Battle in the astronomy tower

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,,Horcrux? What in Merlin’s name is a Horcrux?”, Ron asked, instinctively looking at Hermione. Harry looked thoughtful, while answering: ,,A Horcrux is an object, which the caster has bound a piece of their soul to. As long as this object isn’t destroyed, the person who created it is immortal.” Jean looked just as thoughtful, when she pondered: ,,And how does one create a horcrux?” This time it was Hermione, who answered, with a shaky voice: ,,Murder. Killing is the most impure thing to do, it mutilates the soul.” The four of them were quiet for a second, before Harry explained: ,,Tom Riddle spoke about dividing his soul into seven parts... Dumbledore already found two, one of them is already destroyed. A ring, and Tom Riddles diary, you know the one that possessed Ginny in second year. And he thinks he’s found another one.” Jean suddenly looked up. ,,Dumbledore allowed me to come with him. He said that we needed a bit more time, but if everything goes well, we’ll leave to find it on the evening of June 30th. Until then, he wants me to meet with him because of my Occlumency”, Harry explained to his friends. Hermione pulled a piece of string from her cardigan. ,,Aren’t you worried? I mean, a horcrux doesn’t sound exactly easy to get”, she pondered, sounding worried. Ron nodded. ,,I’m not worried, I’ll be with Dumbledore”, Harry declared, rather confidently.
June 30th
The last few months, Harry had gotten increasingly more nervous. Not only because of the whole horcrux thing going on, but he had finally managed to confess his feelings for Ginny. Ever since, Jean, Jacob, Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron had been hanging out together.
Now, Harry was about to leave the common room to go find the horcrux with Dumbledore.
,,Are you sure you’re ready? Harry please don’t die”, Jean stressed, holding Jacobs hand. They stood in front of the door leading up to the astronomy tower. ,,I won’t, don’t worry. I’m with Dumbledore, I’m save”, Harry assured, looking at each of them. Ron looked worried, Hermione stressed, and Jean seemed to have turned into Mrs Weasley again. Jacob put his arm around his girlfriend, before smiling: ,,Good luck mate. I’ll try to keep her calm.” Harry smiled, as Jacob nodded to Jean. ,,Don’t you dare die”, Jean mumbled, flinging herself into him. ,,I won’t, I promise. Just let me go, or Dumbledore will leave without me”, Harry promised, hugging Jean back. Once she had backed away, Ron and Hermione wished him good luck and Ginny pressed a kiss to his lips, before finally, Harry left.
,,C’mon Jean, let’s get your mind off of this”, Jacob suggested, dragging her along with him, quite awkwardly. Once they were in a side corridor, he smiled: ,,He’ll be fine, trust me.” Jean sighed, grateful for her boyfriends effort to stop her from worrying. ,,Thanks my love. You know, I’m just so stressed because of this. I mean, he’s gone off to search for a piece of Voldemort”, she admitted, pulling herself up onto a nook. Jacob looked at her, madly in love. ,,Don’t think about it. Do me a favour and relax for just a minute”, he whispered, stroking a strain of hair out of her face. Her arms rested on his shoulders, Jean looked at him just as in love with him. ,,You’re right”, she sighed, allowing all her worry to exit her head. Jacob wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her the comfort she needed. ,,I love you, Jacob”, she breathed, never having meant it more than now. ,,I love you too”, he mumbled back.
A few hours later
,,He’s still not back yet”, Jean sighed, still sitting in the same nook. Jacob sat next to her, gently turning her face to his. ,,He’s with Dumbledore, don’t worry, Lily flower”, he sighed, pressing a tender kiss on Jean’s lips. Looking at him, still worried, she mumbled: ,,It’s hard though. What if he’s dead?” Jacob sighed. ,,Jean, he is not dead. Harry has survived the killing curse and faced You-know-who more than once since then. Just trust me, he isn’t dead”, he tried to assure her. Nodding, Jean felt that she could count on Harry’s skill and Dumbledore’s power.
Then, suddenly, the couple heard a bang. It came from the astronomy tower. Jean was quick to run, seeing what was going on. Jacob ran after her, just as curious. ,,Why isn’t it opening?!”, Jean swore, shoving the door, hoping it would somehow open. Ron and Hermione came running, trying to break open the door as well. ,,Try the other side”, Jean cried, wanting to run to the other side of the tower. ,,Ginny, Luna and Neville are already there. Stay here”, Hermione explained, grabbing Jean by the wrist. ,,What in Merlin’s name is going on up there?!”, Ron screamed, banging at the door. They heard a cackle, followed by a *crack* and Remus, Tonks, Kingsley, Mad-eye, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and a few other members of the order. ,,Tonks, what’s going on here? “, Jean asked, running towards them. ,,They’ve got them circled. The Malfoy boy let them in”, Mad-eye explained angrily, rushing past everyone. ,,They? Who are they?! We heard Bellatrix cackle, but that was it. Why are they even here? I thought you couldn’t apparate into Hogwarts”, Hermione asked, both confused and worried. ,,They’re here on a mission. We don’t know much”, Remus explained. ,,And how the bloody hell are we supposed to get up there?”, Ron asked fiercely. ,,We’ll have to break open the door somehow. Anyone tried alohomora?”, Kingsley asked, rushing past the teens.
A sudden bang, a bright green flash of light and a scream bellowed from the astronomy tower. Then the door was busted open and death eaters shot spells at all of them. Jean seized Jacobs hand, while shooting stunning spells everywhere. ,,C’mon, we need to lead them away from here”, she screamed, while she started running. From the corner of her eye she saw Hermione run into another direction, whilst Ron ran up the stairs to the astronomy tower.
,,Stupefy!”, Jean yelled, hitting a death eater named Rosier. Jacob was still next to her, when they ran into the courtyard. A huge number of student and teachers had already gathered there. No more death eaters in sight, but a huge dark mark over the castle. Someone had cast morsmordre. Someone was dead. Jean pushed her way towards the front, still holding on to Jacob, clutching on to him tighter.
Once the couple had fought their way to the front, they saw Hermione and Ron standing in midst their fellow students. Jean caught a glimpse of the dead. Her heart skipped a beat, when she saw Dumbledore’s lifeless body on the ground. She clapped a hand to her mouth, leaning into Jacob. The one she had believed to be invincible had died. Jacob closed his arms around her, just as sad and surprised.
Harry arrived in the courtyard just a few minutes later, along with the rest of the order. He knelt down beside Dumbledore’s body, apparently crying. Slowly Professor McGonagall raised her wand into the air, conjuring a dim light. Bit by bit, all students and teachers raised their wants as well. Dark times were bound to arise upon Hogwarts.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now