Jeans birthday

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4th of April, Jeans birthday. Harry was about to arrive at Grimmauldplace, while Hermione and Ron where already there. The order had called an emergency meeting and Remus had arranged for the four of them to get a vacation day from school to celebrate Jeans birthday. However, the meeting was quite important, so Jean had to wait a little longer. Until now, she had gotten a happy birthday from Remus and Tonks, Hermione and Ron. Harry had sent an owl, in which he told her that he’d tell her happy birthday in person. Five minutes ago she had gotten an owl from Jacob, telling her he loved her and that they would celebrate her birthday when she got back.
,,Are you excited? I bet Remus and your dad have planned something big for your 16th birthday. Can you believe we’re already getting our apparation license next year?”, Hermione asked Jean, sounding more excited than the birthday girl herself. Jean just sat there and merely smiled. ,,I don’t think so. Remus probably, but my dad’s more focused on Harry, I reckon. Besides, I don’t need a big celebration, I just want a happy birthday, that’s all”, she explained weakly, sounding quite disappointed. ,,Don’t say that. Your dad tries really hard for you. He’s still dealing with the effects of Azkaban and I reckon he feels kind of obligated to Harry’s dad to raise Harry. But after all you’re still his daughter and I’m sure he’ll remember your birthday”, Hermione tried to cheer Jean up. She smiled and admitted: ,,I guess you’re right. He won’t forget my birthday, he’s not like that.” Hermione beamed and put her arm around Jean. ,,See, I knew I could get that stupid jealousy out of your mind. I’ll see how much longer the meeting is gonna be, you wanna come with?”, she smiled and got up. Jean nodded, mainly because of the curiosity, that she had for the order meetings. She jumped up and followed Hermione down the stairs.

A few seconds later, the two girls stood at the door trying to eavesdrop. Neither of them noticed Ron suddenly standing in between them, mumbling: ,,You know that won’t work, do you? Mum’s put a silencing charm on the door, we won’t be able to hear anything they’re saying.” Jean winced and looked at Ron, feeling kind of stupid. Hermione whispered sarcastically: ,,What do you suggest we do instead then? Sever off our ears and stick them underneath the door?” Ron smirked and answered: ,,Not quite.” He held up an ear with a sting attached to it. Hermione flinched and Jean looked at it, mistrusting. ,,What is that, Ron?”, she asked, looking quite disgusted. Ron smiled proudly, before revealing: ,,That, my friends is an extendable ear. Nicked it from Fred and George. They’re trying to sell these in their joke shop. They are immune against Charms like the one that mum cast.” Hermione shrugged and answered: ,,Clever, if it works. Are you sure that they’re not gonna notice an ear just laying around by the door?” Ron nodded confidently and proceeded to shove the ear underneath the door slot. He kept the other end in his hand and as soon as he got up, they could hear voices out of their end. They put their heads together and listened carefully. ,,He’s just a boy, he doesn’t need to know”, the voice of Mrs Weasley snapped. ,,He’s not your son, Molly”, Sirius’s voice countered, sounding aggressive. There was silence for a few seconds, then Mrs Weasley answered with a shaky but certain voice: ,,But as good as. Sirius how about you raise your own daughters, because even though Jean is like my daughter, she’s still yours. And I won’t even get started on Elaine.” That warmed Jeans heart a lot. Even after the whole situation with Fred, it was good to hear that Mrs Weasley still saw her as her daughter.
Mrs Weasleys words seemed to have taken Sirius’s words, because once again the three of them heard nothing but silence. Then someone cleared their throat and spoke: ,,I think we’re done here. I completely agree with Mrs Weasley . Harry’s to young and Sirius should raise his own children. Speaking of, I promised my goddaughter an amazing birthday, so if you will.” It was Remus who had spoken.
Ron quickly pulled his string out of the door slot and motioned Hermione and Jean to follow him. Just after the three of them were out of eyeshot, the door was flung open. ,,Can we go upstairs for a second?”, Jean whispered to her two friends and they nodded. Together they snuck up the stairs as quietly as possible.
