A new year

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Jean was walking up to the wall between platform 9 and 10. When she was about to collide with the wall, she vanished right through the brick. Seconds later she found herself standing on platform 9¾. She looked around and spotted her friend Ron Weasley, talking to his Mum, Mrs Weasley. Next to him was his little sister Ginny, who was a good friend of Jean’s. She looked to the other side and spotted Hermione Granger. She walked up to her and greeted her: ,,Hey Hermione, glad see you here.” Hermione spun around and hugged Jean tightly. ,,Oh my God, Jean. I’m so glad you’re here. There were rumours about your dad, that…”, she began but stopped abruptly. Jean raised an eyebrow confusedly and asked: ,,What rumours? I haven’t heard any, but I stopped my subscription for the prophet months ago. Anyways, what rumours?” Hermione looked to both sides and whispered: ,,There were rumours that death eaters tortured you to get information about Sirius out of you. You weren’t tortured, were you?” Jean’s mouth dropped open and she shook her head. Partly in disbelief and partly to deny being tortured. ,,Why in the world would they make up stuff about me that isn’t even true. Besides dad died in June…”, Jean muttered and Hermione shrugged. ,,I’m glad that it was only a rumour. Really, Ron and Harry wouldn’t survive a day without us”, she smiled, before dragging Jean by the arm to find a compartment.

They were soon joined by Ron, Harry, Jacob, the Weasley twins and Ginny and after they had all said hello to each other, Ron and Hermione went wandering off to fulfil their duty as prefects. Jean and her boyfriend Jacob spent some time talking and Fred and George went off to find Fred’s girlfriend Angelina Johnson. As they went outside Jean pulled George by the sleeve and asked: ,,Can you guys ask Angelina when quiddich try-outs are happening. I’d like to play Chaser again this year.” The twins smiled and George answered: ,,No worries, I think after playing for the team for three years, you won’t need a try-out but we’ll ask her, won’t we Freddie.”  Fred nodded and they went off wandering into the corridor of the train. Jacob went to find the trolley witch and excused himself.
As soon as Jacob had left, Harry spoke: ,,Jean, I need to talk to you. I don’t want to tell Hermione or Ron yet, but I’ve been having those nightmares and shifts into Voldemort’s mind again. I can’t control them and they seem to be getting worse every night. I feel like talking about it might make it better. What do you think?” Jean was startled. Harry had the unlucky ability to see into Voldemort’s mind and feel his emotions.  But in return Voldemort could do the same to Harry  if not worse. Jean herself was a legilimens and had learned how to do both legilimency and Occlumency. Harry though had major problems closing his mind for Voldemort  which had the effect of him having nightmares and sometimes passing out to catch what Voldemort was up to. This only happens when Voldemort feels strong emotions though. Jean had tried to teach him, but she herself was being taught by Dumbledore at the time, so she didn’t really know how to help Harry. Harry had miserable luck with his occlumency teacher who was none other then Severus Snape. Both Harry and Jean despised him with all their might and Snape returned the despise equally as strong.
He used cruel methods on him and let his anger out on him but since Snape stopped teaching him after he was able to see the professors memories, Harry was on his own with this problem.
,,Are they worse than before? What is he up to? I told you a thousand times to try to close your mind”, Jean responded, looking at Harry in great concern. His gaze wandered down to his feet, before he muttered: ,,Blimey Jean, but this is hard. I know it’s easy for you but Snape never really taught me anything. Every time I feel myself slipping out of consciousness, I try to close my mind but it doesn’t seem to work.” He looked back up to find Jean looking at him comfortingly. She put a hand on his shoulder and said: ,,I’ll ask Dumbledore to give you lessons in occlumency as well. You need to learn how to control your own mind.” She smiled and Harry looked at her appreciatively. ,,Thanks Jean, you’re the best”, he smiled and hugged her tightly.
At Hogwarts
Jean, Hermione and Ron sat down next to each other at the Gryffindor table, waiting for the feast to begin. While Jean was desperately trying to spot her sister, Hermione looked around and asked: ,,Has anyone seen Harry? He said he wanted to check something but he should be back by now.” Ron shrugged and Jean looked around, searching for Harry’s untidy jet black hair in the crowd. ,,No clue ‚mione. I haven’t seen him since we got off the train”, Jean answered. Both Jean and Hermione were worried that something might’ve happened to Harry. Even when the feast appeared right in front of them, neither of them ate. Ron on the other hand was digging in hungrily, ignoring the glares that Hermione kept giving him. Finally she snapped: ,,Will You Stop Eating. Your best friend is missing!” He merely looked around and pointed: ,,Oi, turn around you lunatic.” Harry rushed past the others and arrived next to them. He let himself fall onto an empty seat, before Hermione snapped at him: ,,Harry, where have you been. We’ve been worried sick-„ ,,Not now Hermione, please”, he mumbled. Hermione was about to go off on him again, but Jean put her hand on her arm and mumbled: ,,Leave him be. He’ll tell us later.” She looked at Jean confused, but nodded reluctantly.
