3 down 3 to go

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The next morning, Jean was awoken by yelling. She had no idea how last night had ended. All she did remember were death eaters shooting spells at them in the house of what she thought was Bathilda Bagshot. Tiredly, she rubbed her eyes before getting up to investigate the screaming. From afar she heard Hermione bickering: ,,You complete ARSE Ronald Weasley.” Ron was back? Jean ran outside to see Harry, very cheerful, and Ron getting bashed by Hermione with his own bag. Crossing her arms and observing, Jean stood at the entry of the tent smirking. ,,You show up here after weeks” *smack* ,,and you say ‘hey’”, Hermione raged, throwing Ron’s belongings to the ground. Ron shrugged, slightly amused at her sight. Hermione turned around, chasing Harry up to where Jean was standing. ,,Where’s my wand Harry, Where’s my wand?”, she asked in a threatening, calm voice. Harry raised his hands, running away while responding: ,,I don’t know. I gave it back to you.” Hermione chased him further, until they had reached Jean. ,,Harry potter, you give me that wand”, she threatened, until Ron asked, with a trace of jealousy: ,,Why’s he got your wand?” Hermione glared, defending herself: ,,Never mind why he’s got my wand.”
Jean finally cleared her throat, making the three aware of her presence. Harry smiled, while Hermione was still glaring at Ron. ,,Look who decided to show up”, Jean joked, walking towards Ron. He just smiled, the embarrassment in his face was obvious. ,,I’ve destroyed the locket”, he admitted, holding the broken locket up. After hugging him, Jean cheered: ,,That’s great, 3 down, three more to go.” Hermione still glared at Ron bitterly, inquiring: ,,So, what made you come back, then?” Jean and Harry looked at each other. They knew that Hermione was close to setting Ron on fire. The ginger haired boy took a deep breath before explaining: ,,Actually, I wanted to turn back around the moment I left. Couldn’t find you though. After a few weeks, I clicked that deluminator thing and turns out it doesn’t just turn light on and off. It conjured a bright light. And it was whispering my name. In your voice, Hermione. Nothing else, just my name. When I touched it, it brought me here and I saw a doe patronus. I thought it was Harry’s, but it wasn’t. Found him through that though. Then we destroyed the horcrux.” Hermione raised an eyebrow, but Jean could see in her eyes that she was touched. Smirking, she went back inside.
Later that day, the golden quartet sat at the wooden dining table. Since Ron had successfully destroyed the horcrux, they had to hunt the fourth one down.
,,So, where could he have hidden one?”, Jean asked, massaging her temples. ,,Vol-”, Harry began, before Ron shushed him. ,,Haven’t you heard? He has spoken a taboo on his name. Whenever someone uses his name, snatchers and death eaters will be alerted of our whereabouts. It messes with the protective charms. So don’t use his name or they’ll know where we are”, he explained, looking at his three friends seriously. Hermione’s eyes widened. ,,That’s how they found us, after we disapparated from the wedding. I broke the taboo”, she discovered, slapping her hand to her forehead. Harry nodded, before resuming the topic. ,,Anyways, he hides his horcruxes in objects that have a special meaning to him. We should consider places that he often visited throughout his life”, he suggested. Jean looked at him sternly, pondering: ,,But where are those places? We got one from his home; the ring, one from his time in school; the diary and one that proves his heritage; the locket. So, what else is important to him? I could imagine he turned that snake of his into one. But the others, no idea.” Hermione got up and paced through the tent. ,,If only we knew”, she sighed, clearly tense. ,,Yea. Look I suggest we take our minds off of that for now. Potterwatch is about to start again and I need to enter the password. Let’s just hear what’s been up at Hogwarts lately”, Ron suggested, pulling the radio closer to him. When no one objected he turned it on.
A few days later
The four of them had been poring over the horcrux problem for days, causing the tent to be awfully quiet.
Lost in her thoughts, Jean sat outside of the tent, skipping through the pages of the book that Hermione had borrowed her. Her head was absolutely unable to understand why in the world Dumbledore had given it to her.
All of a sudden, she was ripped from her thoughts by yelling. ,,Jean, run”, was all she heard, as Harry hurried out of the tent. Immediately, she jumped up, as she saw the death eaters. ,,Shit, who broke the taboo?”, she screamed as she took off running. Hermione and Ron ran with her, close on their heels, the snatchers. ,,I broke it, I’m sorry”, Harry yelled an answer to Jean’s question. Letting out a groan, Jean shot a stunning spell behind her. In that moment she was really grateful that Snape had taught them nonverbal spells.
Eventually, the snatchers caught up to the four. Hermione shot a spell at Harry, making his face unrecognisable. He tripped and fell to the floor. Jean was about to yell out his name, when she was seized from behind. She kicked and screamed, as they took her wand away. Ron and Hermione were captured as well, Harry was still laying on the ground.
The snatchers had outnumbered them, each of them having one of the four captured. ,,What’s your name, beautiful”, the werewolf Fenrir Greyback asked, as he poked his long nail into Jean’s chin. Anger arose inside of her and she wanted to give a snarky answer, but just responded: ,,Hannah Abbott.” She knew that if she gave her real name, they would hand her and her friends out to Voldemort. Greyback seemed to believe her, moving on to Hermione. Jean’s mind was racing. Where would they be taken? Did they see through their cover? As Hermione responded to the question with: ,,Penelope Clearwater.”, the snatchers got a little suspicious but moved on to question Ron.
When they reached Harry, Greyback sniggered: ,,What’s with your face, ugly? Tell me your name.” Harrys face was swollen and bruised up due to Hermione’s spell. Jean glanced in his direction. He was looking at her for help. Apparently he didn’t know a name. Jean made a face, mimicking Harrys cousin Dudley. He seemingly got the message, because he replied: ,,Vernon. Vernon Dudley.” One of the snatchers frowned as he looked through his parchment roll. ,,There’s no Vernon Dudley. They’re lying”, he concluded, glaring at the four of them. Greyback spotted something. The sword of Gryffindor hung from Hermione’s belt. She must’ve seized it in a hurry. ,,That’s been stolen. Lestrange had it in her vault”, he growled, pointing at the sword. Another snatcher eyed Jean, Hermione and Ron closely. ,,Hey, I know the lot of you. You’re Harry Potters friends. And the ugly one kinda looks like him”, he bellowed, as he turned to his companions. ,,We’re taking them where the others are. C’mon”, Greyback ordered, before seizing Jeans arm roughly. She glared at him, knowing that she couldn’t say anything right now. Before she knew it, they disapparated.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now