Finally, in Jeans room they fell onto the bed. ,,So, your mum basically told my dad to raise me and my sister, before he made any premature choices with Harry”, Jean concluded, trying to hide her smile. Ron looked a bit baffled and answered: ,,Yea, mum basically took you and Harry in. I found it quite amusing to listen to actually. It’s true that your dad is more focused on Harry than you or Elaine though.” Hermione nudged him, because she knew it was a sensitive topic for Jean. ,,It’s fine Hermione. He’s not wrong, we just talked about it. Harry is basically James with Lily’s eyes, so naturally my dad is gravitating towards him. I don’t think he even noticed until I told him last year. But I can also tell that he’s really trying. Remember when I was home for a couple of days last month? He was there for me and we actually did a lot together. He told me more about my mum and about old times”, Jean reassured and smiled.
Suddenly there was a lot of noise going on downstairs, which made the trio curious again. Ron went first, closely followed by Jean and Hermione. Mrs Weasley noticed the three of them and smiled. ,,Harry’s just arrived. Jean dear, happy birthday. Remus is finishing up the cake on the kitchen so don’t go there”, she explained and pulled Jean into a big hug. Jean felt really good about it and beamed. ,,Thanks Mrs Weasley. No worries, need to tell my best friend hi first anyways”, she answered happily. Mrs Weasley beamed back at Jean and directed her: ,,He’s over there, dear. Greeting your dad, I believe.” Jean nodded and walked over to the long skinny corridor. No sign of her dad but Harry stood there, a small present in his hand. ,,Harry”, Jean breathed and almost ran towards him. She flung herself into his arms, as though she hadn’t seen him for ages. ,,Happy birthday, Jeanie”, Harry whispered into her ear. ,,Thanks Harry”, she whispered back, leaving Harry to breathe.
All of a sudden her dad stood in the corridor and smiled. Jean thought it was because of her and smiled back, and when he walked towards her she thought he would wish her a happy birthday, but he walked right past her to hug Harry. ,,Harry, I haven’t seen you in forever”, he said and patted him on the back, while Jean just stood next to him, feeling like she didn’t belong there.
Choking back angry tears, she just briskly walked past her father and Harry. Mrs Weasley, Ron, Hermione and Tonks had all seen what had just occurred, so when Jean tried to storm past them, Tonks held her back. ,,No, Tonks, please, I don’t want to be here right now”, Jean begged with a crumbling voice, trying with all her might not to start crying. ,,Remus is done with the cake, let’s go to the kitchen”, Tonks mumbled back, having her arm around Jean, restricting her from escaping. Jean nodded, partly reluctant but partly happy that at least they remembered her birthday.
In the dining room
All of them had gone to the dining room, waiting for Remus to come in with the cake. The only one missing was once again Sirius. He said he wanted to get something for Harry upstairs, and at that moment Mrs Weasley almost lost it. Jean had begged her to let it be, since she didn’t want unnecessary drama on her birthday.
Remus emerged from the kitchen just a few seconds later, beaming and levitating a big cake with the writing ‘Happy 16th birthday Jean’ on it. He started singing happy birthday and everyone who was there sang along. Jean was laughing and beaming like she hadn’t in a long time. Once they were finished singing they cheered and Remus hugged Jean very tightly and mumbled: ,,Happy Birthday my little girl.” She smiled wholeheartedly and said very excitedly: ,,Thanks Remus, thank you everyone, who’s here with me to celebrate my birthday with me. This is truly amazing.” Harry, who stood next to her, hugged her and Ron and Hermione joined into the hug as well. ,,Only one year left until you come of age”, Harry mumbled grinning, as they broke apart. She nodded and was then drowned by yet another hug, from Mrs Weasley. ,,I know I already said it, but Happy birthday, dear. You’re always welcome with us, just so you know”, she smiled and looked at Jean in a way that just a mother could. ,,Thanks Mrs Weasley, I appreciate it”, Jean answered beaming. Remus cleared his throat and asked: ,,Jean, do you want to blow out your candles?” Nodding, Jean turned to the cake, which was now placed on the dining table. Mr and Mrs Weasley, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Tonks and Remus stood around her and waited for her to blow her candles out. Before she did though she interrupted: ,,Wait, I need a picture for my memory book. The one my mum started and Remus continued.” She drew her wand and mumbled: ,,Accio Camera.” Her Polaroid camera soared through the air a few seconds later and into her hands. Remus shot her a warning gaze that said; ‘you know you’re not supposed to do magic outside of school.’ Jean ignored it and placed her camera on the table, in front of her cake. ,,Say cheese everyone”, she smiled and pressed the timer button. ,,Cheese”, they said and smiled, Harry and Hermione on each side of Jean and Ron next to Hermione. Mr and Mrs Weasley on the left side and Remus and Tonks on the right. ,,Brilliant”, Jean muttered and beamed again, as the camera spit out her photo.
