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Jean was frantically walking through the great Hall, looking for her godparents. She saw them fighting some death eaters earlier, praying that they were still alive. Voldemort had given them an hour to put their dead ones to rest with dignity and to turn Harry in.
She continued looking though the great hall, hoping for her cousin’s pink hair to be somewhere. Slowly the panic set in and her blue eyes filled with tears. ,,No, no, no, no, please be somewhere, God I’m begging you”, she mumbled and her breathing got heavier. Then she saw something else, making her stop dead in her tracks. She saw the body of a redheaded boy on the floor, next to him his exact copy, or so it seemed. Jean’s eyes widened when she realised that it was Fred whose body it was and George who was kneeling next to him. She found herself almost running towards them, before she ran straight into Mrs Weasley, who was wiping tears from her eyes. ,,Jean dear, you’re well”, she sobbed and hugged her. ,,Mrs Weasley, is-is Fred...”, was all that Jean could ask. Mrs Weasley burst into tears and shook her head no. Jean felt like she had been hit by a train. Her ex-boyfriend but close friend was dead on the floor. He had died in a horrible war fighting against horrible people. ,,No, I’m so, so sorry...”, she now blurted out and hugged Mrs Weasley. ,,Dear, there’s something you should see...”, she said, looking into another direction. Jean followed her gaze and her heart stopped for a second. ,,No, no, no, no, no, no please no”, she breathed and made her way towards two bodies laying on the floor. When she came closer her voice died away entirely and she broke down in front of the two bodies of her godparents. Her hands were pressed in front of her mouth to stop herself from having a mental breakdown. ,,Please let this be a nightmare. This-This can’t be true, no, no, no, no, Remus, Tonks, they can’t-, you can’t leave me, I-I need you”, she sobbed quietly and held on to both their cold hands. Her curls covered her face, so she barely noticed someone kneeling down beside her. This person who turned out to be Jacob, who put his arm around Jean.
Jean let go of their hands and leaned back and against Jacob’s chest. She started crying even harder now but she knew that he wouldn’t judge her. ,,I am so sorry, Lily flower. They-They were close to you, weren’t they?”, Jacob asked softly and Jean nodded. ,,My godparents. The last real family I had”, she sobbed. ,,Losing someone important isn’t easy, it’s really hard actually... but our loved ones never really leave us, they’re right here”, he explained and put her hand to his heart. Jean wiped her tears as she felt his heartbeat and nodded. She looked at him, grateful for the comfort. Jacob held her, stroking his thumb on her arm soothingly.
,,Look, let’s say our goodbyes, shall we?”, he suggested but was met with an unsure look of Jean’s. ,,Really, you’ll feel better”, he added and looked at Jean urgently. Jean nodded and sighed before she started: ,,So uh, I know you probably can’t hear me right now but I’m so proud to have you as my godparents. I already miss you so much but I promise that we’ll win this war. I also promise that I’ll take care of Teddy since you can’t, but I’ll make sure to tell him what amazing parents you were. I love you and rest in peace. See you someday, goodbye.” Jacob, who held her hand for support the entire time smiled at her weakly but proudly. ,,Feel better?”, he asked softly. Jean nodded and hugged him, while mumbling: ,,Thanks Jacob, I love you.” ,,No worries, I love you too”, he admitted and hugged her.
Jean sighed, got up and seized Jacobs hand. She looked at her godparents one more time and blew a small kiss before she kissed Jacob and went to search for Harry, Hermione and Ron.
