Tension between the black sisters

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Back at the Gryffindor common room
Jean came through the portrait hole, throwing her school stuff into a corner. Hermione spotted her and demanded: ,,Jean, where have you been? We haven’t seen you all day.” Jean walked towards her and Harry and Ron and fell onto the couch by the fire next to Harry. She rubbed her head, which was starting to hurt from all that stress in the last few months. ,,Sorry guys, I was studying with Jacob and got into an argument with my sister. Then Jacob and I went on a little date and yea, now I’m here, and mind you, excruciatingly tired”, Jean explained, whilst sneaking a glance at Harry’s book. She noticed that it was his potions book and it looked different than hers. Older and as if it had been used before. Someone, who was not Harry, had scribbled notes into it as well. Harry looked up from his book as he asked Hermione: ,,Hey uh, Hermione, have you seen this spell before?” Hermione tried to snatch the book from Harry to take a closer look at it, but he pulled it back. Jean tried to have a look at it, but he was too quick for her. She got up, feeling betrayed that her best friend wouldn’t tell her what the deal with the book was. ,,Why don’t you want anyone to have a look at it?”, Jean asked, walking towards Harry, who had gotten up as well. ,,The uh binding is fragile”, he lied. ,,The binding is fragile?”, Hermione repeated sarcastically whilst raised an eyebrow. ,,Yea”, Harry said, intimidated by Hermione and Jean. ,,Give it here Harry, the book can handle it”, Jean demanded as she extended her arm for him to hand her the book. Harry put the book behind his back and said: ,,No, its my book.” He was too busy dealing with Jean, that he didn’t notice Ginny sneaking up behind him and snatching the book. ,,Hey, blimey Ginny”, Harry swore, letting himself fall back onto the couch. ,,Let’s see who it belongs to”, Ginny mumbled and skipped though the pages. Jean stood next to her, when suddenly, she spotted something. ,,Here look Ginny, ‘this is the property of the half blood Prince”, she read out loud. ,,The half blood Prince? Blimey but who is the half blood Prince and why is his book here?”, Ron asked. ,,I guess its a person, otherwise how can he write notes into it”, Harry assumed and tried to grab the book back. ,,Oh no shit Sherlock, the real question is, who is this ‘half blood Prince’?”, Jean said, whilst glaring at Harry. He noticed and asked: ,,What did I do?” ,,Oh nothing, you could’ve just told me about this, could you”, Jean said bitterly. ,,C’mon now Jean, this was nothing important”, Harry brushed it off, but Jean replied: ,,Obviously it was. Someone who isn’t you scribbled over the entire instructions. What if it goes wrong one day and you cause an explosion huh, what are you gonna do then?” Harry sighed, before he mumbled: ,,Blood hell Jean, calm down. Its just a book, it won’t harm anyone.” Jean rolled her eyes and looked at Hermione, who looked equally as displeased with Harry’s book. ,,C’mon mate, they’re just jealous that they’re not the best at something”, Ron joked, before he put an arm around Harry. ,,Excuse me?! I think it’s cheating, using someone else’s discoveries for your own benefits. Slughorn thinks Harry’s a potions genius”, Jean replied, crossing her arms. ,,Maybe I am a genius and Snape is just a git”, Harry argued. ,,Yea for sure, if that’s the case, you’ll get rid of the book and do it yourself, without cheating”, Jean suggested, giving Harry a daring glare. ,,You know I can’t just toss it. I need it”, Harry mumbled, as he snatched the book back. ,,See I knew it. You can’t go without the book anymore”, Hermione concluded, before she smirked at Harry. ,,Thinking about it, I think you should set the book aside, all you do is read in it. You know I like to chat a bit before going to sleep but you won’t even notice me”, Ron complained. ,,Blimey, you’re all just too obsessed with the book. I’ll continue using it for now”, Harry explained, as he slammed the book shut. He got up and mumbled a quick: ,,Good night.”, before leaving for the boys dormitory.
The next day
Jean and Jacob sat together in Charms class and were trying to levitate pillows.
,,I think you really should talk to her. If you’re important to her she’ll listen to you”, Jacob stressed, as he managed to levitate his pillow neatly into a box across the room. Jean sighed, before she replied: ,,I don’t know how though. Every time I try she either blocks me off or gives me snappy answers. I mean, you heard her, she thinks I’m a blood traitor and according to her words, she doesn’t give a fuck that dad is dead.” She flicked her wand, making the pillow soar through the air, into the box next to the one Jacobs pillow had just landed in. ,,Don’t say that, she may be just to proud to talk about it. Remember how long it took you to open up about your feelings? For almost two months I tried to get you to talk to me about it”, Jacob reminded as he grabbed Jean’s hand off the table. ,,But that’s no excuse for her to behave like she does. I mean if it were other people, I wouldn’t say anything but the fact that all their parents are death eaters worries me. I’m scared that she’ll choose the same path”, Jean explained whilst making another pillow soar through the air. ,,That’s why you need to talk to her about it. If she thinks that no ones there for her, she’ll be drawn to her friends even more. Just give it a shot and if she declines, you tried everything you could”, he suggested. Jean nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder. ,,I’ll see if I can catch Elaine later. We should have the same free periods”, she mumbled and looked at her wristwatch. ,,Do that and tell me how it went okay?”, Jacob encouraged her and kissed her on the forehead.