,,Jean, can you blow out your candles now? I’m a bit anxious for the cake”, Remus stressed and smiled a bit awkward. Jean nodded and took a deep breath before she blew all her candles out in one big blow. Everyone cheered, before they cut the cake.
A bit later
Everyone was just chilling, Harry, Ron, Jean and Hermione had gone into a different room though. Jean was quieter than usual so Harry asked: ,,Are you alright? Is it because of your dad again?” Jean looked up, and shook her head. ,,What is it then? Jean its your birthday, why are you this down?”, Hermione asked and looked at her friend worriedly. ,,I dunno, it was great and all, but dad didn’t even seem to know or care if its my birthday”, she answered, trying to avoid as many questions as she could. ,,Hmm, I know it might not seem like it, but I’m sure he does care”, Ron threw in and smiled at her. She nodded and mumbled: ,,I guess so. Still no happy birthday though.” ,,He’ll say it, just wait. Id he doesn’t, I’m sure Remus will personally beat him up along with Ron’s mum”, Harry joked in an attempt to cheer her up.
Suddenly there was a loud bang, followed by shouting. The four of them immediately leaped up and ran towards the direction of the commotion. It was coming from the dining room, where just an hour ago they had celebrated Jean’s birthday.
Jean was the first to see what was going on. Remus had Sirius pinned to the wall. The other three arrived shortly after her, equally as baffled. Remus did either not see them or just didn’t care that they were watching. ,,I’ve had enough of this Sirius Black. You’re not obligated to James to raise Harry, you’re obligated to Marlene to raise your own bloody children, at least one of them, so stop this nonsense and think about your daughters feelings for once. You promised Jean, you would be the best dad you could, the day you had that fight last year and here you are now. Its not that hard to wish your own daughter a happy birthday. Stop behaving like a dad to Harry and start behaving like one to Jean and if you’re feeling brave, send an owl to Elaine. I’ve had enough of seeing my goddaughter miserable”, Remus snapped at Sirius, still having him pinned to the wall. Tonks was trying to calm him down, unsuccessfully, Mr Weasley just stood there confused and Mrs Weasley  nodded to every word Remus said. Harry had a confused look on his face, Hermione got the entire situation sorted out in her head and looked like she knew what was about to happen, Ron whispered to Hermione, asking her to explain what he had missed and Jean, Jean was smiling. Finally, someone other than her had cracked. ,,Pads, I’m begging you, Jean’s had it hard enough”, Remus explained and looked at him very serious. Then he finally noticed Jean and the others standing in the doorframe. ,,Sorry, you weren’t supposed to hear or see”, Remus apologised and looked to the ground. Sirius stood there, looking at his daughter and Jean just stared back at him. She was overwhelmed, but maybe he’d actually care after Remus told him. Suddenly, Sirius walked towards Jean and took her into his arms. Jean stopped breathing for a moment, but then she hugged her dad back as tight as she could. ,,I’m sorry... again”, he mumbled, still holding on to Jean. ,,It’s fine, I know you’re trying”, she mumbled back. Sirius broke the hug and cupped Jean’s face. ,,Happy 16th birthday, my love. Can’t believe you’re already turning sixteen, I swear it was only yesterday that you were a baby”, he said proudly and then, he kissed Jean on the forehead. Jean was breathing heavier, trying not to cry. ,,Thanks dad”, she breathed and her lips broke into a smile. A genuine, happy smile. Her father grinned back at her and flicked her nose affectionately. Jean jokingly rolled her eyes, before she went back to Harry, Hermione and Ron.

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