’t a fan of Jean’s. Instead he asked: ,,M’boy how’s your grandfather doing? I still recall teaching him back in the day.” Jacob smirked, shot Jean a look to make her pay attention and answered: ,,He’s recently caught a Kappa. Bad bruising and bedrest prescribed by my grandmother. Its a shame, I actually planned to introduce my girlfriend to them at Christmas.” Slughorn got visibly uncomfortable but nodded. ,,Well, I reckon I’ll greet some other guests now. Hope your grandfather does better soon. Miss Black”, he mumbled, before he stumbled off.
Jean had put her hand in front of her face to contain herself. Jacob smirked and pulled her close. ,,Funny  wasn’t it?”, he smiled proudly and looked into Jean’s eyes. ,,Really funny. You pissed the guy off pretty badly, I’d say”, she replied, a trace of praise in her voice. He grinned and said: ,,Should we piss him off even more?” She looked at him, questioning, and asked: ,,What d’you have in mind, love?” ,,This”, he muttered and pulled her in by the chin. He kissed her passionately, causing her to put her hands around his neck to steady herself. They stopped for a second to look into each others eyes. Jacob had a big grin on his face and Jean asked: ,,What?” Then she looked at his lips, which had her lipstick smudged all over them. Her eyes widened and she hid in Jacobs chest. ,,You look so funny right now. I must look even worse though”, she giggled and looked at him. ,,You do look pretty funny, but still beautiful. We should go and fix this though”, he answered and seized Jean’s hand.
A quick fix up in the bathroom later
Jean now sat at a table with Ginny and Dean. The tension was awkward, since Ginny and Dean had fought again and Jean was kind of just there. She cleared her throat and informed her friend: ,,I reckon I’ll go and find Jacob. Have fun, Gin.” Ginny rolled her eyes and looked after Jean. If Jean was honest, she didn’t go to find Jacob. He was probably being talked to by Slughorn. She just wanted to escape that awkward moment. Then she spotted the bushy brown hair of Hermione behind a see-through curtain. She seemed to be hiding from someone, so Jean went over to her, being as unobtrusive as possible. Hermione seemed glad to see Jean slip behind the curtain. ,,What are you doing here?”, she asked in a hushed voice. Hermione sighed and answered, equally as hushed: ,,Hiding from Cormac. The git just tried to kiss me under the mistletoe.” Jean looked at her compassionately, before she replied: ,,You should’ve just waited. You could’ve gone with Harry as friends.” ,,I know Jean, not helpful. How do I keep him away tough?”, Hermione sighed, still cautious of the environment. The two girls suddenly heard a sound behind them. Jean immediately spun around, but calmed when she saw who it was. Harry stood there, as absent minded as Hermione and mumbled: ,,So sorry, I think I just saw Malfoy lingering around here.” Jean looked confused and Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry noticed Hermione and asked: ,,What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Cormac?” Hermione sighed and explained: ,,Just escaped him under the mistletoe.” Harry nodded in understandment, but turned when he heard someone making a sound. A waiter slipped behind the curtain and asked: ,,Dragonballs, anyone?” Jean shook her head, Harry was too distracted and Hermione said: ,,No, thank you.” The waiter smiled and explained: ,,Might be better. They make your breath smell horrible.” Hermione was desperate at this point and changed her mind: ,,On second thought, those are perfect.” She grabbed the plate out of the waiters hand and began stuffing them into her mouth, with great disgust and desperation. Then she spotted Cormac and shoved the plate into the waiters hand again. ,,Oh god here he comes”, she gagged and managed to vanish. Cormac went directly to Jean and asked: ,,Hey Black, where’d your friend Granger go?” Jean shrugged and wanted to leave but then Cormac spotted the plate and took one. He ate it and asked: ,,What’s this?” Jean smirked and answered: ,,Dragonballs.” He seemed to get nauseous all of a sudden and turned around to throw up. Directly on Snape’s shoes. Jean held back laughter as she vanished out of eyeshot, but was still close enough to hear what they were saying. Snape looked very annoyed by the fact that a bloke had just thrown up on his shoes. He said coolly: ,,You just got yourself a month’s worth of detention, MacLaggen. Not so quick Potter.” Jean saw Harry trying to flee, unsuccessfully. She didn’t manage to catch the rest of the conversation, because Jacob appeared all of a sudden and urged her to leave with him. ,,One second, love. I think Harry got a message delivered”, she mumbled and pressed her body against his. Jacob sighed and muttered back: ,,C’mon Jean. I just managed to get him off my back.” She sighed and gave in. Jacob seized her hand and led her to the exit. He stressed her to get out of there as quick as possible and followed her close on her heels.
,,Is there something you’re not telling me? You seemed so stressed all of a sudden”, Jean stressed, when they stood in the corridor. He looked around slightly nervous and uncomfortable and Jean knew that expression too well. He always did this when he had trouble keeping a secret. She crossed her arms and stared at her boyfriend. ,,Tell me, Jacob”, she requested, still looking at him. He scratched his neck and looked even more nervous. After Jean continued staring he caved and admitted: ,,Fine, I just met my ex. She and I broke up shortly after you and I met. She was too jealous of you, even though at the time you and I were just friends. Kind of the same situation like you had with Fred.” Jean clenched her jaw and answered, trying not to sound too hurt: ,,So you thought you had to hide me from her, just so she wouldn’t feel threatened my me? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” His eyes widened immediately and he reassured: ,,No, no, no, no, its not like that. Her and I were just talking, catching up and stuff, until she asked me out to rekindle our relationship. I excused myself and ran straight to find you.” Jean raised an eyebrow, nodded and asked: ,,Why didn’t you just straight up told her that you had a girlfriend?” Jacob sighed and continued: ,,She would’ve gone nuts if she found out. The girl isn’t exactly good at handling bad news.” He looked at Jean, his eyes begging her to believe him. She sighed and concluded: ,,Fine, but next time you tell her that you’re taken. Otherwise I’m ready to throw hands.” He smiled, hugged her tight and answered: ,,I will. And if that’s not enough proof to her, I’ll snog you in front of her eyes just so that she backs off.” Jean smirked, before she responded: ,,I’ll take you up on that. I love you, my shy idiot.” ,,I love you too, Lily flower”, he mumbled happily and kissed her shoulder.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now