At the quiddich pitch
,,Okay Gryffindor, I assume you’re all here for the try-outs?”, Harry tried to ask his housemates, but his voice was drowned by everyone talking. Jean stood next to him and on the other side stood Ginny, who was visibly annoyed by the commotion. ,,SHUT IT”, she yelled, causing everyone to quiet down. Harry gave her an awkward smile and muttered: ,,Thanks.”, before he continued: ,,So, you all are here for the Gryffindor try-outs. We’ve got a Chaser position, two beater positions and a keeper position. We’ll start with the Chaser position, shall we.” Everyone who was there to play Chaser queued up and they started flying around the quiddich pitch. Jean and Ginny also swayed into the air and flew with the applicants. The both of them were brilliant chasers and Ginny even played reserve seeker, but since both Fred and George had left Hogwarts and Angelina Johnson was gone as well, they needed a great sum of new players. Harry examined the applicants carefully and ended up picking Katie Bell for the position.
The beater positions were given to 7th years and then the keeper try-out began. There were only two applicants, Ron and a bloke named Cormac MacLaggen. Ron was getting visibly more angry with him, since Jean had overhead Cormac ask Ron if he could introduce him to Hermione. The git was also incredibly full of himself, which made him think that he wouldn’t even have to try for the position. Ron was exceptionally good at the position of the keeper and when the last goal was to be made, Cormac seemed to have been confunded. Ron did better than Cormac and was selected to play keeper for Gryffindor.
Everyone congratulated the new players and made their ways away from the pitch, except for Jean and another person, far away from the crowd and in Slytherin robes. Jean grabbed Harrys hand as she mumbled: ,,Stay, I don’t want to be alone in case something happens.” Harry nodded, before nodding his head towards the girl, who turned out to be Elaine. ,,C’mon, let’s get it over with”, Jean sighed as she walked towards her sister. Once she and Harry had reached her, she cleared her throat and spoke: ,,Hey Elaine, thanks for meeting me.” ,,It’s not like I desperately wanted to but Pansy dared me”, Elaine smirked, raising an eyebrow provocatively. Jean had a hard time not to hex her and clenched her jaw. ,,Yea, anyways look I know I shouldn’t have threatened you but I’m worried about you. Ever since you came to Hogwarts you’ve been bitter towards me and it got even worse when dad came back. Ever since his death you seem to be around all the wrong people, Elaine don’t you know that all their parents and relatives are death eaters”, Jean tried to explain in a calm but worried voice. Elaine rolled her eyes before she snapped: ,,You know nothing about any of this. You don’t know what it’s like growing up packing your stuff every three years because no one wants to adopt you. Jean, you’re so oblivious to what’s going on in my life, just stop wanting to protect me. Even if my friends’ families are death eaters, doesn’t mean that they are.” Jean scoffed and was about to pull her wand out from her robes, but Harry stopped her. Instead she began: ,,Elaine, do you even know what the bloody hell you’re saying? You’re dating the second-cousin of our dads murderer, and hanging around with the worst influence possible. I came here to talk things out, but clearly you don’t have any interest in doing so.” Elaine just smirked and answered cockily: ,,I know Jean, I know. Do I look like I care? No, you and your Gryffindor prats can kindly keep your bloody opinion to yourself now, okay! I’ve got better things to do now, don’t come near me again, you’re dead to me.” Jean opened her mouth but closed it seconds after again. Then she smiled and looked to the ground before mumbling: ,,If you say so, I guess I did everything I could. By the way, Jacob asked me to talk to you, I didn’t because I desperately wanted to.” Elaine turned around, kind of like she was just slapped in the face. Harry put his hand on Jean’s shoulder and breathed: ,,I guess that hurt her ego.” Jean shrugged and mumbled: ,,Yea I guess so. Let’s go, it’s getting cold and I need to see Jacob.” Harry nodded and they turned to leave.
In the Gryffindor girls dormitory
Jean snuck Jacob into her dormitory with the help of the marauders map. They sat on Jean’s four-poster, when she was telling him about the encounter with Elaine.
,,She’s gone nuts. I’m really worried about her, she seems to hide something”, Jean ranted and fell back onto her pillow. ,,Maybe she’s just frustrated. Jean, I don’t know your sister, I’ve never seen her before. Have you tried reading her mind?”, Jacob sighed and looked at his girlfriend urgently. ,,She knows how to use Occlumency, I’ve got no chance. Besides, it’s like she doesn’t want to talk to me at all”, she mumbled and picked at her skin. Jacob brushed his hand over hers and mumbled: ,,Don’t, Jean you’re doing it again. How about you just forget all the drama for a minute or two?” Jean hooked her fingers into Jacobs and pulled him close before she sighed: ,,You’re right. If she doesn’t want my help, she doesn’t need it.” Jacob gave her quick pick on the lips, before he cuddled onto her. ,,It’s incredible that you managed to sneak me in, isn’t it?”, he changed the subject and hugged her. Jean held his head and smirked. ,,As long as no one tells Professor McGonagall, we’re good. I’ve pulled the curtains shut for a reason”, she sighed and kissed his forehead. ,,They can hear though”, he mumbled, returning the kiss. ,,They can’t, I cast muffliato so it’s just the two of us”, she replied whilst sighing tiredly. ,,I’ll sleep here tonight then, I reckon?”, Jacob smirked and rolled over and next to Jean. ,,It would be bit suspicion when you would sneak out of the Gryffindor tower at three in the morning, would it. Just stay here, its the best for everyone and we can enjoy some time together”, Jean mumbled and yawned. ,,You’re right, sweet dreams, my love”, he yawned, as he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now