She eventually found Ron and Hermione sitting on a staircase, huddled together and looking sad. ,,Where’s Harry? Please tell me he didn’t turn himself in”, Jean asked, her voice shaking. The both of them leaped up and Ron hugged her. ,,He-, we don’t know where he is. I reckon he’s turned himself in...”, Hermione sighed as she wiped her face on her jacket. Ron, who had laid his arm around his girlfriend, had just been standing there but then suddenly his eyes lit up. ,,Harry!”, he pointed out, before she smiled weakly. ,,Harry, we thought you went to the forest”, Hermione explained, relieved to see him. ,,That’s where I’m going now”, Harry muttered, his voice steady but anxious. He walked towards them and added: ,,Snape is dead. The last horcrux is the snake. When I’m gone it’s just the snake left. Kill it, then he’ll be vulnerable.” Jean was fighting to suppress her tears, when she flung herself into Harrys arms. ,,I’ll-I’ll come with you. I need you”, she mumbled only loud enough for him to hear. ,,You have to kill the snake. Promise me that you’ll kill the snake, Jean”, he muttered back and Jean nodded, loosing the battle against her emotions. ,,I love you, never forget that”, he added and hugged his best friend tighter. ,,I love you too. I’ll-I’ll miss you”, she sobbed quietly. They broke apart and Harry sighed, before waving and turning to the exit. Jean, Hermione and Ron watched him walking out of the big entrance and away. Jean stood in the middle of them. They had both laid an arm around her, knowing that it was the hardest on her, seeing that one person who had always been like her brother, sacrifice himself for the entire wizarding world.
,,Lets go, I need to find Elaine. Wanna make sure she’s alive”, Jean muttered, while wiping her tears. ,,You go, we’ll follow you in a minute”, Ron assured, squeezing Jean’s hand gently. Hermione nodded, giving her a side hug. ,,Okay then, see you in a minute”, Jean sighed, before she got up and made her way to the great hall.
Once she had reached the entrance of the great hall, she saw that the floor was littered in dead bodies, accompanied by their families and friends. Jean’s gaze wandered over the hall, searching for her sisters blonde curls in the crowd. ,,Jean”, someone panted weakly behind her. The voice belonged to Elaine, clutching her stomach. Jean’s eyes widened, as she saw her little sister standing there, holding on for dear life. She rushed over to her, wand at the ready and her mind racing. Jean knew how to mend wounds, but it would be incredibly hard and she didn’t have much time. ,,El, oh my god what happened to you”, Jean whispered, as she helped her sister sit down. ,,Got scratched by the werewolf. It hurts pretty bad”, Elaine explained, as if it was normal. Jean was swearing under her breath, as she examined the deep scratch wound. ,,What were you thinking? You told me you were gonna fight Bellatrix, next second you’re almost bleeding to death because you fought a bloody werewolf”, she scolded, sternly looking into her sisters stormy grey eyes. ,,Geez, its not my fault. This is a war, not a video game, I can’t choose my enemy. Will you please just help me with that wound”, Elaine sighed. Jean sighed, knowing she had to keep her head clear. After a minute of thinking, she found the right spell. ,,Finally that bloody book comes to good use”, she muttered, her brows furrowed, referencing to the half blood prince’s book. ,,Vulnera sanentur”, Jean began mumbling, while waving her wand over Elaine’s stomach.
After a few more of the incantations, Elaine stopped wincing in pain and her breathing regulated again. Jean let herself fall back against the pillar behind her, running her hand through her curls. ,,Thanks”, Elaine muttered, still not fully back to breathing normally. ,,When this is all over, I’m dragging you to see a doctor. Werewolf scratches aren’t funny business. It could change you forever”, Jean replied, looking at her sister sternly. Even though for the longest time, the two of them had a rivalry, Jean felt as though she needed to protect her at all costs. Elaine nodded. Jean was surprised, no backtalk, no arguing, nothing. That wound must’ve truly hurt.
,,Come on, let’s get you some fresh air”, Jean finally suggested, after the two sisters had been sitting in comfortable silence for a while. When Elaine nodded, Jean got to her side, helping her get up. ,,Blimey, that shit still hurts”, Elaine swore, after getting up. ,,Can you walk it off?”, Jean asked, holding her sister tightly. ,,Yea, I think so”, Elaine answered through gritted teeth. ,,Okay let’s go”, Jean sighed.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now