Later in the Gryffindor common room
Jean was sitting in one of the armchairs by the fire, while Ron was sitting on the floor next to another armchair, which Hermione sat in. ,,Oi, guys what do you reckon he did? Why’s he got a bloody nose?”, Ron asked and Hermione and Jean looked at him confused. ,,I mean- Harry, you know”, he added. Hermione mumbled something under her breath, that Jean couldn’t understand, before going back to read her book about ancient runes. Jean answered to Ron’s question: ,,I think it’s definitely got something to do with Malfoy. Remember how he told us that he thought that Malfoy might be a death eater? Maybe Malfoy did something to him and he narrowly escaped.” Ron shrugged and replied: ,,But what if it was some death eater?” Hermione slammed her book shut and said: ,,Aw c’mon just think about it. There won’t be any death eaters at Hogwarts. Our trunks have literally been searched for dark magic and they found nothing suspicious . Harry’s overreacting. A git like Malfoy couldn’t possibly be a death eater. He hasn’t gotten the wits for that.” Jean thought about it for a moment and then came to the conclusion that Hermione’s explanation made the most sense. She nodded in agreement, causing Ron to cross his arms. He mumbled: ,,That’s the twist. Malfoys Daddy could easily get him to be a death eater. Git or not, it doesn’t matter.” ,,Just shut it Ron. I bet he’s gonna tell us himself. There he comes look”, Hermione snapped forcefully as she nodded her head towards the portrait hole. Harry came rushing towards the three of them and sat on the edge of Jean’s armchair. She scooted over so Harry could sit comfortably and asked: ,,So, why have you gotten a bloody nose? What happened?” ,,Malfoy happened. I hid in his compartment with the Cloak but he caught me. Stepped on my nose, the git. Thank god Luna found me. Would be on my way back to London if she wouldn’t have found me”, Harry explained. ,,See, I knew it”, Jean smiled full of pride towards Hermione. She rolled her eyes slightly but then she asked: ,,Have you gotten any information out of him then, Harry? What did he say?” ,,Noting important. Just that he won’t waste another year being at Hogwarts. The git’s planning something, I know it”, Harry answered quite disappointed but also certain. ,,Don’t you think that’s a little to much. I don’t like Malfoy either, but Harry I’m begging you, don’t try to find something that isn’t there”, Hermione asked of Harry. He nodded reluctantly. ,,I just think that he’s an even bigger prat than usual and maybe there is something behind his behaviour”, he mumbled. ,,I agree with Hermione. You’re looking for something that isn’t there. Malfoy is and always will be a git, he doesn’t need to be a death eater for that. Just drop it, will you”, Jean sighed and even Ron nodded. ,,I guess you’re right then. Maybe he’s just in a worse mood then usual. I mean have you seen him? He’s wearing a bloody suit”, Harry laughed. ,,He’s looking like a complete idiot in it as well. And he has his dad’s walking stick”, Jean added.
She had a strong dislike against him, since he had tried to befriend Harry on the Hogwarts express in the first year. He had been incredibly obnoxious about it and had insulted each Jean and Ron at least twice during the whole encounter. Harry luckily got right up in his face once he heard his insult directed to Jean and was quick to reject his friendship offer.
Later on in their school years, around 4th year he had tried asking out Jean but she had turned him down and since then she disliked him even more.
,,Let’s just say he looks hideous and he’s getting even more obnoxious than he was before. I heard that his dad is in Azkaban now for the thing at the ministry”, Ron concluded. ,,I really hope he rots there forever. Together with Bellatrix”, Jean uttered bitterly. Lucius was the reason Bellatrix had the chance to kill her dad in the first place. ,,Did you know that I’m kind of related to them?”, Jean randomly asked. The three of them looked surprised. ,,I was never in contact with them but I noticed it on the family tree at Grimmauldplace, besides, my sister is getting friendly with Bellatrix’s nephew or something. My dad is a Black and so am I obviously. Malfoys Mum and my dad were cousins and Malfoys mum’s sister is Bellatrix so also my dad’s cousin. Draco and I are therefore some kind of cousins. I don’t know if it counts though because my grandmother burned my dad out of the family tree. Long story short Draco and I share a great grandparent. Its so confusing”, Jean explained trying to get all the related people right. ,,Bloody hell Jean. Your family tree is so confusing, really. But let’s just ignore the fact that that git and you are related”, Ron sighed. ,,Agreed. I don’t think he knows that I’m his cousin, he might find out when my sister decides to tell him though. I’m, like my dad, different from my family. My grandparents would hate me as much as they hated my dad for first being Gryffindor and second not giving a shit about blood status. To be honest, the only one of my family that I was and am in contact with, is dad’s cousin Andromeda, Tonks’s mum. Technically I am related to Tonks as well, like I said confusing”, Jean said. Hermione still looked a bit confused and replied: ,,Let’s just leave the topic family be. It doesn’t define you as much as your house doesn’t define you. There are cowardly Gryffindors, there are brave Hufflepuffs, there are stupid Ravenclaws and I’m sure that there are kind Slytherins.” ,,True words ‘mione. How about we just go to sleep. It’s late”, Ron suggested and Harry nodded. ,,Yea, let’s go. ‚Mione you coming?”, Jean agreed, before getting up. Hermione nodded and stood up as well. ,,See you tomorrow then. Good night”, she sighed and made her way towards the staircase that led to the girls dormitory. ,,Good night”, Harry mumbled and went after Ron, who had gone up the stairs already. ,,Harry?”, Jean said and looked up. Harry stopped, before he turned around to her. ,,How are you? Dad was… important to you. Are you okay?”, she asked, already knowing the answer.
Her dad’s death had mentally drained her and it had taken weeks of talking to Remus and Tonks about it until she finally came to rest with it. Harry must feel the same, except that he had no one to talk to about it.
,,I’m-I’m fine. Things happen… Bellatrix got her karma but I think it’s pretty unfortunate that someone had to die for that”, he answered, but his voice was shaky and he avoided eye contact with Jean. She nodded even though she knew that he wasn’t telling her the truth. ,,Let’s say that you weren’t, I am ready to talk about it. Just so you know”, she mumbled playing with the zipper of the zip up shirt that she was wearing. Harry nodded and turned around to leave for the boys dormitory.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now